Chapter 9

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We watched as Alec went towards his parents.

"Come, darling, let's wait in the hall." I told him

We waited until he came back.

"On a scale of one to ten... how unpleasant was it?" Magnus asked

"Off the charts. Yeah, I've never seen them so angry." He said looking down

"Angel, just give them some time." I told him

"Your immortal. Time is on your side. After what I did... I don't think they'll ever forgive me." He said as we followed him

"Don't underestimate a parents love." Magnus told him as we came to a stop

"You don't regret it, do you?" I asked him

"Everything happened so fast. I didn't have time to think. I just want to make sure Lydia's okay. i owe her so much." He told us

"We owe her." I told him

"What she did was nothing short of heroic. Hey, look, maybe we can slow things down?" Magnus asked

"Why don't we start with that date you owe us." I told them

"Yeah, let's do that." He said 

I couldn't help but get excited.

"I know this great Ethiopian place on 44th--" I started saying until he rushed in

"Lydia!" He screamed with Magnus and I right behind him.

Magnus checked for a pulse, before Alec activated her healing rune.

"Go get help." he told me as I grabbed some people.

While Alec tried to get some answers, Magnus and I helped heal Lydia. After we did all, we could for her, we went home.

"If Hodge delivers the Cup to Valentine, we will be in more danger than before." I said

"My love, what will we do if we have to choose between our people or our mate?" He asked me

"When it comes to that, we will decide. Until now, let's just enjoy the quietness of our home." i told him

We ate dinner, before noticing a vampire entering our wards.

"So, Magnus, how long has it been? One hundred? On hundred fifty years?" I heard Camille ask

"One hundred thirty-eight. I have not missed you." He said

"Hell no. Last I checked she was rotting in a coffin. So, what the hell is she doing here?" I asked them

"Ah, Stella. I have not missed you." She told me

"Feelings mutual. You should have stayed where you were at." I told her activating my powers

"Wait! Stella, we need her. She knows where the Book of the White is." Clary said trying to reason with me

"You won't get that information unless Magnus makes a drift for me. I want a clean slate." She told us

"Fine, but afterwards you are returning back to that box." I told her 

"let's go." Magnus said as she followed him

"Are you still mad at me for leaving you?" She asked

"No, I found someone better than you in every category." He said

"Thank you, darling." I told him

"Shame we could have been so good together." She said before vamping kissing him

Before either Magnus or I could do anything, Alec walked in.

"Stay the hell away from him!" I yelled throwing her off. I watched as she smashed into the wall

"I didn't take you for the jealous type." Camille said

"You should have seen her in the beginning of our relationship. I loved it." Magnus said from behind me

I grabbed him and kissed him to get that evil woman's taste off him.

I heard someone cough and released him. I suddenly remembered the other people in the room. 

"where's the book?" Alec asked us

"I have it." Camille said from behind Magnus

"And she's graciously offered it in exchange for her freedom." I said sarcastically

"And her freedom requires a lip-lock?" Isabelle said

"Now, Isabelle, Magnus did not kiss her. So do not speak like that to him again." I said

"We don't negotiate with prisoners." Alec said coming to stand in front of her

"Prisoner? I beg to disagree. You see, I'm your only chance at saving the world. You need me." Camille said

I could only laugh though because of what Magnus was doing beside her. I watched as Alec was trying to hold in a laugh.

"You certainly have a type, don't you, Magnus?" She asked looking at Alec and I "He's cute." She continued

"I would stop looking at him if I were you unless you want me to call my son right now to come get you." I told her. I could only smile when Alec gave a smirk

"Too bad it won't last." She continued

Before I could retort, Isabelle spoke, "say that again... you won't last."

"I'd say he's about 20 years-" "Silencio" I said watching as her mouth became quiet

"Much better." I said grabbing a drink

As I sat, Magnus and I enjoyed a moment of peacefulness.

"Come on, I'll take you to the book." Camille said as we all went towards Simon's van. We reached the place and saw books everywhere.

"Let's check the perimeter." Alec said

"Good idea, if I know Camille, she'll have a trick or three up her sleeve." Magnus said as we went to check the perimeter

We walked around for a while until I sensed a portal.

"Stop! Someone's coming." I said but before we could do anything they grabbed us.

We were all dragged to the library. I wanted to do something, but my mates were in the same position as me. I listened as Valentine talked to his children until we were released.

"I'll be back for you, Stella. I left you a present though. You should check on your high warlocks." He said before entering the portal

As he disappeared, I opened a portal.

"Magnus, do the spell. I have to go." I told him

"Wait!" Alexander yelled

"Alec, you must understand. I have to go." I said

"We don't know if this is a trap." He told me

"Alec, I don't think it is. I can't feel one of my high warlocks. Now I must go." I told him

"Fine but be safe." He said

"I will. Magnus will do the spell on Jocelyn. Magnus after your done meet me where I am." I told him entering my portal to see him nod his head

When I reached the other side, what I saw was a catastrophe. Bodies everywhere. Some of them were missing limbs. My people. All I did was sit and mourned for them.

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