Chapter 13

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I felt when Camille's energy vanished. I opened a portal and went straight to my beloves loft. It was there I found him drinking. I summoned myself a drink and sat next to him.

"Thank you for being my soulmate. Camille damaged me and it was because of her I didn't want to settle but then you came along, and I didn't feel alone. You made me feel alive. Showed me the wonders of the world. And now we have Alexander, who is extraordinary. So, Stell, thank you for being you." He told me looking right into my eyes, showing me his cat like eyes. I wanted to cry as I showed him my wolf eyes.

"Thank you, Magnus Bane. You showed me what true love is. Taught me how not to be ashamed of my other sides. Thank you for accepting all of me. I love you with all my heart. And now we have Alexander who is amazing." I told him

We kissed before going back to drinking. 

"Clarissa and Simon are here." He told me

We got up and opened the door. Suddenly we were bombarded with questions about revival.

"Absolutely not." Magnus told her

"Is it possible? Magnus, Stella, tell me, can it be done? Yes or No?" She asked us

"Sure..." Magnus said

"There are warlocks who've done this sort of thing, but you're talking about is dark, dark magic." I told her

"It's wildly unpredictable." Magnus added

"Have you ever done it before?" Simon asked

I have but I won't tell them that. 

"No." We both said "And don't encourage this." Magnus told him

"Biscuit. I'm sorry. I know how important she was to you." Magnus told her

"She was my mom. If you were me, if we were talking about your mom..." She started looking at us

"I wouldn't bring her back." Magnus and I said at the same time

"I don't understand." Clary said

"I was nine years old when my mother realized what my cat eyes meant. She couldn't live with the fact that she bore the son of a demon." He explained as I grabbed his hand knowing how difficult this subject was for him. "So, she took her life. With this very Keris." He finished

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know." Clary told him

"it's not like he tells anyone. This is something he finds hard to tell. Clary, it takes time to gte over those you love. " I told her

"Your mother was a special woman. It may take time, but over the years it gets easier, never easy, just easier. Your mother only wanted to protect you at all costs. So much so that she had me remove your memories. Since we can't get those back... " he said before bringing one of his own memories out. "Take one of mine." he told her giving her the picture from his memories.

"Oh my god. When was this?" She asked him

"The day I met you. The first thing I notice is that you both share the same laugh." He told her as they both laughed "Losing your mom, it's not something you make better with magic." he said but couldn't finish

"You just head straight into it and cry your eyes out." I finished for him

We watched as she walked out, followed by Simon. We we're soon left by ourselves again.

"I'm sorry, you had to relive that." I told him

"It's okay my love. Why wouldn't you want to revive your mother?" He asked me

"My mother and father as you know never treated me like a daughter. My mother however had her moments. Although, she was nice sometimes, she never treated me as her own blood. Although, when I was somewhere around 100 years, I met this woman and her husband. They treated me like I was their daughter. I stayed with them till, I was alone again. Throughout the years, I would check on their kids and so on. Even till this day I do. She was the mother I wished I had, but I never called her mom." I told him

"Why not?" He asked me

"My mother did damage to me only a mother could." I told him plain and simple.

We just sat there in silence, until Magnus sense something.

"Who is it?" I asked him

"Alexander." He told me

We got up and walked towards him. We saw him on the balcony and oh my god he looked like a god. We opened the door and the way he looked at us had me shivering in pleasure, but I couldn't help but see his sadness.

"You, okay?" I asked him

"I can't be in that Institute." he told us

"Oh, Alec." magnus said

"Heard you turned in Camille. How'd that go?" He asked Magnus

"Honestly...It was awful." Magnus said leaning against the door. I just stood leaning against the railing listening to the two people I love most in pain. "We had a lot of history, She and I. I'm sorry if that's weird." He said

"It's not weird." We told him at the same time.

"You say what you think." Alec added. I watched as he rubbed his hands. I noticed how red they are.

"Too busy to use healing runes?" I asked in concerned

"I'm fine." He told me

"No, you're not." Magnus told him "You're hurting. badly." Magnus added

"You hope the pain here will overpower the pain there." I said showing the different areas of pain "I wish it were that simple." I finished

"I let a demon in, Magnus, Stella." He told us

"That wasn't your fault." We told him

"I don't know what to say to Clary. I can't face her." He told us

"But you will. because that's what you do, Alexander. It may take you a minute, but I've seen it up close." I told him "Magnus and I went to your wedding. You'll blow up the very ground you stand on to make something right." I finished with a fierceness in my voice to know how much I believe in him.

I just stay leaning against the railing watching as Alec looks down, thinking. I looked towards Magnus seeing how he look at Alec with so much concern. I love these two guys with all my heart. 

We stayed there till Alec was ready to go back to the Institute. After he left, Magnus and I went to bed holding each other, hoping for a happier day.

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