Chapter 35

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I wake up, careful of Alexander and Magnus. I crawled out of bed, changing and started breakfast. I made some pancakes with bacon and eggs. After, gathering the orange juice, I make my way to the bedroom. I see Magnus up and looking at alexander.

"He'll be okay." I told him

"Are you sure? Stella, I watched as he was barely holding on for breath as the arrow was lodge in him." He told me

"I know. I was there, too. He didn't die though. We made sure of that." I told him

"Mmm." Alexander moaned out

We both looked at him.

"Alexander." We murmured at the same time

"What happened?" He asked

"What do you remember?" I asked him

"I was fighting the owl...and... and then an arrow was pushed into me." He said before looking at his chest. "What happened? Is Jace okay? Isabelle? You? Magnus?" He asked us in a haste

"Shh. Breathe, Alexander." Magnus told him "I came back from Edom and rounded the corner I sensed you at. I saw the owl push the arrow into you. I released power at Jace. As I did that, Jace was released from the possession. I couldn't heal you though." Magnus explained

"Then, Jace appeared when I was about to kill some demons. He told me that something happened. I rushed towards y'all and saw you with the arrow. I started healing you. Damage by damage. After, you were fully healed, Magnus and I brought you home." I finished

"Thank you, but Magnus what happened to your magic?" He asked

"In order for me to obtain the magic needed to release Jace, I would need to give up my magic. I couldn't heal you because I didn't have magic. Stella brought us home after nearly depleting her own magic." He told him

"I'm sorry." Alexander said

I just looked at him.

"Are you in any pain?" I asked him

"I can breathe, but it's like a dull ache. I'm fine." He told me

"Drink this." I told him handing him a potion

"Thank you." He said

"Now, let's eat." I said putting the food in front of us

We all ate in bed, enjoying the comfort from each other.


It's been a rough couple of days since that morning. Magnus not knowing what to do. Alexander constantly going out, to keep Jace from dying. Me not knowing what to do to help them. I keep casting protection spells on Alexander, fearing something will happen. I can't even give Magnus powers. 

Tonight, though, we honor Clary. I set up the bowl on the balcony. I watch as Magnus gathers the candle, flowers, and lighter. Him wanting to light it. We set the ceremony up, waiting for Alexander. He showed up and we stood beside Magnus as he said the prayer. We bowed our heads and honored the life that was Clary. We went to bed with me holding onto my men. Fear of them disappearing.


I wake up and find myself alone. I look to my left and see Magnus doing his makeup. 

"Morning." I said

"Morning, my star." He told me before continuing his makeup

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