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Miami, Florida, USANovember 28th, 20189:30pm

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Miami, Florida, USA
November 28th, 2018

Onika POV

Thunder shook the house and lightning lit the night sky as the rain beat against the window harshly

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Thunder shook the house and lightning lit the night sky as the rain beat against the window harshly. I looked at my tear stained face in the bathroom mirror. My eyes were hurting from the rashes my tears had left me, my nose was clogged due to the crying i had just finished doing, and my face was the reddest I've ever seen it probably due to the slap I received earlier from my mother and my father. I sighed as i turned on the water as i begin to get myself ready for bed. Lights are supposed to be out at 10pm. I knew if i had my light on pass 10:30:01. It would give my bullies a reason to beat and belittle me. Never in my short 17 years of living would i have thought the people that were supposed to love and protect me were the ones bringing harm and causing me pain.

I flinched as the warm rag touched my face which was definitely going to be swollen tomorrow. Good thing I'm homeschooled. "Why me god?" I questioned lowly as i wiped my face. I got my toothbrush and began brushing my teeth wincing due to my face hurting but i knew if I didn't brush my teeth. I would be punished.

I put my medium length curly hair up into a bum and placed on my bonnet. I cut off the bathroom lights and walked into my bedroom which was decent size.

I wished i could enjoy the fruits of my parents labor but instead i was getting beat and talked down on 24/7

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I wished i could enjoy the fruits of my parents labor but instead i was getting beat and talked down on 24/7. If i breathed to loud or did anything that ticked them off which was everything i was often called a worthless piece of shit, among other things. It hurt my hurt but after a while i started believing them and became numb to the insults and my self confidence was shattered at the tender age of 10.

I was startled from my thoughts by a knock at my bedroom door which made the hair on my arms and back stand up. I hadn't done anything wrong. It was only 9:48. One of my torturers knocked again and I immediately got up and answered. I knew if i left them knocking for too long, they would kick the door down and beat my ass for "ignoring them and being disobedient". They had done it multiple times before spending up to 10 racks on fixing my bedroom door because they "valued my privacy".

"What the fuck were you doing?!" My father yelled grabbing me by the neck tightly cutting off my airway.

"Nothing master." I whispered out due to lack of breathe. Master. My father made me call him that. He wasn't much of a father nor daddy anyway. I would call him a sperm donor but i would get beat for hours upon hours for that.

"You lying little bitch! Carol hon come here! You know what we do to liars." He said before letting go of my neck causing me to gasp loudly. I was once again short of breathe as a boot crashed into my side. I let out a silent cry. I learned at 12 not to yell or it was worse. When Mistress came. That's what she made me call her. Master began to tell her how he had to knock twice and when he questioned me i lied to his face.

She didn't say nothing she just kicked me in the head causing my ears to ring and it began. They kicked me punched me, and called me everything but my name for what seemed like an eternity which was just 10 minutes

"Get up and go to sleep. Those lights better be off by 10 or it'll be worse." Mistress said before looking at Master in a seductive way. It's like they got off on torturing me. It was just sick. I crawled to my room closing my door. I looked up at my clock that read 9:58 and I hurriedly cut off my light not wanting to get beat anymore tonight and climbed into my bed and cried. Just like i did every other night.


I woke up from my slumber because of the loudest thunder i had heard in my life. I winced as my body was sore from the beating that took place almost 3 hours ago. I had to get out of here. I'm sure if i stayed i would not make it to my 18th birthday next week. This was a wicked place. If Heaven and Hell was real this was it. I was born in Hell and right now all i wanted to do was go to Heaven.

I slowly got up from my bed careful not to make too much noise. I looked out my window. My room was on the 2nd floor but it wasn't too high. I could make that jump. My parents never put no alarm on my window because they thought i was too scared to runaway which was true but after tonight's beatings. I was done. I was tired. I did nothing to deserve being called ugly, worthless, and a failed abortion and much more vile things. I did not deserve to get beat multiple times a day for things every human does. I slowly slid up my window. My heart racing. Freedom was so close yet so far. I stopped every now and then to see if my parents had a awaken. I didn't take anything. I didn't want anything. I didn't want to remember my personal hell. After successfully opening the window fully. I jumped. I landed and just ran. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. As far away from that place as i could as the wind and the cold rain against my now heated skin due to the adrenaline beat down on me.

It was not wise to be outside at 1am in Miami. No matter where you lived but no other hell was worse then mine. Someone could shoot me right now and it wouldn't faze me. Someone could jump me i was used to that anyway but it wouldn't faze me. Someone could snatch my ass from the road right now and it wouldn't faze me. I wouldn't even fight. I was just so so tired and my body hurt.

I stopped walking and broke down crying tears of anger, pain, sadness and joy. Anger because i blamed myself. Why didn't i just die in Mistress womb? Pain because that's what i felt everyday and I don't know when that pain will be gone. Sadness because of what my "parents" did to me and joy because i was finally free. I wiped my rapidly falling tears as i began to walk again. My tears clouding my vision every couple of seconds. They would not stop falling.

My ears perked up at the sound of a vehicle approaching from behind me. I stopped in my tracks and looked behind me seeing a white van. I just smiled. If they were here to take me away. I wouldn't care. I just turned around and kept walking. I don't know where. I was now officially a broke 17 soon to be 18 year old adult but i didn't feel like one. My parents took my childhood away and made me dependent on them. I didn't know what it was to be independent or an adult. The thought gave me crippling anxiety and my tears began again. In my mind i was still that 5 year little girl. A year later is when my abuse began.

Just as i looked behind me again. A paper towel was placed onto my face with some kind of drug because i was knocked out within seconds. At least i escaped from my wicked prison.

A/N: Welcome to Wicked. Poor Nika. She don't deserve what they did to her.


Her getting the courage to escape?

Her escaping?

Who do you think kidnapped her?



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