EC013 : A New Friend? or Enemy? Millay Shirley Appears

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Kamon's POV

After learning the real purpose that why need the data, we all make up with Ryukai them and continued be friends again! So happy!

~At my House~

All (Basara/Samuru/Rinne/Ryukai/Ryuken/Rimai/Novu/Bakuga) : Cheered!

Rimai : Sorry for the conclusion.

Kamon : Nah! No big deal!

Others : *Smile*

Ken : I think someone should.

All : *Looks*

We all looked at Rinne who still dressed as Rin and in Tsudere mode leaning to the wall which made us kinda uncomfortable.

Yuki : Well, that's complicate.

We all agreed, when she can puts down the act?

Riki : Hey, Rinne, Come join us!

Dracyan : Yes. Stand here alone kinda bore so come hang out with your brothers and sister.

Rinne : Give me a break.

Other : Huh?

Ryuken : My...My...

Riki : C'mon, don't be so stubborn about it. We're friends again and hang ... (Happy-lucky)

Rinne : Riki Ryugasaki. *Glare*

Riki : Uh?

Rinne : I was defeated by you, that's the truth but - *Glare*

All : ?!

Rinne : I don't remembering that accept you all as my comrades!

Kamon : Hey-hey~ Don't be so stubborn anyway.

Garuburn : He's right.

Wavern : You all have no rights to say to us. Me and Rinne doesn't accept you all, because we don't trust you.

All : Huh?!

Ryukai : Oi-Oi...

Rimai : Rinne, aren't you a little to strict?

Rinne : You want me to believe this hypocrite, then show me. That what opponents that you face you will cannot show any hesitate or mercy. But I think that won't happen.

Garuburn : Huh?! What? You even...

Kamon : Giving Riki a chance.

Wavern : There's no need to give him a chance.

Drago : Unlike you to say something like that.

Helios : A warrior must accept his or her defeat and respect the winner for exchange.

Rinne : Winner? Don't make me laugh. *Anger* You think a Hypocrite like him will continue to be victorious? Then Dream On!

Her words made all of us angry for putting down Riki.

Yuki : Hey! Don't say that word to described Riki. *Anger*

Simon : Kisha! Everything that Riki does aren't hypocrisy.

Dravise : They right! Riki is not a Hypocrite.

Dragren : Hey-hey, somebody in her bad mood.

Rinne : You think you won't be hesitate again in the opponents that you face? Then you're wrong.

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