EC008 : ?! They're Enemies?!

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Previous Chapter :

The WBMA received a message from Chrome City, a message of contract termination between them which caused Riki them surprised.


Rory : Is a Contract termination message!

All : WHAT?!

Riki : Contract termination?

Dracyan : They are going to cut off the contract with the WBMA?!

Rory : And they also send another message.

Rory open the other message, its appears to be a voice message. (I don't know if this correct) ;

" The B-Shots of WBMA & Crestland, good evening. We Chrome City would

like to declared a war of b-daman. To finish our goal, we will captured and

defeated every b-shots that conclude in the WBMA & Crestland.

The battle will begin at 2.00p.m. —

??? (Male, Black) : — Time Limit is 1 hour. " *Hang up phone*

??? (Female, Pink) : Alah, Aren't you too soft on them?

??? (Male, Blonde) : Well, that doesn't matter now.

??? (Female, Pink) : You're right. .....Where's it SHE?

??? (Male, Black) : She had already arrived at Crestland. She said she can handle it all by herself.

??? (Male, Blonde) : With her skills, she can defeat almost anyone in time even though she alone.

??? (Female, Pink) : Soune, is time.

The time almost at 2.00p.m., 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1

???(Male, Blonde) : B-Shots

??? (Female, Pink) : Ready

??? (Male, Black) : Aim

All ??? : Fireblast!!!

Riki's POV :

Its time. Then Rory show us a map where we live then on the map, appears many red dots.

Rory : These dots are the b-shots that are not beated yet, if the dot disappeared, that mean someone was taken out.

Riki : Mystery.

Ms.Rory them for our safety, the WBMA want us to stay at the headquarter for an hour.

Suddenly, a lots of dots start to disappearing.

Granpa Takakura : Rory!

Rory : A lots of b-shots are been defeated by unknown b-shots. We are trying to contact them but -

Granpa Takakura : No time to response.

Riki : Mystery~ Look at that.

Samuru : Lots of b-shots are taking down by our opponents.

Dravise : They can't response or report to the WBMA while they are been chased.

Basara : Cs! We only can do is standing here?!

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