A flash in the past

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Episode 12.5

                             3 weeks ago ...


"Bruh why you always dragging me to these boring ass grocery stores. Let's hit the strip club and see some ass shake" My brother sharif jokingly said.
"As long as you staying in my shit you coming to do the house shit too. Like buying groceries Nigga"
"Man I don't want None of that healthy bullshit you been eating. I'll meet you in the front" he said.

I shook my head because my brother is a annoying smart ass. He's my twin brother so we tend to bump heads a lot but it's all love. He moved with me in my summer condo 2 months ago because his girl kicked him out. I'm not surprised tho. All he do is cheat on her, apologize then cheat some more. She did walk in on him fucking his sons second grade teacher. Let's just say That's the difference in our characters. When I get the girl of my dreams she's going to be treated like the queen she is. Fuck all that wanting other women especially if She was everything I ever wanted in this life.

"Excuse me"
"I'm looking for the Avacados, Avacados"
"There" she pointed
"De nada"

I walked over and grabbed a few that's when I saw her. She walked right to the Avacados, I dead ass thought I was dreaming..

"Bellee?" I said. She wasn't even paying attention. She had headphones on and was singing shine bright like a Diamond. She still love Rihanna I see.
"Bellee" I tapped her shoulder as she filled her bag with Avacados.
"Um do I... wait.. Sahz is that you!?"
"It's me" I smiled "I'm real" I chuckled

She gave me the biggest hug and it felt so good to hold her again.

"You look, damn baby girl" I said damn near drooling over her.
"I mean look at you ! You look amazing you lost so much weight , you ripped now huh?"
"You had that happy weight on me" I chuckled "I miss you"
"Um.. it's really so good to see you tho" she said and tried to walk away.

Ain't no way I'm ever losing her again. My mother nor step father can stop this now. I'm a grown ass man now.

"Nah not this time" I pulled her to me and kissed her.
"Nooo" she said afterwards "Sahz I'm sorry I have a boyfriend now"
"I don't give a fuck he not me"
"Stop, I can't do this with you... I just can't"
"Are you even happy?"
"Huhhh- I guess I don't know"
"But when you were with me I never let a frown hit this beautiful face." My hand graced her cheek.
"Sahz" she melted just as use to.

I know she still loves me. Fuck what she got now. I give a fuck about that if he was treating her right she wouldn't be unsure about her happiness.

"Come to my party tonight and let's catch up. That's it I swear"
"I can't"
"Bellee please, I miss you. I need you"
"Why why now!?"
"It's not really a now thing I've been waiting for you. I'm single, I'm not seeing anyone and I stay myself. I told you years ago that I would wait for you. If this is not a sign from god that you meant to be mine... I don't know what is. Just come kick it with me for old time sake."
"Okay I'll think about it"
"I'll take that, here take my number and text me" I said putting my number in her phone.

I watched as she walked away and fuck man she still got my heart racing. It was always something about her and that smile. I never stopped loving her.

"Who was that?" My brother came from nowhere.
"No one nigga, you do too much."
"So you wasn't talking to her?"
"About Avacados mind your shit yo" I said

After we finished grabbing food and stuff we went back to my condo. My brother brought hella fucking snacks and started opening every snack he got.

"You making a mess and you know I feel about that shit. Pick your shit up yo"
"Blah blah blah, this house gonna be trashed tonight anyway"
"Until then keep the shit clean at least Damn nigga"

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