Nothing is what it seems

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Episode 9


"Nana why she go so fast?" Brenden asked as we sat on my big comfy couch.
"She needs time."
"I thought you said she was cousin. I thought she would want to play with me nana. I'm sad."
"Brenden there's no need to be sadden honey. You have everything you to play until you can't anymore. Now when daddy comes to get you don't you mention this. Alright?"
"Okay I'm hungry, I want cereal"
"Sure go down and ask Mrs Melda"
"Yay" he ran out overjoyed. "Nana!! Daddy's here!" I heard brenden squeal at the front door.
"Alright honey" I replied then my son came in.
"Hey mom" he said laying a gentle kiss on my cheek.
"Hi son. I thought you weren't picking Brenden up for another hour?"
"I finished my business early and here I am" he smiled
"Good for you. You'll have to bring him back by tomorrow before 9. I have to step out around 9am"
"Sounds good, Can I talk to you about something"
"Was that a serious question?" I smiled
"Ight so I got caught up in something."
"Caught up in what?"
"I fucked up. Siana leaving me and I don't know what to do"
"Messed up how?" I looked at him concerned.

He paused then answered.

"I have another baby on the way"

My hand striked his face in an instant.

"How dare you!" My disappointment was evident.
"Mom I'm sorry but I need your support right now."
"Sorry? After what you've already put Siana through with Brenden. I'm extremely disappointed in you. I did not raise you to treat women the way you do!" I angrily spoke when Brenden ran in.

"Daddy Daddy cousin was here!" Brenden blurted. He just turned 4 so I already knew this was coming.
"Cousin? What he talking about mom?"
"Go and play in the play room my darling"
"Okay!" He smiled skipping away
"What is he talking about mom? You not on this search for Gia anymore are you? You promised me you'd let that go. This shit has effected your health, your mind hell your sense of direction. Please tell me that's not this again"
"You can't tell me to stop looking for your sister. I told you I'd never give up on finding her. I'm sorry as much as you want me to give it up I cannot"
"Who did you have around my son mom?"
"Bellee! it was Bellee Brysyn. She was never dead..."
"I know"
"What!?" I stood up on shock. "What do you mean you know?"
"I've known for some years now mom. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you wasting your time with this shit anymore"
"How long have you known? How did you find her?"
"I hired a private investigator and she gave me a folder full of her pictures. You have to understand mom your sick you need to heal before the stress kills you"
"I want you out of my house"
"Get out Luke, I can't even look at you!" I began to cry.

Instead of giving me peace of mind my son choose to keep this secret from me. I don't know the son I raised anymore. He treats his women terribly, He lies through his teeth and he only cares about himself. I've been sick with cancer for 3 years now and that never stopped me from doing anything. I'm a grown ass woman.

"I'm sorry mom, I did it so you'd be here to see Brenden grow. Had I let you fall into this shit again you could be gone"
"If god wills my day to be today so be it, if it's tomorrow so be it. You do not control my last days on this earth. That job is the man above. So before you open your mouth and tell me what you did for me. Ask yourself why you did it for yourself."
"Daddy I wanna go to the cheesy place!" Brenden ran out tugging at his fathers shirt.

One thing I will say is my son is an amazing father. I knew he would be the day I had him. He and Gia were my world. I had him when Gia was 10. They both were so close as if they were born together. I never thought Luke would give up on finding his sister but I understood why he didn't want to look anymore.

Those times were the most rough losing her. I was not a great example of a mother at the time and I truly blame myself for what Luke has become. He needed me and all I was focused on was my daughter. Deep down I felt Cris had something to do with her disappearance. Luke refused to see that because of the relationship he had with Cris. They became close after the first day they met. Luke believed Cris and I did not. I can never tell Luke what really happened to Cris because I know he'd never forgive me either. Cris has people brainwashed to the point of no return. Which is why I can't be sad for him. He took my baby and stopped my world. His karma was due.

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