Just My Luck

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Episode 1


"How you say yo name?" A random guy in my intro psych class asked when my name came up on the slide show as the next presenter.

I don't know why I signed up for school in the first place knowing my dad don't got the coin to keep me here. His business tanked during The pandemic. He used what he had saved for my college tuition to pay our mortgage.  My first semester was paid for and that's about it. My dad promised he'd have the money to pay my next 2 years but funny thing is I haven't seen my dad since my second week of school. Week 3 and I'm already annoyed, angry, confused and ready to drop out. My dad is pretty much missing and I can't go to the police because my dad got secrets. My mom left before my second birthday, no goodbyes no nothing.

It's like she said fuck being a mom. My dad told me this bogus ass story that my mom was sick and she didn't want me to see her die. Little do my dad know I snoop through his shit. I read the letter my mom left. My dad had it hid in an old brief case under his bed. He stay lying to me. I cried when I read it but I couldn't say anything to my dad when I found it because he was stressed enough.

The letter said


I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore. I can't. This is not the life I wanted. I don't want to be a mother to Bellee. I don't want to keep pretending to love you both . You have secrets cris that I can't live with anymore. You are not the person I fell in love with anymore.

You put Bellee in me on PURPOSE when you knew I didn't want to have your child.  You're lucky I'm not suing you after you damaged the condom! Did you think you hid it well?? This is goodbye Chris. I know you'll treat Bellee well and y'all will be alright without me. Don't you dare look for me.

After I read that I had so many questions but then I said fuck it because that's how I always been. If she didn't want me Oh well I call her my Egg donor anyway. It hurt the words she wrote and it hurt that she didn't want me in the first place. If it wasn't for my dad I wouldn't even be on this earth and I honestly didn't know how I felt about that part.

My relationship with my dad is so real and I truly love him despite all this ugliness he tries to hide from me. At least he's present.  Everybody have fucked up stories somewhere down the line and this just mine.

"What you didn't hear me?"
"Boy don't get your feelings hurt. I'm not the one or the two. Belly is how you say my name and if I wanted to answer you I would have"
"Ooohhh" the whole class cheered
"Belly , My bad no hard feelings?"

I rolled my eyes and thanked god class was letting out. The end of period bell rang.

"Bellee you'll present first next class" the professor said
"Mmhmm" I nodded my head and left but guess who followed me... yeah sir what you ain't hear me head ass.

"Yo wait up real quick" he jogged towards me. His cubin link chains making noise as he tried to stop me.
"You big annoying" I rolled my eyes again as I kept up my speed walk. I was happy I wore my adidas today.
"Why you being so mean?"
"Nigga cus I am"
"Whoa hold up" he grabbed my arm turning me towards him.

I looked him up and down admiring his look. He was brown skin, tall maybe like 6'3, He had them chinky eyes so he looked like he was mixed or something. His fit was alright. He had on a Valentino t-shirt and dark denim jeans. His feet looked big especially in them Yeezys. As cute as he was I could give two fucks. Swag check, personality trash.

"What do you want?"
"I'm trying to apologize"
"For?" I questioned as if I didn't already know
"For being an asshole, I'm sorry. I'm Jakai"
"Apology not accepted"
"You something else" he chuckled
"I'm glad you think it's funny"
"let me take you out"
"What? Nigga no"
"Give me 3 reasons why you telling me no"
"Your ego, your pride, your privilege, now have a nice day" I smiled and left him right where he was to ponder.

I don't got time for his type. Walking around with all that money on him looking like he do. He already think he can get me. Just as he expected me to accept his apology as well as his invitation to take me out. No means no. I know I dodged a bullet.

I was happy the day was over. Home was my favorite place to be and my car was my second. My dad got this for me as a graduation gift. A 2021 Kia telluride. Shit was cool and smooth because it was mine.

"Wait hold up what's going on??!" I yelled as I walked up to the guy towing my car.
"They reached out a few times, I'm sorry I have to take it"
"Take it for what!? I'm about to fucking snap"
"The payments are 4 months behind this is how it works"
"This car don't got payments, my dad paid this off" I said confused as fuck once again because of my dad.
"Is your dad Chris Peirson?"
"The payments are 4 months behind I suggest you call your dad" the tow truck driver stated as he got in and pulled of with my shit"
"Oh my gosssssh!!!" I screamed so loud the small crowd that formed in the parking lot started to leave.
"What happened ?" Jakai came out of nowhere. It pissed me off so bad but I needed a ride home.
"They just took my car" I started to sound sad but I was really boiling.
"I can give you a ride, my next class isn't until 5."
"Thank you seriously and I'm sorry I just don't trust people"
"I get it, I overstepped my bad. My car up here come on" he said as he walked in the direction of his car.

The only thing I could think about was where is my dad. When I call his phone it goes to voicemail, all of his clothes are still home but his car is gone. Now I'm thinking I should go to the cops.

"This me" he said unlocking his Dodge Charger. It was blacked out completely even the rims. "Let me get your bag" he said popping the trunk.
"Fancy" I said as I handed him my book bag and got in.
"This just my favorite car wait until you see the other ones" He smiled as he started it up.

We got to my house in like 2.5 seconds. Yes I'm being dramatic but it felt fast as hell.

"Thanks" I said as I was about to get out.
"Anytime, are you still turning down my offer to take you out?"
"Mmm, let me think on it.. take my number" I put it in his phone but I know me he just ain't my type.
"I'll take that, you going to be okay?" He smirked
"Yeah, can you pop the trunk for me" I handed him his phone
"Text me and I'll let you know about that date"
"I will" he smiled as his phone rang. "My bad I gotta get this" he said

I got out looking around as I did. Something was seeming off about my neighborhood but I couldn't put my finger on it. A black SUV drove by and slowed down as it past my house and I swore that same SUV passed by yesterday and the day before.

"What the" I mumbled as I opened the trunk and grabbed my bag while looking for the truck to past by again. I ran in the house so fast I didn't even say goodbye to Jakai but when I got in the house I realized my bag was feeling a little heavy.

"Shit this is not mine" I said as I dropped it on the floor" I ran outside to flag down Jakai but he was already gone. I was so busy looking for the truck I grabbed the wrong book bag.

"I guess he gonna have to come back for it" I said to myself.

I walked back in the house locking all the doors behind me. I walked around checking the windows and doors. This was my daily routine after seeing that SUV a few times.  After I made me some tea and rolled me a fatty. I texted my dad again letting him know my car was gone and I needed him. I hoped my message had got to him. I even left him a voicemail but that was the last one I could leave his voicemail was now full.

"Ugh" I sighed the house felt so empty. It was a pretty big house for just my dad and I. We have a finished basement. My dads room is downstairs and the whole upstairs is mine. Although I loved the first few days alone. I'm now worried my dad could be hurt or better yet dead. That is the thought that hurts me the most.

As I plopped on the couch I realized my bag was still in Jakai trunk and he hadn't text me yet.

"I wonder" I snickered as I decided to snoop in his bag.

It was still sitting in the front of my staircase. I sat on the first step and dragged it closer to me. As I opened it I imagined it was full of weed and I was about to have to give my mans an IOU.

"Whooaaa" I jumped up and covered my mouth. There was a brick of GOLD and a gun.
"What the shit yo!" I paced back and forth because I was high as shit. Then suddenly I heard loud banging on my door.

"FBI we have a warrant to search this property"

My heart dropped to my ass as I grabbed the bag and ran straight to the basement. I knew they were out back so I literally had no plan and this nigga BAG.


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