Upside down

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Episode 8


I begged this woman to let us go and I knew she wouldn't.                           

"Let you go? Your dad isn't leaving out this room until he tells me where my sister Carmen is. I'll leave you here to speak with him and I hope you can get him to talk because 3 min can go by fast. Clocks ticking." I looked at her with disgust. I hated her.

The door closed behind her and I ran to hug my dad. He looked and smelled terrible but I didn't care. I missed him with everything in me.

"I thought you were dead" I sobbed into his chest.
"Listen to me baby we don't have a lot of time. I can't get her sister back because she's gone. I had to play my part or they would have sold you and killed your mother. If I don't make it out of here I need you to follow every step I'm about to give you."
"No we're both leaving out of here, I'm not leaving without you! Why can't we come up with a lie or something dad please"
"No more lies bellee"
"Did you have something to do with my mom leaving?" I immediately ask as the thought of Carrie saying he did came across my mind.
"Yes but she left on her own. She wanted me out of this business but I couldn't. She didn't understand your lives were in danger"
"I-" I felt myself about to break down. How can I not trust my dad.
"Bellee look at me now princess"
"Okay" I sobbed
"Our time is running out. Listen to me, when you leave this room go down to the bank on 7th ave. There's a safety deposit box in your name. I Left you everything you need to get far away from here. Follow every step and don't skip anything. You hear me?"
"Yes but why are you talking like you're going to die dad. I can't lose you , I can't!"
"I'll always be with you baby's girl, when you close your eyes, when you open them, when you have a bad day, when your day is filled with happiness, when you fall in love. You are my light and now I'll always be yours"
"Dad please! Please! Lie for me once more! If you love me you'll do it.. just tell her you don't know her sister!"
"She might kill you bellee, I can't risk it!"
"Please dad" I begged
"I love you so much"

Suddenly the door opened and she walked in.

Times up" She walked back in. She held a knife in her right hand smirking as if she could care less. I hate her face, her voice, everything about her.
"He doesn't know anything" I blurted hoping my dad would lie but the moment I spoke Carrie spoke over me.
"You shut up. I didn't ask you to speak. Cris start fucking talking!" She angrily demanded as her men kept their guns pointed at me. My heart was pounding.
"I don't know your sister. I'm telling you the truth!" My dad blurted. I was happy he lied I almost smirked.
"You don't know Carmen Cris? You don't know your wife's best friend!? You came to the hotel the night she was there ! Stop fucking lying!" She suddenly grabbed me by my hair. The way she gripped it felt like she was pulling my hair out my scalp. I panicked and started to swing then she put her knife to my throat.
"Pleaseee! Stop! Dadddd!!" I cried out as I felt the pressure of knife on my skin.
"Alright!! Alright!!" My dad screamed and I knew he was going to tell her. Tears began falling from my eyes uncontrollably.
"Alright what Cris?"
"I know Carmen..." he said
"I knew that now where the fuck is she?"
"I don't know. I'm sorry"

I suddenly felt a sharp pain as she pushed her knife slowly in my side. The pain was indescribable. My hands were shaking.

"Excuse me?" She said
"AGGGHH-AHHH DADDDDDD!!" I screamed as she applied pressure.

"STOP STOP!! I swear to you I don't know where she is. She was sold years ago I wouldn't know how to even begin to find her. You killed the man who sold her. He was the head of the snake. I had no doing in this, I tried to pay for her myself but my family was on the line. I had to follow rules or they would have killed my daughter. Everything I did was to protect my family. I never meant for Carmen to be hurt, I never knew what I signed up for when I first took this job. Once I was in , I was in. Bellee and her mother have been a target since."
"You're full of shit. Then where's Gia your wife?"
"She left. She left because of what happened to Carmen. I swear that's the truth!"

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