Alot at stake

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Episode 9


After the whole dinner fiasco we decided to go back to the hotel. I knew Bellee needed space after everything that happened. I can't say I'm surprised with the events considered all of the things Bellee has been through leading up to this. My best friend is so strong and I'm hoping Anara bringing up that outfit doesn't cause trouble for her. If I could take the brute of her pain I would.

When Anara and I got up to the room we were hungry as hell. Jakai's mom packed us up food to go so I threw our plates in the microwave and we dug in. We didn't even change. Thats one of the things I loved about Anara. She was just like me, if I'm hungry Ima eat.

Back in high school Anara and I use to sneak around and fuck all the time. We fell in love but kept it a secret for a long time . Anara's family was strict and I still hadn't come out to mine. I wanted to tell Bellee but truthfully at that time I had a crush on her. I knew if I told her she'd suspect I liked her more then friends. I was too afraid to lose our friendship plus I didn't want to lose Anara over my feelings for Bellee.

I've always kept our friendship at just friends since. I know she's probably upset I didn't tell her but I'm hoping she understands. I wasn't ready then...

"You want some more?" I asked Anara as I began to put up the good.
"Nope I'm stuffed. I can't believe this is the dinner we never got to eat. I mean this chicken and this rice plus this salmon and fried cheese triangle things, Mm, like what are these?" Anara questioned as she stuffed her face.
"rántott sajt"
"Ouuul you know I love when you use those fancy words" she smiled
"Don't I" I laughed "You okay? You seem real calm after all that. I'm sorry I didn't know the dinner would be like that"
"It's okay my family dinners be messy just like that well without the killing. That was little too much for me. Bellee could have warned you"
"Yeah true, I'll give her some time before I talk to her about it. how did you get that outfit? And why didn't you tell me you were going to give it back to her?"
"I asked you at the hospital if you wanted me to bag it to give back to her. You said yeah"
"I meant bag it so I can give it to her not you. She changed that outfit because Jakai asked her not to wear it so I'm sure you stirred up an argument tonight"
"How is that my fault?! You didn't clarify that information to me so how was I supposed to know Cina. That's bogus to blame me for that shit."
"I'm sorry Nara, I'm not trying to blame you, you're right I didn't clarify that, it was a lot going on at the time. I'm just telling you so you know now"
"To hide her slutty outfits from her man because she's not allowed to wear them? What is she a teen and he's her father?"
"Don't do that.. it's about respect. You remember that outfit that showed your nipples right?"
"Huhhh... what about it?"
"When I asked you to change you did. Are You telling me you didn't want to?"
"Of course I did because I'm yours and I understood your perspective. If you were out showing what's mine other females I'd be pissed too. I guess I get it but it seems a bit much to argue about. It's not like her outfit had her nipples out just a little bit of cheeks..."
"They've been having problems they're trying to work through we can't be adding to that. That's all I'm saying."
"I'm sorry okay... and let Bellee know I'm sorry too. I didn't know.." she stopped eating and walked to the bed.
"Baby I'm not blaming you please don't be upset"
"I'm not upset I just thought I was doing a nice thing but now I feel horrible about it. On top of that this was the not first time I ever seen someone killed... it was very triggering and I've honestly been trying this whole time to pretend like I'm okay.." her eyes watered
"Don't cry Nara baby" I wiped her eyes "you've never told me that.. I'm so sorry you went through that.. was it someone close to you?"
"My uncle... My father killed him"
"Jesus Anara. Why didn't you tell me this?"
"Because he's dead because of me"
"Don't blame yourself for that"
"He tried selling me to some man named Kingston in a deal to pay the mortgage on his house. He asked me to sign these papers and lied about what they were for... I told my dad the same day.. that night my father killed him.. I was only 14 years old"
"Kingston? The man Bellee's mom mentioned at the dinner tonight?"
"Yeah... I knew the name was too familiar which is why I wanted to leave. If they are tied to him it's not safe for me"
What do you mean?"
"My father when he killed my uncle he had to honor the deal..."
"Okay.. what's that supposed to mean exactly"
"Remember the summer that I didn't reach out to you"
"Yes vividly" I said thinking back to how pissed I was she disappeared on me.
"I- I was with Kingston..."
"Wait.. what?"
"If my dad didn't agree he said he would take my youngest sister and kill my mother so I agreed to go.."
"Agreed to go? Anara what the fuck are you talking about?"
"I don't want talk about this anymore" she got up and started taking her clothes off.
"Hell no. We're talking about this! What happened that summer Anara..."
"Cina please just leave it alone"
"Why won't you tell me? I don't understand.. if your father sold you how'd you get away? Why would you go back to live with him after that! He should of fought for you!"
"I don't want to talk about this!!!" She screamed
"Just tell me Anara!!"
"I became a pawn... he said if I followed the rules he'd let me go."
"What rules?"
"Please don't hate me" she sobbed
"I would never hate you I just want you to talk to me... baby please"
"I had to bring him 2 girls and I..... I did... they're missing because of me because of what I did..." she uttered

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