57. Room D29

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Akaashi's POV:

"Keiji." A voice called out, and Akaashi poked his head out from under the blankets before hiding again. His mom. Of course. "Come out. I have some news." Judging by the weight, she was now sitting on the end of the bed.

Warily, Akaashi came out of the bed, sitting far away from his mother. He wedged his hand underneath his thigh, hiding the bite mark under his thigh.

"So, we..." Her eyes switched to his hidden hand. "What are you doing?"

Akaashi flinched. He faked a nonchalant attitude. "What do you mean?"

"Why are you hiding your hand, Keiji?" Her eyes narrowed. "Show me."


"Show me!" She grabbed his hand, and at her bitter, icy anger he felt nauseous. His stomach flipped and vomit crawled up his throat. Though he tried to get away, she studied the bite mark on his arm. "What the fuck, Keiji?! Why are you doing this? Just to contact your little boyfriend? Why did you hurt yourself?"

"Well, I wouldn't have to if you didn't murder a ton of people! If you actually loved me! If you actually wanted me to be happy!"

"I do want you to be happy! But I ought to sedate you! You are such an idiot!" Akaashi stood up, stalking away whilst wishing he could scream. "Get off my bed. I'm going to sleep." He sat on his bed before curling up in his sheet in an effort to hide from the moment.

"Get out of the bed, Akaashi." She said, an edge to her voice. An anger to her bite.


"Get out now." She said, sharply, tugging back the blanket covering his head. "You are coming with me. I want to show you something." She grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the door, slamming it open and handing him off to the guards.

She gestured downwards. "To room 29." They nodded and tugged him to the elevator, even though he kicked and spat at them.

The elevator music made the scene seem surreal, with Akaashi writhing and kicking in the elevator before containing himself and standing sullen and silent. The large metal doors slid open into a long hallway, leaving him to wonder how big this building was.

They walked past dozens of doors. D1, D2, D3... D9, D10, D11, all the way to D29. His mom was already there, waiting, which made him suspect she wanted to intimidate him by being there before him. Unfortunately, it was working.

"I'll take my son from here."

"But, Miss," One of them began.

"I'll take him from here." She said, with a sense of finality that sent the guard's head hanging.

"Yes, ma'am."

They left, handcuffs clinking on their belt, returning to the elevator. "Now, Keiji, don't fight me. Let's go inside." She opened the door to a dark room, and Akaashi walked inside, looking for any clues as to what they were doing there.

The lights turned on in one corner abruptly, leaving the other areas pitch black. The sudden brightness caused black dots to dance in his eyes as he waited for them to adjust. "Look, I don't know what we're doing he–" He froze, eyes trained on a scene in front of him that sent him scrambling for words. "No. No, I told you! I told you!"

In a glass room, sat Bokuto, eyes red and dazed. "Hey, 'Kashi."

"I told you it was a trap! Why didn't you listen? You are such an idiot!" Akaashi twirled to face his mother, eyes flaring in anger. "Why is he here? What is your plan?"

"Can't I just want my son to see his soulmate?" She asked, innocently.

"No! You always have a plan! Why did you bring him here?" Akaashi asked, his voice nearing a scream.

But he knew. He knew. Bokuto is a threat. She has someone I care about, and will not hesitate to hurt him. To kill him. And now, I have no choice but to play along.

"So, Keiji, do you want to say hi? I mean, I worked hard to bring them here."

Them? He echoed the thought aloud. "Them? Who..." Akaashi spun around to see the lights turn on, one by one, to reveal Washio, Sarukui and Konoha.

"You see, I love you so much, I have all the people you care about right here." She grinned in satisfaction.

This place was perilous, and now he had to save himself and everyone he loved, platonically and romantically.

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