55. Bite Marks

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Akaashi's POV:

He was trapped.

The door was locked from the outside, with cameras positioned around the room to see him from all angles. No sharp objects nor anything he could injure himself on. His mother must've taken every precaution to keep him safe and isolated from Bokuto.

Akaashi paced the room, studying the areas and checking if the cameras could see the area. Finally, he realized there were no cameras in the bathroom.

Great, so... no cameras. They can't see me here. But what will I do with this? The door creaked open, a whispered voice ebbing through the room. "Keiji."

"No." Akaashi emerged from the washroom, glaring at his mother. "Go away."

She looked at him sadly, sitting on his bed. "I'm sorry. They made me."

Akaashi could feel his feet pulling towards the bed, but he restrained himself. "Who?"

"The Love Liberators. They forced me. I'm here because I want to talk." She held her hands out, ready for a hug.

Akaashi stopped resisting. "Really? Wait, so you'll help me get out?"

"Of course. We can be a proper family again. No more secrets." She promised.

"No more... secrets?" He inquired sitting down and scooting closer to her until he was just within arms' reach.

His mother nodded at him, smiling motherly for the first time in years. "None." She paused, Akaashi watching her expression warily before she grabbed his arm and scribbled on it. "I'm okay. Mom has me. Go to my house in 1 hour." She narrated aloud, and Akaashi could feel his cheeks warm. She was going to bring him home. Until she continued to write, 'Don't call the police, she'll know.'

"Mom?" Confusion washed over him until being replaced by knowing resentment. "You never were going to leave. You tricked me." He yanked his hand away, jerking off the bed to back away slowly.

His mother shook her head. "Well," She spoke apathetically. "Let's lay down some rules, shall we?"


"First, never distract the guards. They will come through your room every day and check your skin. You must remember that the more focused they are, the faster it will be done. Two: don't make too much noise. Three: you will eat every meal with me every day. Four: you can click that button," She pointed at the wall. "To say what you need, whether it be snacks, or fresh sheets, or perhaps some form of entertainment. Five: you can be in the washroom for five minutes at a time. There is a timer in there. If you are showering and you hear the alarm, put on a towel and leave the bathroom. Then, you can go inside and continue. Six, if I find out you are trying to talk to Bokuto... you will be punished. They won't give you anything that can be used to write." She stood and walked to the door before glancing at him. "I'm doing this because I love you."

"No, you're doing this because you like to murder people! I saw your souvenirs!"

"Well, I never said that was my only reason." She slammed the door shut, leaving Akaashi to punch the walls and scream into his pillow. His voice cracked and his screams became raspy and quiet, his foot and hands aching before he fell asleep on his pillow.

The nap didn't last long, maybe ten minutes. Soon, he was figuring out a way to get a message to Bokuto.

There were no pencils or markers or anything that could mark his skin. Only water. Jam? He could ask for jam on toast. But it wasn't certain, and that might alert them to something going on.

I just don't know. Okay. No cameras in the washroom. What could he do with that?

What liquids/materials do I have? Water was clear, bruises too difficult and painful, as well as repetitive...

Blood. Akaashi had blood. He stared at his wrist, veins blue and obvious. Ready, mom? Bet you didn't expect this. Your teeth can eat your finger like a carrot, but I won't do anything that drastic. Akaashi waved at the camera and pointed at the washroom before walking in, clicking the timer and turning on the tap. Cold water, so he could shower with hot water later.

He sat on the rug, peering at his wrist before trying to bite it. There was barely an indent in his skin, but at least he did something. Akaashi adjusted again and again before placing his vein right above his canine tooth. "Please," He mumbled through the arm in his mouth before biting down as hard as he could. Wincing in pain, he continued to put pressure on his arm until finally... His tooth cut through his flesh.

Akaashi hissed, and the alarm went off as if it was concerned. He wet his hair and slipped a towel around his waist. Pressing his arm to the towel, Akaashi stepped outside and waved at the camera before going back inside. Dipping his right pointer finger into the blood, and began to painstakingly write.

T R A P.

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