52. Restraints

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Akaashi's POV, (End of Day 10):

This was all happening too fast. "What? No, mom, what are you saying? Why would you tell me this?"

"Hey! George, Marjatta!" Two tall, muscled people walked out of the walls, pushing aside hidden doors.

"Were they always there?" Akaashi asked, delirious. He couldn't wrap his head around the surrounding events.

She looked at him out of the side of her eyes. "Hold him down. I'll inject him with a sedative. Bring him to his room in the office afterwards. Lock it from the outside." She eyed the two other adults. "Don't let anyone see him." Drawing a needle full of clear liquid from the purse still hanging from her neck, she strode forward. "Now!"

"No!" Akaashi strained against the heavy hands restraining him to the bed, squirming around to get out. "Let me go!" His mother looked at him sadly.

"I should've told you earlier."


"Maybe then you would've joined us." Her eyes hardened as she grabbed Akaashi's head. He looked at her, wide-eyed, and strained his head away. "Oh, well." Meticulously, she slid the needle into Akaashi's stiff neck. He winced as she pushed down on the end of it, injecting the liquid into his bloodstream.

After a few seconds, Akaashi grinned. "Ha! It isn't working."

"You watch too much T.V.," She said, disdainfully. "It doesn't work that fast. Be patient." She stared at the watch on her wrist, tapping her foot on the floor.

After a few minutes of silence, Akaashi could feel the world beginning to spin. "I- I..."

"Shh, son." She stroked his hair. "It's working."

"Fu-uck you." He mumbled, trying to pull away from the hands restraining him. His mother said something unintelligible as she began to blend into the background.

The rough hands let him go, and he stumbled out of bed, lurching for the door. "You shouldn't have l- let—" He slurred, reaching for the doorknob, before the room started to spin faster, and faster, his pounding heart beating in his ears. Black ink seeped into the room, his eyes fluttering once, twice, and shutting.

"–ake yet?" Someone shouted, the sound echoing in Akaashi's head. "You sai–"

The noise ebbed out again, sending Akaashi back to sleep.

"He's al–" Another snippet of a conversation brought him back to the conscious world and, unfortunately, this time, he stayed there. "Awake! There he is!"

"Huh?" What's happening? A bright light shone in his eyes, and he flinched from the sudden visual stimulation. Cautiously, he opened his eyes to see a white-cloaked individual holding a bright flashlight. "Who... oh." Akaashi hissed at the doctor, jolting forward in an effort to do something. He wasn't sure what his plan was, but Akaashi had a singular goal in mind. Get out of here.

The door was open. Freedom. Akaashi lunged towards the door, victory dancing on his tongue. Until he was jerked back to the bed, his wrists and ankles betraying him. Leather restraints curled around his limbs, securing him to the hospital bed.

"Ah! Fantastic!" His mother stood over him, grinning wildly. "Ronin was watching over you." A timid man in a doctor's coat waved at him stiffly, wincing as Akaashi glared at him.

"Yep. And he seems all good so..." The white-coated man shuffled away like a frightened animal, glancing between the two, angry black-haired mother and son.

The door shut loudly, the only noise in the silent room. "You never answered me."


"Why you killed all of them." Akaashi forced himself to meet his mother's eyes, fury burning in his and delight burning in hers.

"Why, yes! I do remember you asking me that." His mother smiled. "But I'm not telling you, love. I will not fall into the monologuing trap all villains fall into. That's what you think of me, right? That I'm a villain?"

"Yes, of course I do! What else would I think? You've killed so many people, mom. You are a serial killer."

She waved away his accusation as you would a pesky, bothersome fly. "I never took you to be so weak-minded. Think about it. Why would I help an organization that stops forced love?"

Akaashi tried to sit up again, forgetting about the restraints binding him to the bed. "Forced love? You are killing people who are in love!"

"Oh, dear." Akaashi's mother fanned her face, eyes trained on her son the whole time. "Looks like I'm going to have to monologue. You just can't understand without some help, can you?" 

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