38. Regulations and Updates

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Akaashi's POV (Day 7):

One week. It'd been one week since Akane died.

The news channel blared, continuing its morning account of the Love Liberators. But there was some... weird news.

For some absurd reason, the board of education had forced students to go to school today and yesterday, even if it was the weekend. Everyone said they wanted to ensure they continued getting an education if the murders forced them to cancel schooling. Akaashi thought it was because the students would be safer at school.

Guards were getting stationed in the hallways, at the door, and in some classrooms. The schools were becoming almost prison-like.

Going to school didn't protect Akane. Also, will these guards do anything? Will they be good enough to spot unusual or new people?

No way. They were just tracking where everyone was at this point. Buddy systems were getting put in place, cards for every student. It was scary.

It's fine. They will do their job. Suddenly, the new regulations sent a wave of calmness through Akaashi. They will ensure Bokuto doesn't die too. Yep. These regulations sounded better by the second.

1. No going outside alone.

2. Always let someone know where you are.

3. Curfew is 10 o'clock.

4. Alert a guard at any sign of danger or strangeness.

5. Don't leave writing on your arm. That's how they can tell who is a soulmate.

6. Never be alone with an adult.

7. Stay away from strangers.

8. Carry pepper spray at all times.

9. Never skip school.

There were dozens more. Countless other suggestions and regulations. They were meant to keep them safe. You know... Akaashi cycled the different list items in his head. I thought it wasn't difficult when the government first introduced these regulations. Terrible that we have to go through the trouble, yes, but difficult? No. I guess it's worse than anyone else thought. And way harder.

Akaashi shrugged on his backpack, dumping his bowl in the sink. It was okay. He could clean it after school. His mother had already left, and it was time he'd begin his walk to school. It wasn't terrible, only eight minutes. But every step brought him closer to a dungeon that had once been his haven.

"They're just using these guards to control us!" His mother exclaimed, slamming her hands on the dinner table, causing Akaashi to drop his pasta into his lap. "The government just wants to know where we are at all times. I'm telling you, Keiji, the soulmates are just more tools to use us. You saw what your father used to do. How is that love?"

Akaashi nodded, trying to pacify her, but not wanting her to stop talking. Better she finish up with this quickly so she didn't analyze his skin as thoroughly. He wasn't sure that his skin was completely clean. Usually, small stains went unnoticed, but if she was in a soulmate-fuelled fury, she saw everything.

Well, he hadn't been caught. Though he was becoming more and more paranoid. If Akaashi hadn't placated her, well... he dreaded to know the outcome.

Akaashi checked his phone, a compulsive habit at this point. A few texts from Bokuto, which he quickly responded to.

Bokuto: Heyyyy.

Of course, he adds extra 'y's to his 'hey' texts. Akaashi thought affectionately, enjoying the feeling of a pre-school text over nothing.

Akaashi: Morning Bokuto.

Almost as an afterthought, he sent one more text.

Akaashi: :)

He went back to his home screen and stared at Washio's contact. He hasn't been here. Is he sick? Sad? Maybe his mom wanted to make sure he felt better?

Still, it was strange. He had been extremely excited—well, maybe excited was the wrong word. Actually, definitely the wrong word. Washio at least seemed to be very determined to find the killer or at least some clues. Did something happen to him? Did the Love Liberators–

No, no. They couldn't have. They only kill ONE of the soulmates... right? That's, like, their motto... to return love to what it should be? Or something along those lines. There's no way. Though they are villains, who said they must pertain to any code—even their own?

With those (not-so-comforting) thoughts bouncing around in his head, he stepped through the gates of his school.

The Man:

He tapped on his computer, staring at the writing displayed on the screen of his computer. "The meeting host will let you in soon." He said, bitterly. "Well, let me in quicker!"

Finally, a black screen popped up. He clicked on his camera and stared at the profile picture of two 'l's. "Hello," He began, not sure how to finish his sentence. Who was he talking to?

"Get on with it." The voice responded, distorted by some sort of filter.

"Akaashi Keiji and Bokuto Koutarou are soulmates. They found out yesterday." He cleared his throat nervously. "Also, they know we are watching them, and they know about the profile picture. They haven't connected the dots yet."

The mystery person tsked. "I hired you not to get caught." He winced, catching the silence that was often accompanied by an eye roll. "Continue your job and update us regularly. I will send you your money. Plan out the murder and send your plans."

"Who do I kill?"

"Plan for both. We will choose."

He swallowed, licking his lips. "See you—"

And the call disconnected.

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