22. Police

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A/N: I feel like Akaashi would have messy handwriting. He seems like he'd write fast and be the only one able to interpret his chickenscratch. Also, this chapter is gay. I mean, the other ones were too, but this is, like, gay squared or gay cubed.

Bokuto's POV:

Bokuto pulled out his sandwich, looking at his phone as he ate in big bites. "Okay, Sarukui and Konoha are at school for lunch. They said they can help after school." Akaashi nodded, writing in a small notebook. Bokuto leaned over to see what he was writing and found a page's worth of scribble-y writing. It looked almost worse than Bokuto's writing, and that was quite a feat.

"Oh." Akaashi stopped writing, glancing up to look at him. "I'm writing out all of our clues, our to-do list and any suspicions we have, among other things." Kuroo leaned over as well, looking at the writing.

Kuroo snickered, looking at his writing. "Geez, Akaashi. You seemed like you'd have neat writing." Akaashi smiled before continuing with his list, the character illegible. Kuroo sat back, finishing his food. He dusted himself off. "Well, I've got to go. Us solving murders two days in a row and having a sleepover in between will not impress my mom. Also... I took a sick day for this. In my defence, we had no interesting subjects so..." Bokuto snorted, waving goodbye to his friend.

"You still look like a rooster!" Bokuto called out, his grin feeling like it was splitting his face wide open.

"You're one to talk!" Kuroo remarked, poking back at Bokuto's comment. Psh. My hair is AMAZING. I spent SO LONG on it! You look like you just got out of bed!

Washio waved at Kuroo, sliding to sit beside Akaashi. "They weren't kidding. Your handwriting is worse than Bokuto's." Akaashi shrugged, continuing to write out his notes. Bokuto agreed it was messy, but it was sort of cute. Another aspect of Akaashi that you wouldn't expect, another piece of his puzzle. A little more hidden personality.

Damn. I'm gay.

Bokuto inwardly laughed, leaning backwards. Bi, but yeah. What else is new?

Fair enough. He conceded, also shifting to sit beside Akaashi. I hope I'm not acting weird! I just need to play it cool. No gayness here. Nope. I ain't a homo sapien, I'm a hetero sapien. Just chilling here, not in love with this setter. Just doing normal stereotypical straight boy things.

Akaashi shifted, causing Bokuto to slide away quickly. So straight. "Okay, Bokuto, Washio."

Bokuto gasped, unable to control his happiness. "Oh, my gosh."


"You called me Bokuto! At long last!"

Akaashi rolled his eyes and continued. "Anyway, we need to talk to the third-years. The vice-captain? What's his name again?"

Bokuto shrugged, having no talent for remembering names. There was a reason he was so fond of nicknames.

"Bokuto, I've told you several times now." Washio turned to Akaashi. "Hayashi."

"Okay. You take Hayashi, Bokuto and I can take Abe. I think Hayashi is the best one to ask, however, because they are best friends." Akaashi folded up his notebook and fitted it into his schoolbag. "Let's head to class. We can talk with them after school."

The rest of the school day was boring. A math test that he forgot to study for, a few assignments due next week. Some lectures, a few lessons, etc. He spent the whole day waiting. Waiting for what, Bokuto didn't know.

Was he waiting to see Akaashi?

Was he waiting to interview Abe?

Was he waiting for practice?

What was he waiting for?

But soon his waiting came to a close as he stepped into the gym. Going through the normal warm-up routine, Bokuto got ready for more spiking and blocking practice. However, today was weird.

"Okay, guys." The captain gathered them around, blinking rapidly. "We need to cut practice short. Just down to forty-five minutes."

"Forty-five minutes?" Bokuto chorused along with the rest of the team. "Why?"

The captain was blinking even faster now, biting at his tongue. "The police found something strange here. We could practise, but for less time. Also, no going into the locker room. You probably already know that, since it's taped up." He clapped, sending the team to do some drills.

The practice was quick but mundane. There were no games, no complex drills. Just mind-numbing repetitive hits.

While Bokuto cleaned up the volleyballs, tossing them into the bin, Akaashi sidled up beside him, along with Sarukui and Konoha.

"Bokuto-san? Where is Washio?" Akaashi asked, and Bokuto scanned the room. No Washio. How had he not noticed before? He leaned back to look at the other two.

"Saru? Do you know?" Sarukui shook his head, and Bokuto focused on Konoha. "Konoha?" He also shook his head, and Bokuto sat down on the floor, the room spinning.

Akaashi nudged him with his foot. "Bokuto-san?"

But he wasn't listening. What if he's dead? He wouldn't just not show up, would he? What's happening?

"Bokuto, are you okay?" His three friends were squatting beside him. Akaashi was holding onto Bokuto's shoulder, and he froze. OH MY GOSH. Immediately, he stood up, worries gone.

Bokuto bounced once more, silently fangirling over Akaashi. "Yep. You're perfect. Uh, perfect, you?" Akaashi nodded once more, helping mop the floor. Konoha glanced between the two of them before a sly smile spread across his face.

"No." Bokuto furiously whisper-screamed at him, trying to suppress his blush. Konoha said nothing, opting for making a heart symbol with his hands.

"Oooh, Bokuto!" Konoha began, leaning in to whisper. "You like–" Suddenly the door smashed in. Police entered like water through opened floodgates, searching the area.

"Why'd you do that?!" The captain protested, hands raised in shock.

A police officer wearing a different uniform than the rest walked up to him, crouching to eye-level. "We have reason to believe someone was murdered in here. Search the place." He gestured towards the other officers, then pointed at the high-schoolers. "And get them out of here."

A/N: If anyone is confused about the timeline (I'm a bit confused lol), here it is:

Day 1: Bokuto meets Akaashi. Chapters 1-4.

Day 2: Akane is murdered. Chapters 5-12.

Day 3: The group goes over to Washio's house. They decide to investigate. Chapters 13-19.

Day 4: They begin interviewing people. Chapters 20-22.

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