36. Pillows

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Akaashi's POV (Day 6):

The day was escalating. Someone was watching Bokuto, maybe him too. No, definitely him, too. The pictures, the information... this was all moving too fast. If only he could slow it down.

They know. They know we're investigating. But, we must be learning something if the Love Liberators sent someone to watch us. 

Wait. Akaashi came to a horrifying conclusion. We think they watched Akane too before they murdered them. They might be preparing to murder one of us, too.

"Bokuto-san," Akaashi broke the silence, voice high-pitched and crackly. "I think they might be preparing to kill one of us."


"They stalked Akane before murdering them. And we're soulmates. It only makes sense! They would hit two birds with one stone." His mind raced, moving faster than his mouth could. "They break the survivor's spirits and get rid of another soulmate. We also aren't as protected as the police officers."

Bokuto's mouth moved, but only a rasp escaped his lips. After a few moments, only long enough for Akaashi to slow his breathing by a minuscule amount, did he finally speak. "We might die."

And there they were. Sentences with three words were always terrifying, but this one almost took the cake. The winner would be 'We will die', which was a definite possibility at this point. "Yes." Akaashi could feel tears well up, seeing a mirrored expression of horror and sadness in Bokuto's eyes. "And we might as well give up. What's more important? Justice or survival?"

Despair crept up his spine, and he shivered, causing Bokuto to grab his hand. "Justice."

"What? No!" Akaashi stared at the determined face in front of him, wanting to grab it and scream until Bokuto understood. "No, Bokuto-san. I can't lose you. We literally just kissed."

"I can't lose you either," Bokuto said. "Look, we must've found something. There's a reason they want us dead now!"

"They are crazy. Why wouldn't–" Akaashi exhaled. "Oh. Oh! The girl. And us looking for any school relations." Bokuto nodded, urging him to continue. Akaashi eagerly obeyed. "But that was just today. I think the most important person is the girl."

"So we follow that lead?"

"Yes, and no." Akaashi pursed his lips. "We should also focus on any family drama in Akane's family. There has to be something their parents saw or found." He thought for a moment, trying to decide how to phrase this next sentence. "It might be a coincidence that Akane died soon after coming out as nonbinary—something their family doesn't support. But we can't rule out the possibility of the Love Liberators murdering them because they were both nonbinary and a soulmate."

Bokuto's lips crept upwards, ending in an expecting smile. "So..." He paused, seemingly for a dramatic effect. "We break into Akane's house?"

Okay, this might be one of the dumbest things I ever say. But as long as their family doesn't find out... "Yep."

"What?" Bokuto blinked, rubbing at his ears similarly to how you rub at your eyes when you're tired. "I'm sure the great, responsible Akaashi Keiji didn't just–"

"I did. And let me explain before you draw conclusions about my potential career as a criminal." Bokuto snapped his mouth shut before he could interrupt again. "There might be information about Akane in there. We won't find as much information from their friends or parents, because people don't tell others everything. It'll take time that we don't have. But if we find their computer or diary..."

"It might tell us more!"

"Exactly." Akaashi leaned back, lying on the carpeted floors. "So now we have to figure out a break-in plan." So, does Akane have any connections that would help us? Preferably relatives?

Bokuto lay down beside him, turning his head to face Akaashi. "You're so smart."

"Just realizing this now?" Akaashi said, not sure why he was being argumentative. It just felt right.

"Nope." Bokuto leaned forward, a cheeky smile on his face. "But now I can tell you." Akaashi scoffed, knowing that Bokuto'd told him hundreds of times already. Siblings or cousins would work. The younger, the better. They'd be more accepting and probably more willing. "And I can do this!" Bokuto gave Akaashi a quick kiss, turning him a bright shade of red. He giggled and rolled away, leaving Akaashi in a blushing mess on the floor.

"Bokuto! You come back here." He grabbed a pillow. "You can't just kiss me and run away!" Akaashi crawled after his giggling soulmate, armed with a terrifying, dangerous pillow.

"You wouldn't whack your true lo–" Bokuto began, gloating. Akaashi smacked him with the pillow, interrupting him mid-sentence. Bokuto stared at him, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.

"That's what you get!" Akaashi hesitated, then returned Bokuto's kiss with a peck on the cheek. Apparently, even this sent Bokuto into an almost delirious haze, grinning wildly. "Hmph. I was in the middle of thinking up a plan, Bokuto-san!"

Bokuto wilted a bit, looking at Akaashi with puppy-dog eyes. "Bokuto-san?"

"Yep. Don't interrupt me next time." Akaashi squeezed his hand before continuing, thinking of a plan. "So, we could find out if Akane has any siblings? Maybe the sibling would help us plan a time to search." He returned to eating his food, scooping up the last bites. "The Love Liberators, though seeming to employ someone to watch us, haven't done anything yet. Let's not worry until it gets too serious." He tried to force himself to believe his own words, but the fear wasn't going to leave anytime soon.

"Okay." Bokuto sat beside Akaashi, leaning his damp head on Akaashi's shoulder.

"Bokuto!" He sighed, shivering from the cold water. "You're soaked! Why didn't I notice before?"

Bokuto was shivering as well, the adrenaline finally wearing off.

Akaashi bit his lip. Would this be weird? "I think I have some bigger clothes in my closet. You're going to be freezing like this, especially since you'll probably be here a little while longer."

He shimmied out from underneath Bokuto's head and picked out a pair of jogging pants and a sweatshirt. Bokuto was taller than him, with more muscle, but these should fit. Bokuto waddled into the closet and quickly changed, stepping out in the new outfit.

"Well, you won't be winning any fashion awards, but that should work."

Bokuto raised his hand to his chest in mock offence. "Excuse you, I'm pretty sure I could be on the cover of Vogue."

Maybe, but not dressed like that. Bokuto plopped down beside him, legs crossed. "Could I pick an outfit for you? Your shoulder is soaking wet."

"Hm? Oh yeah, sure." Bokuto smiled and ran back to the closet, slamming drawers and rifling through the hangers.

Finally, he emerged, holding a new outfit that he'd unearthed. "Here!"

"Not happening."

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