18. Beginning

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Bokuto's POV:

All thought of Bokuto's promise of 'self-control' flew out the window when the huge burger was placed in front of him. Though he had a vague idea that he shouldn't eat it, due to his vow, the smell immediately chased away all rational thoughts, leaving only a gnawing hunger.

"So," He began, mouth full, "How're we going to go about this 'detective' business?" Bokuto continued to chew at his burger, looking at the rest of the group. Washio was staring dejectedly at his burger, but Akaashi seemed to like his. And Kuroo was also eating his quickly, probably to ward off Bokuto.

"Hmm." Akaashi set down his burger, rifling through his school bag. "I have a pen and paper in here, so we should write down all the questions asked, as well as any we want to answer. Then we can go through them."

"Hey, sounds good Aghaashi!" Bokuto beamed at them, while Kuroo laughed.

"Quiet down, Bokuto-san." Akaashi scolded lightly, also smiling a little. Bokuto smiled back at him, but his stomach felt hollow. Not empty, but a bit hollow at the scolding. "Okay, let's go through the questions."

Akaashi set his pen to paper, looking at Washio first. "First, tell us everything that happened within a week of their murder," Washio explained, staring at the ceiling the entire time, though Bokuto couldn't tell whether that was due to an effort to remember details, or an effort to prevent himself from crying.

I wonder if I can remember anything important. Would the weird stuff with my missing things count? Maybe? Kuroo elbowed him.

"Bro, what's wrong?"

"Ah! Just trying to remember stuff, that's all. It was really bad, so I'm kinda trying to avoid that moment." Bokuto laughed, but it sounded absent and far away. Akane's dead eyes stared at him, haunting him even though he did nothing wrong. Nope. I should still apologize to Washio for telling him to invite her to practice. I am still partially to blame, at least for him seeing Akane.

Tap. Akaashi's pen-tapping brought him back. "Bokuto-san. I need to know if you remember anything happening at school. For example, the outside doors being unlocked."

"They were unlocked?" Now that was strange. The captain always locked those doors, the main reason being the murders.


Bokuto quickly consulted the list he'd composed in his head. "The storage rooms were locked and... uh... oh yeah! Remember how I was complaining about being late to class because of not being able to find my hair gel after practice? That was weird, especially since I bought a new hair gel recently. Also, Washio," Bokuto turned to look at him, hands waving in animated gestures to describe his thoughts. "The missing ball and equipment! And gym storage room key! We made fun of him for losing it!"

"Missing key?" Akaashi stopped writing, looking up. "The key for the general gym storage room, right?"

He nodded. Kinda strange that that was the focus. But Akaashi knows what to do better than all of us, what with his crime show watching. He's got this!

"The key that leads to the room with the ropes?" Akaashi continued, paralyzing Bokuto with his stare. Chills ran along his skin, chased by a deeper and far more terrifying feeling. Understanding.

Bokuto shook his head, and Kuroo looked between the two boys, confused. Washio just sat there, mouth open. "You think she–"

"They, please," Washio whispered, voice quaking.

Hm? What does he mean? Well, it doesn't hurt. I'll ask later. "Sorry, you think someone killed them in there?"

Akaashi hummed in affirmation. "Or they got some materials from there."

Kuroo tapped on the table with a closed fist, catching all of their attention. "So, do we go and check it out? Or no?"

"We really should just tell the police." Akaashi leaned back in his chair, watching Bokuto. So it just ends there? We tell the police? That's it? "However, the police have dozens of other cases and probably won't follow up. So let's check it out and see if it's a dead end. If not, then we decide. But–" Akaashi glared at Bokuto and Kuroo. "–No touching."

A little hurt at the way Akaashi singled them out, Bokuto raised his hand to his heart. "We swear." Kuroo followed his movement. A little late, but the gesture was appreciated.

"Alright. Let's go."

Yes! Finally! Detective stuff! I've been waiting for this.

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