30. Attractive

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Akaashi's POV (Day Six):

Akaashi stared at the wall, unsure of what to do now that volleyball was over. The second-years told him to meet them here early to figure out some clues, but they were late. Not that it mattered, considering it was before school, but still!

He drummed his pencil against the notebook resting in between his crossed legs. Even though he knew he had nothing new to write down, he felt like he should be doing something. So he reviewed the words. Again. And again. And again.

Okay, so today is the start of day four. We think that a girl was somehow involved, at least indirectly. We also know that the murderer had to have a way to get into the school without suspicion. Multiple times, since this was planned. We also know that they must've been coming for at least a week before to collect supplies and plan out the school map. A teacher? Another kid? Key clues:

- missing storage room/gym keys (definitely a part of the murder.)

- missing rope (used to hang body. maybe for restraining too.)

- missing hair gel (misplaced? or stolen?)

- a weird note (unrelated?)

- Akane's coming out beforehand (important?)

A ring sounded from his phone laying beside him. He picked it up, blinking a few times to try and read the tiny text: "We're here. Coming to the gym right now." Konoha. Sarukui texted a few seconds later, also texting about timing. But Bokuto's chat remained mysteriously quiet. Strange.

The gym door creaked open and Akaashi jumped, holding his heart. With all the dead bodies lying around, even a small unsuspected footstep scared him. Most of his class didn't come to school anymore.

Konoha and Sarukui walked in, their lips both forced into a strange line. It looked like excitement was battling for control, and slowly winning.

"Where's Bokuto?" Akaashi asked, straining his neck to check. Usually, he was the first one to run in. This situation was getting curiouser and curiouser. The door swung open again, and Akaashi could feel his heart twist. In came a tall, broad-shouldered boy with loose hair flopping in front of his eyes. It was gray and black, and from underneath the fringe showed two honey-coloured eyes. He was... stunning. And he looked kind of like Bokuto. Maybe his brother? He didn't mention one, but maybe he forgot. Akaashi rose from his seat, keeping his face neutral and unfree from the heart palpitations he was currently experiencing. "Hello, I'm Akaashi. Are you Bokuto's brother?"

The mystery boy blinked his gold eyes and raised his bushy, gray eyebrows. "... Akaashi?" He laughed, the sound shaking Akaashi's core. Who is this guy? And why is he making me so... well, unrestrained. He's cute. No, he's handsome. Beautiful. "It's me! Bokuto!"

Akaashi froze, looking Bokuto up and down. Someone had painted his fingernails a shade of gold similar to his eyes. Curled into a familiar smile, his lips showed blindingly white teeth. "You look... different." He couldn't breathe. Why was he so fucking attractive? Like, yes, he was hot before, but you could only really see his spiky hair. Now he looked... amazing. Before, the only thing I was really centred on was his personality. His loudness, his optimism, his compassion. But by just seeing his looks, now I can't stop thinking about both. And if he gelled up his hair tomorrow, I know I'd still think about how hot he is. Bokuto, you are really insane.

Bokuto really was Akaashi's type. Sort of. Just a bit. Even with just his personality, he drove Akaashi up the wall. Now?

The two other boys were watching this exchange with matching grins. What game were they playing? Did they do this? Did Bokuto let them paint his nails? Because it was really adorable.

"Okay, so," He recollected his thoughts, trying to rein in the less appropriate ones. "I think we need to talk to someone who was at Akane's coming out."

"Coming out?" Bokuto, Sarukui and Konoha said in unison.

"As nonbinary. Anyway," Akaashi continued. "We need to make sure there were no people there that might have a bias against them. And if there is someone there, we need to see if it's at all possible they are the murderer." Akaashi paused to write this down on the to-do list. "We also need to find out who that girl is. Let's talk to Hayashi again today. We need to ask some other questions. Finally," He looked at them all, biting his lip. "We need to think about any students or teachers here that were here the evening before, on Sunday or early on Monday. That could be anyone in clubs or teachers. Maybe even the odd student."

Konoha nodded, while Sarukui raised his hand. "Does that mean the Love Liberators could have someone on our team? A murderer literally changing with us? Playing near us?"

Akaashi paused again, the tension between the four of them thick enough to cut with a knife.

"Yes," Bokuto whispered, the small affirmation tensing Akaashi's legs. He could hear his heartbeat echo in his ears.

This was no longer a separate issue, something that, though painful, wasn't inclusive of them. Now, they could have a murderer near them. Teaching them. Talking to them. Even playing with them at all times.

A/N: I'm so sorry for the bad updating schedule. My parents are watching me like hawks now, and I'm going on vacation this weekend. I probably won't have time to update, so here's a second chapter for today!

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