23. Discovery

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Bokuto's POV:

Well, there was no murder.

The threat of one, yes. Murder? No.

Once the police were certain there were no corpses, they immediately explained a weird, threatening letter claiming to be from the Love Liberators. What the police didn't explain was why they didn't come sooner.

"Something changed with the letter." Akaashi had explained while they got ready to talk to Hayashi and Abe. "But it's not related to us. Not right now, at least."

Though Bokuto had been panicking about the police, which was why Akaashi had explained the scenario to him, he was actually panicking far more about something completely different.

Konoha found him out.

Not only did he find out he liked guys, but he also found out Bokuto liked their setter.

The pretty, awesome, super cool raven-haired boy:


Not good.

Bokuto had only had a crush on two people in his life, and that was a while ago. Before he was fifteen. Not having a soulmate kind of ruined the fun of looking for love. Though many people said, "Oh, you must be so happy! You can date whomever you want!", it wasn't that easy. Especially since almost everybody had a soulmate, or knew them before they died. So, when he realized he had no one, he stopped. Volleyball became his soulmate. Yes, he was joking about that, but it was partially true. As some people threw their lives into their partner, working together to settle down, Bokuto threw himself into volleyball. He trained, trained, trained. Nothing was more important, more essential, to his wellbeing and living.

But then Akaashi came along.

And wrecked everything.

Despite that, Bokuto didn't want it fixed.

He liked Akaashi being his sun, the centre of his universe.

He enjoyed depending on him.

"Bokuto-san! I don't think Washio's coming." Akaashi called out, scaring the living daylight out of Bokuto. He nodded.

Geez, what sort of friend am I? Forgetting about him like that? Akaashi is just SCRAMBLING my brains.

Bokuto sighed, glancing over at Sarukui, who was walking over after reading through Akaashi's thorough notes on the investigation. "I know where the captain was on Monday! When he lost the keys."

Akaashi stumbled forward, eyes wide and mouth moving quickly. "Where?"

"A party. I'm not sure whose, but a party. They went, like, an hour or two after school."


Sarukui nodded, pulling out his phone. "I saw that he'd updated his Instagram, so I checked it out. I can't remember what time, though. He was with the other third-years and there was a crowd in the back. At someone's house." He brandished his phone, showing a picture of Makino smiling face, keys on a table behind him. He'd slung his arms around Abe's and Hayashi's shoulders, Abe smiling and Hayashi caught in the middle of a laugh.

Akaashi reached for the phone before looking up. Sarukui nodded, and Akaashi grabbed the phone. "Look! The keys. He had them at the party! Okay, we've got to ask Abe and Hayashi about this! Send it to me, please."

Sarukui did. "Hey, Konoha and I can talk to Hayashi since Washio isn't here. And you guys can stay with Abe." Konoha walked over, and instead of standing beside Sarukui as usual, he stood beside Bokuto. He tensed up, looking down at Konoha's sly face.

"Yeah, sounds like a plan." Konoha winked at Bokuto, nodding his head in Akaashi's direction while making a discreet kissy face. "Bokuto, I need to talk to you. Come here." Sarukui and Akaashi stood bewildered as Konoha dragged a limp and scared Bokuto back into the empty gym.

"You're gay?" Konoha stretched out his fingers, trying to shake out the bruises. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Bokuto fidgeted out of his grip, opting to lean back against the wall. Probably not a good decision, considering he was terrified and immediately fell onto the floor instead. "Ouch! Uh, bi, actually. And I didn't think it mattered. I don't have a soulmate."

"Oh, fuck the soulmate!" Konoha grinned again, biting his bottom lip while doing so. "You're in love!" He drew out the word 'love', leaning against the wall as Bokuto had wanted to. Instead, trying to not feel inferior, he crossed his legs, acting as if that was his true intention.

"No! No." Bokuto felt his skin flaring up, turning redder with each 'No' he repeated, now in the double digits. "I met him, like, four days ago! I just think he's cute. And cool. And has a good personality. SUCH a good personality. He's smart too!"

"So, you love him."


"Whatever, dude." Konoha offered a hand to help Bokuto up, which Bokuto gladly took.

"You have liked no one for so long, not since you were fifteen and found out. Akaashi doesn't have a soulmate either, you know? Don't worry! Just relax."

Relax? RELAX? How am I supposed to relax when I have a crush on someone who looks like a damn angel? Huh? Huh? Relax, my ass.

But he kept these thoughts to himself. "Wait... Akaashi doesn't have a soulmate!"


"So I have a chance!" Bokuto made a sweeping gesture towards the door, ushering Konoha towards it. "Okay! Let's go! Operation Akaashi Is Absolutely Amazing begins!"

Konoha snorted, obeying Bokuto's orders. "But," Konoha said, stopping Bokuto for a moment. "You know cliche high school shows? With the weird girl who falls in love with the handsome cool guy?"

"Yeah..." Bokuto squinted his eyes, wondering where this was going.

"Well, they always have a makeover. So you need a makeover!"

Bokuto looked at Konoha in what he hoped was a glare. "First, I'm not a weird, cliche, stereotypical high school girl! And, second... why?"

"Makeover!" Konoha repeated cheerfully. "So, interrogation, then you come to my house. Sarukui and I are going to make you fabulous." And then, under his breath, "And finally fix your hair."

"Hey!" But, then will Akaashi like me?

Okay. Fine. For Akaashi. And for me... a little bit.

A/N: I got to say, I'm excited for the sterotypical makeover. Also, the gayness. SO MUCH GAYNESS. McBokuaka, I'm loving it. 

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