21. Interview

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Akaashi's POV:

This is a little awkward.

Akaashi stood beside Washio, waiting for their coach to finish up a conference to speak to him.

Now, not that he was awkward but the silence. Thick and full of tension, it felt like wading through quicksand up to your neck. Though Akaashi enjoyed listening, he didn't like quietude in more social environments. It was unnatural, and strange, for there to be no noise when there was a multitude of people around.

And when he socialized with another quiet person, torturous silence followed, at least when they didn't really know each other.

But solving said quiet person's soulmate's murder... that wasn't exactly a 'yay, let's socialize' type of environment.

So they stood, waiting.

And waiting.

Still waiting.

Never-ending waiting.

Waiting in silence is worse than waiting in solitude. At least in solitude, you don't feel so tense and awkward.

The door swung open, Coach Yamiji striding out. "Gah! Sorry!"

"It's okay. We actually needed to speak to you." Washio stepped backwards, and Akaashi watched the coach intently.

He blinked, startled, and immediately tried to backpedal. "Well-" He drew out the word, licking his lips. "Uh, I mean, hello, and... why?"

"We need to speak to you about Akane's murder." Akaashi kept his tone neutral, trying to sound passive. You know, it kind of sounds like I don't care. He shrugged to himself. It didn't matter. Washio knew he did.

"Wha... Oh. Um, look. The police already interrogated me, so... yeah. Goodbye." He tried to get them to leave by 'air-pushing' them out.

Akaashi tilted his head up, looking at the coach. "We're not here to interrogate you. We just need to ask a few questions." Washio nodded in agreement, both of them looking stubbornly at the older man.

"Look, I just don't think I should."

Washio exhaled sharply, cheeks puffing up with air. "Sir, a student is dead. My soulmate. I would like to ask you some questions, please, and then we will be out of your hair." The coach looked Washio up and down, the sharp corners of his determined face softening.

"Fine. But just a few questions, please."

After some basic questions such as 'where were you?' and 'did you know Akane at all?', Akaashi received a text from Bokuto.

Bokuto: He refused to answer our questions about the keys.

"Coach." Akaashi interrupted, leaning forward in his chair. I probably look like a detective, like Bokuto said. That's kinda awesome. Maybe I should be a detective. Eh, then I'd have to see crime scenes, and that's not really my thing. "When did the captain lose his keys?"

"Four days ago. He told me the day after he lost them." Four nights ago. That's when Bokuto, Washio, Konoha, Sarukui and I went for lunch and Washio was writing to his soulmate the entire time.

"Do you know where he was?"

The coach thought, teeth pulling at his chapped lips. "No. He said he checked the area with the rest of the third-years though, so maybe ask them?" They speed-ran through three more questions, all of which had vague answers, such as:

Was he acting strangely when he told you? Just nervous.

Is there any way it got stolen? He always has them, so no. Probably not.

Could there be a connection to Akane?

At this point, Coach Yamiji stood up, the harsh sound of his chair penetrating the questioning silence. "Okay. Questions are over. Please leave." Akaashi looked at him curiously. The coach noticed. "Look. The last I saw you guys together, you were curled up in a puddle of blood. Bokuto was soaked and unconscious, you were sobbing and Washio was kneeling in front of a hanging body. Please, don't make me talk to you about this." They nodded curtly and left, thanking him.

Washio briskly walked, glancing over at Akaashi. "Why did you ask about the captain? I thought Bokuto and Kuroo covered that."

"He answered nothing. He didn't know where he left them or who might've taken them."

"Do we ask his friends as Coach suggested?" Washio asked, finally pausing to look at Akaashi properly. "Or do we just try to investigate on our own?"

"We ask. Just be inconspicuous."

A loud voice bounced through the halls. It was early in the morning, and many students were still at home. "Hey hey hey! Washio! Aghaashi! How'd it go?" Kuroo was beside him, holding one ear and laughing.

Bokuto seemed off. Strange.

Kind of like he did when he messed up in practice or mock games.

Shoot. Something happened. His smile is too big, he's just slightly louder. Also, his eyebrows are lower than usual.

Gah. Akaashi shouldn't know these things, and yet he did. It's just because I need to tell when he is in a mood. And indeed, Bokuto seemed one tiny mistake away from his infamous 'Emo-Mode'.

"Bokuto-san." Akaashi began, ready to recount the meeting.

Washio leapt into the conversation, literally and figuratively. He bounced forward a bit as he started. "We need to talk to our third-years."

"Why?" Kuroo and Bokuto chorused, glancing at each other with amused looks on their faces.

"We need to find out where the captain was four days ago. Remember when we just met? And we went to the restaurant?"


"That's the date. And we need to know where he was. Then, we can find out who might've stolen the keys. And who helped." Bokuto beamed, starting to pile on compliments about Akaashi's detective abilities. Quickly, Akaashi stopped listening due to his ears turning what felt like neon red.

Damn it, Bokuto. Stop flattering me. It's like you're trying to make me lose my cool! And it's working. Argh!

Silly owl. He really didn't get how potent compliments were. Especially his, undiluted and true.

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