Revenge pt 2

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Sry for the long wait, this part 2 is 4K words. It's a little long but I hope you enjoy it.

"What the fuck is going on!" Tae-won shouted as he witnessed his sister naked and riding Y/n on the couch.

"Oppa? Why are you here!?!?" Haewon asked, surprised and slowing down her pace of bouncing on Y/n's dick.

"What are you doing!" Her brother shouted in shock.

Y/n smirked at him and wrapped his arms around Haewon.

"Is he your brother?" Y/n asked, pretending to be shocked.

"Yes..." Haewon looked back at Y/n nervously as they stopped and sat together.

"Hi, I'm Haewon's boyfriend." Y/n introduced himself, smirking.

"Y/n! You piece of shit!" Tae-Won angrily shouted as he walked over and tried to punch Y/n.

He was stopped by Haewon. "You guys know each other?" Haewon asked, shocked that her brother knew Y/n's name.

"I didn't know Haewon was your sister!?!?" Y/n feigned being dumb.


After Y/n left the house and her brother was scolding Haewon.

Tae-won wanted to complain to their parents but he didn't want to break the news to them. Instead he asked his parents to stop Y/n from coming over to teach Haewon and don't allow Y/n to meet her.

While his parents agreed and Y/n eventually cutting contact with Haewon, giving his excuse to her that Tae-won threatened him and etc...

Y/n thought that making Haewon hate Tae-won and fucking her. That was it...

Much to his and Tae-won's dismay however...
Haewon decided to join their university too...


Beginning of new semester...

"Have you heard?" One of Y/n's friends asked.

"Heard what?" Y/n asked.

"Tae-won's sister is enrolling in our university!"

"What!?!?" Y/n asked in shock, dropping his phone.

"Yeah! I heard she's pretty and hot!" His friend whispered to him.

"Gosh..." Y/n mumbled.

Y/n quickly went back to his dorm room and laid down, thinking of a plan on how to avoid Haewon.

He looked up on his social media where the guys were already discussing about the new girls in campus. Including Haewon...

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Curious, Y/n opened the door to see who was it...

Luckily, it was his friend. He thought it might have been Haewon.

He let out a sigh of relief.

"Dude! Do you know Haewon?" His friend asked, as if interrogating him.

"No...?" Y/n answered weirdly.

"She is in our dorm. Supposedly to stay close with her brother. But when she heard someone talking about you. She got curious and asked about you."

"What!?! Who was talking about me? What did she ask??" Y/n asked anxiously, pulling his friend closer and looking around the hallway.

"It was Jong-min. He was talking about how you helped him with an assessment."

"Damn! This Jong-min got a big mouth!" Y/n sweared.

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