Danni birthday

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March 2,1985 Joseph miles POV  I can't believe she already 4 already I know  hey my pumpkin  u so cute  anything for my granddaughter right yeah  haha  I really didn't like her singing that's devils music Dad it's not devils music  how many times I have to say that  Joe leave that girl alone  happy birthday to you happy birthday to happy birthday Danni happy birthday to you make a wish baby girl yeah  to bad my favorite son n law can't be here  well u know Micheal is  busy  yeah I do know Mike been very distant for some reason   Danni come on  how things going wit n the kids I ask they fine dad remember what I always told u marriage is about comprise I know both busy people n all that  even know u don't approve on my music  I get that what the best for me it not that it just what happened to I'll girl I use to know am still here dad just had responsibility now yeah  just like I always thought u n your brother  we did plan her birthday party  u told him don't spoil her  here u like aww I take that as  yes  how things are the church well u would change come. Once in awhile u would see but  they drive me up the wall  she did  like huh yeah  aww look the birthday girl all knocked out  and worried about Michael he  probably just busy Stephanie if he wasn't then u have something to worry about.

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