SPOILERS: Chapter 269...

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Okay.... okay... I'm fine.

It's cool. Totally cool.




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My heart is hurting and my body is screaming.

It's bad enough Shinichiro is revealed to be the "first time-leaper" and I got a pretty good feeling why...!

If you don't already know, in this chapter, Shinichiro disbands the Black Dragon for his retirement— later on speaking to his father's grave that he believed Mikey would most definitely become stronger than him.

In a reference to chapter 241, the older Sano gifts Mikey that con-corde plastic model airplane. (But instead of Shinichiro building it, it was Mikey.)

A month later, the Sano family + Baji, Sanzu, and Senju freak because Mikey ends up in the hospital... with the devastating result that he is now in a vegetative state and may never be the same again (pictures above)

By falling down the stairs, he got a head injury... like the rest of his freaking siblings—!

In a fit of rage, Shinichiro blames himself for gifting said plane and destroys it, the tip breaking first like it did with senju.

... My dorayaki eating bro-bro can't catch a break, can he?

This is where my theories come in... now, in the original timeline, no one touched that airplane besides Mikey (because he's the one who made it) and senju didn't give any contemplation that she wanted to play with it either (seeing as she wasn't in the chapter) but in the other, Mikey was more strict and protective of it around the akashi siblings.

What I'm thinking here is that the plane may or may not have been a trigger inside of Mikey's subconscious— reminding him emotionally of what went down in the original timeline. What happened to him.

In 241, we all know Senju trips and breaks the plane— but in 269, Mikey trips but Shinichiro breaks the plane.

But it doesn't explain why Mikey got his dark impulses, when did he get it?

Why did senju want the plane in that timeline?

How did Wakasa (and possibly Sanzu) knew about Shinichiro time leaping?

What is his connection to Takemichi?

And exactly what was Shinichiro's trigger?

But then again, Shinichiro may have told or slipped up by accident to Wakasa about leaping and maybe Sanzu overheard it...?

But with what's going on with Mikey, maybe his dark impulses were gained by Shinichiro's ambition to save him...? Maybe the anger and the guilt Shinichiro felt influenced him during the older Sano's leap?

That, or baby bros got something demonic on him.

I'm not even kidding anymore. Plot twist after plot twist, this one takes the cake and I now believe Mikey's possessed.

There are so many questions than answers I have here and now I have to wait another freaking week just to get the details...

If you already read the chapter, I'd love to hear your take on this oh-so great surprise and if you hadn't read the manga and didn't listen to my warning about spoilers and are now angry....


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