Kick Me In The Heart~

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~ Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. ~ Galatians 5:1

This legit took me all day to write, but I was able to finish it with my determination! 😫✊🏾


Sano Manjiro】

"Okay, so I'll stop by tomorrow?" Naoto nodded his agreement as he made his way behind the counter and in front of the register as (Y/N) walked her way towards the glass door.

His eyes moved from the keypad to her and he smiled before waving briefly. "Yeah, whatever works for you!"

Waving back, (Y/N) began reaching for her jacket, confused when she didn't feel any type of her favorite cloth but... air?

Humming in confusion, she turned around and noticed it wasn't on the hook and looked down to see it was on the floor and currently scooting across the floor slowly like it was trying it to not be seen.


Naoto noticed her hesitation. "Everything okay?"

"U-uh, w-well... um," (Y/N) stuttered, a amused smile crawling on her lips as she sniggered and pointed at her jacket— which was still moving but now had small huffs of frustration coming from it. "I think my jackets possessed."

" Huh?"

Confused and definitely concerned, Naoto hurriedly left from behind the counter to see what was going on before looking down at the moving piece of cloth and frowned— now wearing a unimpressed expression at the scene.

Still laughing under her breath, (Y/N) took a single step and the jacket seemed to know she was coming for it before it started scooting faster in a panic— shocking a louder laugh out of her as she quickly caught up and pulled the the jacket away to reveal the culprit.

"Well, hello there~" a male blonde Ragdoll was staring up at her, legs tucked under him like a loaf and had huge charcoal-colored doe eyes that were obviously trying to deter her attention from the half-eaten Dorayaki hanging from his mouth.

"Nice try, little one. Eating all my Dorayaki, huh?" (Y/N) squinted at him, eyes filled with gaiety before scooping him up when he tried to make a break for it, little chirps leaving him as he ate the rest of the Dorayaki. "Who are are you?"

"That's Mikey." Naoto's deadpanned response answered for her, borderline irritation in his eyes as (Y/N) attempted to put the fuzz ball down— only to get a loud wail in retaliation.

This made both adults jump, one now in confusion and the other in annoyance. (Y/N) lifted a brow before lowering Mikey to floor again, getting the same response before she raised back up and he calmed, she did this three more times before ultimately suffering her fate.

"Mikey..." Naoto's eye twitched as he crossed his arms, sighing through his nose. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). He tends to sneak into peoples snacks— he's usually followed by a Savannah most of the time... never mind. Here, I'll take him."

(Y/N) stood still as Naoto went to take Mikey, and the Ragdoll was not having it, even going as far as to cling to her with his claws, defying the man as he was practically getting pulled on like a rope.

After watching the funny moment of Mikey nipping at Naoto's fingers harshly and the man scolding him, (Y/N) thought to make a last minute decision. Even though it was barely a few minutes, this snacking stealing feline seemed so attached to her already and going off of the enraged hisses and growls— he wasn't to keen on letting her leave so soon.

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