Kick Me Twice~

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~ Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the LORD. ~ Psalms 119:1

My phones at 48%, wish me luck! 😫🙏


【Sano Manjiro】
Kick Me In The Heart~ Part 2

(Y/N) sweat dropped at Naoto's piercing eyes, silence enveloping between them as Mikey caused his casual chaos messing with the cats in the background.

"He's a human?"

She gulped, nodding. "Yep."

"The Ragdoll... is not a cat?"



"You don't believe me."

"I think that was established the very second you said that Mikey was a cat, yes."

"Can you stop jabbing me?!" (Y/N) hissed, slamming her head on the counter with a loud groan, Naoto only shaking his head as he watched her.

Catching the noise, Mikey looked over, glad his hair no longer bothering him now that (Y/N) tied it up for him earlier that morning and he tilted his head curiously at how his caretaker was dramatically hanging off of the counter and Naoto, who has watching her with his arms crossed.

Deeming it fine, Mikey shrugged it off and picked up a slightly disturbed Savannah that tried to sneak away undetected. "Ken-chin! How you been?"


"Yeah, I'm human now! Isn't it cool?"

A black Cymric cat with sharp fangs pranced over and batted at his knee. "Meow."

"Hey, that's not very nice, Baji!"

Back with the other two, (Y/N) was nursing her red forehead with an ice pack the shopkeeper gave her, the man in question leaning back next to the register in thought.

She sighed and looked at him with a serious expression. "I'm serious here, Naoto. I don't know why or how— but Mikey is somehow a human, I couldn't kid with this kind of thing..."

Naoto turned to her again and stared for a moment before closing his eyes and shrugging with a sigh.

"Alright, I believe you."

(Y/N) blinked at him, setting the ice pack down on her lap. "Really?"

He nodded, opening his eyes to look at the ceiling. "I'm a former detective, I can tell when someone's lying. Either you're telling the truth or you hit your head hard enough to let some stranger live in your house who claims to be your cat."

A tick mark forever itself on (Y/N)'s forehead, irritation clear on her face at the repeated jab as Naoto only chuckled at her demise— further angering her before he turned around to look over his shoulder when a voice shouted.


Naoto widens his eyes and jumps out the way as the blonde figure dives over the counter and tackles (Y/N) to ground, making her yelp as the chair she was sitting in clatters loudly next to them when it fell.

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