Chaotic Energy~

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~ And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. ~ Luke 11:9

Tomorrow is my last day of school and finals are going to suck! Ughhhhhhh!


【Keisuke Baji】

Where was Naoto? If she was being honest, from what (Y/N) was seeing... she wanted to re-think on getting temperamental fur ball.

Somehow, the cats managed to escape their play pens and start a literal war of in the middle of the store— claws out and striking against one another, blood and fur flying everywhere and they yowling so loud that she was sure other pet shops shivered in fear.

In simpler terms, a cat fight.

And the bell that signaled her arrival made them stop, and now all of them were looking at her.

Intently. Very intently. It was terrifying.

At her feet, A Cymric cat with a full black coat stood in front of her, back arched with his fur tense and raised as he hissed at her and glared sharp daggers, as if she was the one a fault here.

Not that she was intimidated at the display of dominance, no, no— but, if we were being honest here, she didn't want to become that one curtain in the house that got the brunt of the claws.

Then, thank heavens, the backdoor which was somehow blocked by unopened delivery boxes was kicked open by the man pet shop owner himself. And he had the greatest glare known to man and animal alike.

If that wasn't dominance, she didn't know what was, because the cats immediately froze to stare at the man before practically booking it into their play pens. The Cymric tried to run away too, but he seemed to stumble on his paws with a low whine— falling on his side for (Y/N) to see the pretty deep claw mark on his stomach.

"Goodness...! Uh, Naoto?" (Y/N) quickly crouched down to her knees to check over the poor guy, freaking out internally as the cat started to breathe a lot more slowly than he was supposed to, not to mention his eyes were coming to a close after he coughed up a little blood. "Naoto?!"

Taking off her jacket, (Y/N) carefully wrapped it around the feline, who wheezed painfully at the movement but otherwise did nothing to object while she applied pressure to his wound.

"What?" The black haired man stopped scolding the cats to look over, his own eyes widening in alarm as he rushed over to look the Cymric over with his hands hovering over his wound. "Baji—!"

"Quick, pick him up!" Listening, (Y/N) stood up, gingerly holding the cat close to her and speed walked into the backroom with Naoto leading her inside the backroom before closing the door.

"Lay him on the table over there while I get the first aid kit." Naoto calmly said as he turned to a shelf and took out a white box and walked over. He clicked open the box and pulled out a antiseptic, some gauze, and other important products (Y/N) didn't care to look at.

"Okay, can you get some warm water while I stitch up this cut?" Naoto waved her hands away from the cat and peeled off the jacket and got to work on cleaning the cut so it wouldn't get infected.

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