Partners In Crime~

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~ For therefore we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the Living God, Who is the Savior of all men, specially if those that believe. ~ 1 Timothy 4:10

My sleep schedule contains a lot of thoughts and possible ways on how in the world I'm gonna sleep when it's already 1:00– 2:00 am

I may be possibly allergic to cats now and yet I'm writing about them 🤚🏽


P.S. there's nearly 5000 words...

【Matsuno Chifuyu】

The classic bell jingle signaled a customers arrival as Naoto looked up to greet them with the classic employee smile and it widened when he saw it was (Y/N).

"You showed up, that's great!" He said in pleasant surprise, idly tapping the counter with his fingers when she walked up closer with her own friendly smile. "I have the perfect cat for you!"

"What, you didn't think I would?" (Y/N)'s tone was slightly teasing and it made the formal detective roll his eyes.

"Not really, no." Naoto stepped out from behind the counter, gesturing her to follow him as they made their way to the play pens. He shrugged with a small sigh. "People really don't like to make an effort to adopt an animal these days."

(Y/N) raised a brow and hummed out a small "yeah," from behind him, not disagreeing. He wasn't wrong at all— more so, these days people prefer to abandon the poor things and leave them to fend for themselves or otherwise.

If she wasn't living in a apartment with a mediocre job to pay the rent— she'd adopt every animal she came across if she could.

But alas, that life. She can't always help the way she wants to, but she can hope that kind people are out there to fill her vacant spot.

"Anyways," (Y/N) stretched out the word to break the silence, tilting her head as she recalled Naoto's earlier statement when she walked in. "Who's the "perfect cat" you have for me?"

Naoto blinked to look back at her, a short "ah" escaping him. "Right. That would be Chifuyu!"

"Chifuyu?" (Y/N) smiled at the way it sounded, it was most definitely a cute name when you understood the meaning. "He sounds adorable."

Naoto was glad she thought so, chuckling at her just before they reach the play pens. The cats caught sight of them and came over to chitter and meow at Naoto excitedly, weaving around his legs while some just sat back to watch the drama happen.

(Y/N) jumped when she felt a force bumping into her leg, looking down to see a peach colored Persian who seemed to be giving his own version of a grin ramming challengingly into her ankle, meowing loudly.

She giggled and leaned down to brush to the tip of his ears, making the cat freeze as he tilted his head up at her, it surprised her that his eyes were closed— perhaps he was blind?

"Oh!" (Y/N) quickly pulled back when he chomped his canines at her, still meowing as he tried to jumped up at her— even about to climb up her leg with his claws before the same Persian with Turquoise fur and a pretty mean snarl caught him by the scruff and forcibly dragged him away.

The Tokyo Kitty Shop~ Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang