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~ What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. ~ Psalms 56:3

i just watched a video on what Egyptian Mau's sound like and for like two seconds into the video, there was a cute squeak then a 70 year old man cough 💀

did you know that they make this little "mreh" sound—? Especially the kittens and it's freakin adorable!

I had fun writing this 4000+ chapter 😂


【Mitsuya Takashi】

"So, what are you looking for in a cat?" Naoto asked as he picked Hinata up when she batted at his shoes, the Birman purring immediately as she snuggled into his arms. "Behavior wise, I mean."

"Oh, well, I guess one that's mildly tempered." (Y/N) rubbed underneath her eye as she thought about it. "I sometimes work late nights so— one that's a little quiet and nice, you know?"

"I think I have the one for you," Naoto held up a hand as he used the other to hold Hinata. "Wait here for a few minutes, I'll go find him."

"Okay." As he walked away down the aisle and around the corner, (Y/N) took the chance to look around the aisle she was in and browse as some cats (she assumed they were aloud to be out) roamed about.

She gave pets to the more friendly ones while others stayed back warily. Sitting criss cross on the tile, (Y/N) was looking at some cat food that had a really good deal and she was literally debating whether or not to buy it when Naoto called her name.

"(Y/N)," In his arms was a lilac purple-colored Egyptian Mau, who seemed interested at the change of perspective but otherwise indifferent as Naoto rubbed his head. "This is Mitsuya, he's one of the cats I actually allow to walk outside of his cage or the play pens."

"Like Hinata and the other cat that follows you?"

"Yeah, but anyway—" Naoto nodded as he put the cat down. "He's pretty patient, so I think you two will get along quite well!" (Y/N) rubbed underneath her eye again as she and Mitsuya stared at each other— both cautious but curious to where this was going to go.

Moving her finger away from her face, (Y/N) kneeled as she offered her hand, smiling gently at the feline. "Hi, Mitsuya. It's nice to meet you."

He looked at the offered limb for a short moment, sniffing it with reluctance before focusing on (Y/N) again, letting out a soft meow before walking over and rubbing himself against her outstretched hand, soon going for her knee.

"Seems he approves." Naoto comments, crossing his arms as the Egyptian Mau let a out a resounding purr, the sound vibrating against (Y/N)'s leg.

She reached down and scratched the top of his head, chuckling as she looked up at the shop owner. "I'd love to take him home with me!"

"Great," Naoto smiles as he starts to walk away, waving a hand over his shoulder. "Come meet me at the counter when you're ready and I'll ring you up and leave you with some basics."

"You got it!" (Y/N) grinned and gave a thumbs up, internally excited that he gave her time to bond with a new potential companion.

"Mreh." A tap to her knee alerted her to look down again at Mitsuya, who gave her a questionable head tilt before turning around to trot to the end of the aisle with a unique gait that (Y/N) found incredibly amusing.

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