✧𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐞✧

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The day passed very quickly and their academy classes are finally done. The four Miraculers are walking around towards their dorm together.

Speaking of Soobin, you may ask where is he?

He told the four of them that he will be right back as he got some work at the Academy. So the Four males didn't question anything and was walking quite peacefully towards their place.

Until now.

All of a sudden, their eyes fell on the sky, only to see a huge rock approaching the ground with a very high velocity. They were quite shocked to see that flying rock only to be more shocked when they saw there was a baby girl on the other side, who was unaware of the danger that was coming towards her.


The Rock was so giant that it could literally smash the fragile figure of the girl into a very gruesome looking mush.

Just as the four Miraculers were about to take actions before it was too late, out of nowhere, Soobin ran Towards that baby's direction.

Taehyun's eyes widened because he noticed Soobin running towards that direction.

"SOOBIN HYUNG!! NO DON'T GO THERE!" He shouted on the top of his lungs.

The next thing that happened was enough to make your jaw drop on the ground.

Soobin went towards that direction and literally punched that Giant rock with such an inhuman strength that the rock broke down into tiny harmless rock powder and stones.

Let me remind you, the rock was almost 10 times bigger than any normal human figure.

Soobin's eyes flashed cerulean blue color again and his signature blue aura was emitting from him again. The punch was so powerful that it created a very strong windy pressure surrounding him that even reached the four Miraculers on the other side.

The wind resulted the four Miraculers to slide back a few centimeters back from their current position.

That was an unbelievable sight...

Who even said he was a Normal Human?

That's the Biggest Joke ever.

Hell No! He is not a normal being.

He has unmatched abilities.

Who is just discovering himself.

"Makes Sense why he was called by the Wise Dean himself in the Crystallizing Academy.." Yeonjun said wavering.

Saying that The four of them were shocked will be an understatement to express their real emotions. They watched the purple haired male, walk over to the scared and crying little baby girl and caressing her head gently in a attempt to calm the scared one down.

Also, he was seen removing the debris of the rock from the hair of the baby by gently shaking her hair. After a while, Soobin saw a woman who was looking here and there restlessly, he picked up the baby and approached the lady.

"Miss? Is this baby yours?"

The lady turned to his soothing voice and saw the baby in his embrace. Soobin swears he saw the lady almost trying not to burst out crying.

"YES yes! My Baby! She is my Baby!" The lady said.

"Be careful miss. Anything could happen. Please take care of your little one." Soobin respectfully said that.

✓Journey With The Spirits [Yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now