chapter 1: Quackity

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Quackity rubbed the tears away stubbornly as he stormed away from the Whitehouse after another fight with Schlatt, why did he even stay with the Alpha when all he did was treat him like shit? They weren’t even mated so why the hell did he stay?!

“Fundy” A tiny voice in the back of his mind whispered and his shoulders slumped a little bit as he stopped walking, he couldn’t leave the pup alone with Schlatt he had already failed Tubbo he couldn’t let another pup down.

“You reak of distress” A voice remarked from behind him and he grit his teeth in annoyance as he whirled around to face Dream who had his head tilted thoughtfully.

“What the hell do you want Dream?” He questioned in frustration only to stiffen up when Dream stepped forward and took his chin into his hand gently.

“Did Schlatt do that to you?” He asked in a surprisingly soft tone of voice but Quackity just grit his teeth and jerked his chin out of the blondes grasp, though he did reach up to gently touch the fading bruise on his cheek. He had taken a hit for Fundy when the pup had tried to defend him from Schlatt’s yelling last week and the bruise had only just begun to fade away.

“Why the hell do you care?” He growled and Dream seemed to observe him for a moment before he grabbed his wrist and started dragging him away.

“What the hell are you doing?!” He shouted in alarm as he attempted to wrench his arm out of Dream’s grasp but the blonde was frustratingly stronger than him. After multiple attempts to get free, he eventually gave up when it became apparent that Dream wasn’t budging.

“Where are you taking me?” He grumbled questioningly but Dream remained silent which just annoyed him even more. After a few more moments of tense silence, they finally came upon a rather cosy looking cottage and Quackity blinked in surprise as he glanced between it and Dream.

“Is this your house?” He asked in surprise and was baffled when Dream nodded as he pulled him into the cottage, this is not what he imaged the house of arguably the most powerful person on the servers house to look like. Dream leads him into what Quackity assumed was the blonde's room which made him stiffen up slightly only to blink in confusion when he saw a messily constructed nest instead of a bed.

“Why do you have a nest?” He questioned and Dream paused as he turned to look at him as if he had just realized something, he reached over and gripped the back of his neck which caused him to stiffen up fearfully only for Dream to place his head right next to his scent gland.

“Wha-” He choked out in confusion only for his eyes to widen when he got a whiff of Dream’s scent, while the suppressants did a great job of covering up Dream’s scent being this close to his scent glands allowed him to smell the soft lavender scent of an Omega.

“You're- you're an Omega?!” He cried out in shock as he jerked his face away from Dream’s neck who simply nodded as he reached up and slipped his mask off which was just another shocking thing to add to the list of things that had happened today.

His jaw dropped as he took in all of Dream’s features, from the freckles to the scars but what really caught his attention were his eyes. They were so green that they could put an emerald to shame but the thing that he was really focused on was the golden ring around his pupils, one of the most telling signs of an Omega.

“I- I thought you were an Alpha!” He sputtered in shock to which Dream chuckled softly.

“Most people do, and it’s easier if people continue to believe that” He said softly and Quackity continued to gape at him.

“Does anyone else know? Sapnap? George?” He questioned and Dream simply shook his head as he placed his mask down on his desk.

“No one but you knows” He revealed and Quackity gripped his hair as his confusion grew even more.

“Why did you tell me?” He questioned and Dream gave him a sad look as he reached up and cupped his face so that he could gently rub his thumb against the bruise.

“Your entering pre heat Quackity and the amount of distress you were experiencing is not healthy especially if you continue to spend your time around such an awful Alpha” He explained gently and Quackity felt tears well up in his eyes as he instinctively leaned into the other Omega’s hand.

“I… I can’t just leave I have to protect Fundy, I already failed Tubbo I can’t let another pup get hurt” He whimpered and Dream let out a soft whine as he pulled him into a hug.

“You don’t have to do it alone, I’ll help you and Fundy get away from him I promise” He said seriously as he gently ran his fingers through the shorter Omega’s hair. Quackity felt his eyes grow heavy as he leaned even more into Dream, he hadn’t gotten a good nights rest in quite a while. He barely acknowledged the fact that Dream had gently let him towards his nest and was now cuddling him softly.

“Come on you need some cuddles” He mumbled warmly and Quackity just let out a soft whine of agreement as he cuddled closer and allowed his eyes to fully slip shut to tired to even try and argue.

To be continued...
Word count : 948

Protective Mama Bear Dream(discontinued/on hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz