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We eventually arrived at the coordinates. The letter was right. In front of us stood a huge palace. The palace was painted black and red.

"Let's look for a way in now. " I said to the other two boys.

"I'll go look that way. " Minghao said as he pointed to a part of the palace.

It didn't take us long to find an entrance. It was a door that was wide open. The door opened into a long hall. The walls were painted a deep red with black stripes. The floor was a dark wood and the ceilings arched into a curve.

"We should find basement stairs. That's where cells are normally kept right? " Jeonghan asked quietly.

"Yeah." Minghao agreed in a whisper.

The three of us searched for basement stairs and eventually found some. This is where Jeonghan came into play. Me and Minghao stood hidden with our backs against the wall.

"Ya! I'm here to save the prisoners! " Jeonghan yelled loud enough for only the guards to hear him. And they did. Two big guys dressed in black armor with chains hanging from them.

As the guards got close to Jeonghan, he helped before taking off down the hallway. I prayed that Jeonghan would be able to get somewhere safe. I grabbed Minghao's wrist and pulled him down into the basement. Once we arrived at the bottom of the steps, I looked around. We were here. The cells were exactly that, cells.

"Ya! Akiro! " I heard my name being called from one of the cells. It wasn't NinNin's voice.

I looked at the place where the voice came from, it was Yunomi. She looked terrible. Her face was pale and she looked like she lost a few pounds. As much as I was angry with her, part of me felt bad for her.

"Where is she? " I asked as I get closer to the cell.

"I... I... " She stuttered. Minghao hit the cage making the girl jump.

"Where is she Yunomi? " Minghao asked more aggressive.

"They... They took her. I think they're doing the plan." She said, her voice was shakey. "Akiro, I never wanted to hurt her. I wasn't going to follow her instructions, I was gonna help save her from Elise, but I failed. I'm so sorry. "

My heart dropped. God no, they can't do the plan.

"What plan? " Minghao asked looking at me.

"The plan I told you about, she wants power. She wants my sisters power's, I still don't know why though, but if we don't stop them now, it'll kill her. " I rushed out before taking off back up the stairs.

I looked around. I was out of breath.

*. : 。✿ * ゚ * .: 。 ✿ * ゚  * . : 。 ✿ *

I watched as Akiro ran. It was hard to keep up with him but I somehow managed. He ran until he came across a door. My heart dropped as I heard it. Screaming. It sounded like Shia and my heart instantly shattered. What were they doing to her?

Akiro didn't hesitate and pushed open the door. My eyes watered at the site in front of me. Shia was restrained in a chair connected to thousands of wires. The wires were connected to a machine and the machine also had wires leading to a woman.

Ready To Love | Xu MinghaoWhere stories live. Discover now