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I was currently sat down with Bahiyya during our break. These past few days haven't been too eventful thankfully. I've been able to hang out with everyone lately.

"So, I never really got to tell you what I wanted to that day. " Bahiyya said as she played with her fingers.

"What is it Hiyya?" I asked her. She looked nervous, and that made me nervous.

Bahiyya wasn't one to get nervous easily. She was always so confident with herself. So her being nervous or scared was a very rare thing.

"Well, its um, its about Akiro. " She said taking in a deep breath.

"What about Akiro? Hiyya, you're scaring me girl. " I said as I grabbed her hand in mine.

"It's nothing bad. I'll just say it. Nina! I like your brother. " She rushed out.

A smile grew on my face, and then I burst out laughing. "You like my brother? Oh my god. That's hilarious. "

"I'm serious Nina!"

Oh shit she was. I saw it in her thoughts. Yeah that's the only weird thing that's been happening these past few days, I've been able to see more and more into people's thoughts. Akiro said I'm able to turn it off, but in all honesty, I kinda enjoyed seeing what people were thinking.

"You really like my brother? " I asked her with a more serious face.

"I, you're not mad are you? " She asked with wide eyes.

I shook my head. "No, of course not, I'm just surprised honestly. It's pretty hard to see you dating my brother. But if you are happy and if he's happy, I'll 100% support you both. " I said as she engulfed me into a hug.

"That's a big relief. I was so afraid of you hating me after I told you. " she said wiping off her forehead.

"Why would I hate you. The worst that could happen is I disagree but support you. But in this case I support and agree with you. " I said to her.  "Oh, before I forget." I said pulling out a bracelet. It was a pink bracelet that had a blue heart charm that had my initials on it.

She gasped. "Oh my god Nina! This is so beautiful. "

I smiled as I pulled out mine. It was blue was a pink heart charm that had Bahiyya's initials on it. "We're matching. Mine has your initials and yours has my initials on it. "

"Oh my goodness Nina! This is the sweetest thing ever. It's not even my birthday yet. " She said hugging me once again.

"I know, but I remember you said something about wanted friendship bracelets, so I decided to get two made specifically for us. "

"How though?" she asked.

How was I supposed to tell her that S.Coups made it after I begged him for a whole 30 minutes. It was a hard thing to get him to agree.

"I found a store that was selling friendship bracelets. He said he could personally engrave our initials into them. " I said to her, it wasn't the full truth, but also wasn't a lie. I did in fact come across a store that was selling friendship bracelets, but they were way too expensive.

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