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Once I heard the front door slam shut I got up from where I was on the floor. There was a few drops of blood but I shook it off. I'll be fine, I just need to check on NinNin. She was quiet, and it was scaring me.

When I reached her, my eyes began watering as I saw her back full of blood and glass. Mom must've threw a bottle at her. I was angry and scarred. I pulled my phone from my pocket and dialed S.Coups. I couldn't bring her to the hospital.

"Hello? Is everything ok Akiro? " S.Coups asked. I had to swallow down a sob that was threatening to spill from my throat.

"It's NinNin. Mom threw a glass at her. She's unconscious, and she's bleeding a lot. Can I bring her there? " I asked panicking.

"Of course, I'll get Jeonghan to get everything ready. Don't worry about any of the doors. I'll have Woozi there to opened them for you." S.Coups said before calling over to Jeonghan and Woozi. "I'll hang up for now, but call me if there's anything. "

"Alright, thank you Coups. " I thanked him.

"Of course. " he said before hanging up.

I pushed my phone back into my pockets and carefully picked up NinNin, careful not to touch any of the cuts on her back. I carefully walked over to my car and put her laying on her stomach in the back of the car.

I rushed to the safe house where S.Coups and the others were staying. Once there I parked my car and Woozi was there. He rushed over and greeted me. I opened the back door and grabbed my sister carefully.

Woozi stayed quiet as the two of us made our way through the mansion and into the room that that Jeonghan was standing in front of.

"Bring her in there. " Jeonghan said to me as he made his way to the bed and get his tools ready. He then looked at me, "Kiro, I know this may be hard for you, but could you please go wait in the living room. Ill come get you once I'm done. "

I didn't want to leave my sister, but I knew I had to. I couldn't watch her be in pain. I nodded at Jeonghan and walked out of the room, Woozi followed me.

"Will Nina be alright? " He asked quietly.

I shrugged. "Hopefully. I don't know what I'll do without her. "

"I think she will. " He said giving me a soft smile.

"Thanks, " I said to him as the two of us walked into the living room where everyone was sitting, including S.Coups.

"Everyone, I have an announcement to say." Coups said as he stood up. "Akiro's sister has been hurt very badly by their mom. "

"What?! " Minghao said as he stood up. My heart twisted. "Let me see her! "

"Calm down Minghao. She's being treated by Jeonghan right now. Once she is treated, Akiro and Nina will be staying here for a bit since I won't allow them to go back home. "

"What about our clothes and school? " I asked.

"I'll have someone grab your clothes and you'll still attend school. But I need everyone to keep everything a secret. Nina can not know about us or Akiro." He said before turning to me. "Akiro, can I speak to you alone? "

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