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It was the first day of track practice. Something that actually cheered me up from the incident that happened in the bathroom.

The weird part about practice was the fact that Minghao was apparently now part of the track team. Oh and Eunha was also apparently now part of track. I was surprised at first.

"Ok, how many new people are here today? " The coach said causing four people to raise their hands.

"Four. Alright may I have your names. The one in the jacket." He said pointing to a girl who was wearing a light pink jacket.

"Oh, my name is Hwahee. " She said with a very sweet smile.

The coach jotted down her name before pointing to a boy with long hair. "You with the long hair. "


The coach jotted his name down then pointed to Eunha. "You with the short shorts. "

"Eunha." She said rolling her eyes before saying something that I couldn't hear.

Again the coach jotted down her name and the pointed to Minghao, "And you? "


"Alright. Since you four are new here I'm gonna need someone to help you four out. " Coach said before looking at his board. "Ah, Ninishi. Would you mind helping them out please? "

"Her?" Eunha asked clearly irritated.

"Yes her. Ninishi here is both top of the records in track but she has been team captain for four years straight. Who else would be good enough to teach you four. If you have a problem with that then you may leave." The coach explained. Oh yeah, might have accidentally left that part out.

Minghao looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.

"Now, if there's nothing more. Ninishi you may go and teach them. Remember to start with warm ups. "

"Yes coach. " I said before I made my way to the four. "Hello everyone. We're going to start off with warmups. 10 jumping jacks then 10 sit ups should work fine. "

The four of them obeyed. Well at least two of the four were able to do what I told them. The pink jacket girl, Hwahee, was struggling, and Eunha wasn't even trying.

"Eunha, if you don't even want to try, then you still have time to leave. And Hwahee don't force yourself, you must breath in between sit ups." I said to the two. Eunha glared at me and Hwahee nodded.

Eventually the four had finished both the jumping jacks and the sit ups so I decided to move onto sprints.

"Alright, now we're going to do sprints. Since the others are using the big track, we'll use the smaller track. " I said before walking over to the smaller of the two tracks. Our field was pretty huge so the school was able to fit two tracks.

"We'll first start with sprints. We'll do two laps. If you feel like you'll collapse you may stop for a minute then you must continue on. Remember what I'm about to say. When running, if you stop completely, you'll never be able to run fast or far. When running, if you must take breaks, you must keep moving in order to build up endurance. " I explained to them.

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