Chapter 26 ~ A Mage's Advice

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The night passed slowly, giving Nastasia plenty of time to stew over the upcoming challenge. She sat awake despite Josephine and Elise's deep, sleep-laden breaths and faint snores. Her thoughts churned with anxiety.

She'd been skeptical about surviving the Rodt Woods, but what now lay before her seemed entirely impossible. It would take a miracle for her to survive, and not one of her own design.

Nastasia worked her hands together, ignoring the shadows that bound her wrists and the bursts of starlight flickering at her fingertips. She kept her back facing Josephine and Elise, just in case one of them happened to wake. They might not be questioning her white hair and pale countenance, but they would certainly question her magic.

The hours dragged on until Nastasia couldn't bear the sound of her thoughts any longer. She threw a scarf over her head and slipped into her boots before leaving the tent. Nastasia began to walk aimlessly, hoping the fresh night air would help soothe her. The night was balmy and humid. The scent of rain hung on the breeze, though no clouds loomed overhead.

A pale light caught her attention and Nastasia glanced down at her arms. She groaned, hastily crossing them over her chest. She was glowing again. She'd managed to keep that relatively under control while in Blod. Why did it have to act up now? She couldn't start glowing when they entered the dark depths of Lake Pontus!

Gravel crunched behind her and Nastasia whirled, coming face to face with the beautiful dark-haired Mage. Danitza raised her hands and Nastasia hesitated. "I mean you no harm," the woman said.

"Then why are you sneaking up on me?"

"You heard me, therefore I wasn't sneaking." Nastasia frowned but didn't contradict her. "I came to offer you a warning. I told you before to keep your magic hidden, but here especially, take that warning to heart. Eldons hold little love for those with magic, whether it be a Mage's or otherwise."

Nastasia took a step back. "I...I don't know what you mean."

"Yes you do. I knew who you were the minute I felt your magic, and other Mages will too. Don't worry; I won't tell anyone you're here. I'm curious to see what you're planning. But I still urge you to be cautious. The people we travel with might put on a friendly face, but deep down, their blood still boils for war. Don't be the person who gives it to them."

Danitza turned to leave. "Wait," Nastasia called. "You travel with Sir Arlov, along with Mischa Balakin and Yuri Novikov. I have a mutual friend with them and he told me they were all going to Herodion, but I found them here without my friend. Can you tell me..."

"We all have our secrets, Princess. If you're keen on keeping yours, I suggest you grant the same privacy to others," Danitza interrupted. "All will be revealed in time. Secrets can't stay secret forever. Best not to rush them though."

Danitza took another step, then glanced back at her. "One more thing, do you know how to swim?"

Nastasia pursed her lips and gave a small shake of her head. "Not very well. I've never swam where I couldn't touch the bottom."

"I didn't think so. Around the banks of the lake, you should find plants floating on the surface. They look similar to water lilies, only instead of being a flower on a lily pad, the lily pad is the flower."

Nastasia cocked her head. "I'm not sure what you mean."

"The plant I'm speaking of looks like a flower made up of leaves," Danitza huffed, rolling her eyes. "It's called Voda Halitus. Eat two of the leaves and you'll be able to breathe underwater for two hours. If you think you'll be down longer, take a few leaves with you and eat them when the first two begin to wear off. But do not eat more than two at a time or you might as well let yourself drown."

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