2- ten

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One month later

Pov Sofia

'Good morning Sofia' the doctor said when he walked in.


'I have some news for you, you can go home today. Your boyfriend is here to pick you op' he said and pointed at the door.

'Hai' Mason said.

'So you're my boyfriend?' I asked.

He smiled. 'If I said that you're just a friend they didn't let me take you'

'I already put your back in the car so we're already to go' he said and handed me his hand.

I got out of bed and walked out of my room, the room I laid in for almost two months.

'Here you go' Mason opens his door for me he we r around the car and jumped behind the steering wheel.

'Anything heart from the police?' I asked.

'No not yet' he said.

The whole ride home we said nothing. When he pulled up in the driveway he finally spoke.

'Sofia, he will come back to us'

'I know' I said and opened the door.

'Now let me' Mason said and run around to my side.

'You know I can open my own door and get out of the car on my own right' I said annoyed.

'Okay sure. I'll get your bag'

I opened the door and tried to push me up from the seat.

'Auw' I said quite.

Aiden shot me in the shoulder and apparently I lost a lot of blood.

I slowly stood up and I felt myself getting dizzy.

I grabbed the door and hold on to it slowly taking a step.

A blue blur appeared in my eyes and felt my self fall, a strong pair of arms got me just in time.

'I got you' Mason said.

He lifted me in his arms and closed the door.

'My bag' I mumbled.

'I got it' he said and I fell asleep.


pov Mason

There she was, lying in my bed.

God why did I let her go

I sat in the chair in the corner of my room watching her. She was sleeping.

The doorbell ring.

Ik got up and kissed her on her head and walked downstairs.

'Good morning Mr. Mount' detective Grey said.

'Good morning' I answered.

'Can we come in?' She asked.

'Of corse' I said and let them in.

'We have some good news and some bad news' she said.

'Where is Sofia?' Detective Klein said.

'Sleeping, I'm not going to waker her up' I said.

'Okay. Well we found Aiden. He was hiding in his family house in France'

'Good and Charles?' I asked.

'He is still missing'

'what do you mean he is still missing?'

'We didn't found him in that house, we think Aiden hides him somewhere else' Detective Grey said.

'Fuck!' I yelled.

'Sir you can't give up hope, we will find your son' they said and got up.

'As soon as we have any new information we will let you know' Detective Grey said and walked out.

'They found Aiden?' I heard Sofia from behind me.

She was sitting on the stairs watching.

'They did' I said and walked towards her.

'And Charles?' She asked.

I shaked my head. 'No still missing'

'Oh my god' she cries.

'Come here' I said and took her in my arms.

'It will be okay, they will find them' I said.

We will meet again//mason mountWhere stories live. Discover now