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The first half of the game between Chelsea and Manchester United has ended in a 1-0 for Chelsea. 'I'm getting something to drink do you want some?' Asked Lisa. 'Yes coke please' I answered her. 'And you Anna?' She said and looked at Anna. 'I'll go with you' she said and the girl walk to the snack bar. 'Sofia is that you?' I heard a voice saying behind me. I turned around and saw Julia standing there. 'Julia hey what are you doing here?' I asked her and give her a hug. 'I'm here for Mason' she said. 'And Jesse of course' she continued. 'For Mason?' I asked her confused. 'Yes him and I are dating. Why?' I felt tears filling my eyes. Mason and Julia are dating? So that's way he ignored me. 'Oh you know me. I'm always curious' I said and smiled it of. 'Oh it looks like the game is starting I'm gone find my seat. See you!'
'Bye!' I couldn't believe it. 'Sofia are you okay?' Asked Lisa when they got back. 'Mason and Julia are dating' I said and looked at the ground. 'What how? Since when?' Asked Anna. 'I don't know' I said and felt the tears coming up again. 'You know what. Mason is a dick you don't deserve him. And besides Noah and you are going to be a power couple' said Anna. 'Thanks guy's. But I think I'm going home I don't feel good' I said. It was true. 'You sure?' Asked Lisa. I shake my head and gave them a hug.

When I got home I took a quick shower. When I opened a drawer to get a makeup wipe I saw a pregnancy test laying in the drawer from when Lisa and I took it for the fun. I opened the packaging and took it. After two minutes I looked at it and to my surprise he was positive. How is that possible. Noah and I used protection and the condoom wasn't broken. And then I realized it. When Mason and I had sex after the party we didn't used a condom. It can't be. It s not possible. I let myself down on the floor and burst into tears. After I calmed down I called Lisa and Anna and they came immediately.
'I don't know what to do' I said and let my head down in my hands. 'You sure it's Mason's?' Asked Anna and gave me some water. 'Yes Noah and I used protection. And I only had sex with Mason and Noah for the last two months. 'Okay we're going to the hospital to check' said Lisa and we got into the car.
'You are almost one and a half months pregnant' said the doctor. 'Shit' I said and let my head down in my hands again. 'Is it bad news?' Asked the doctor. I shake my head. 'One night stand?' He asked. 'Something like that' I answered him. 'Well good luck' he said and handed me the test results over. 'Have a nice night' said Lisa and we walked out. 'Can we keep it a secret for now? I don't want that Mason or Noah is gone find out' I said and got into the car. 'Promised. Your secret is save with us' said Anna and drove away.

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