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'How long have you been pregnant?' Asked Noah and looked at the ground. I told Noah that I was pregnant and it was not his. He looks so sad. 'Now two months' I answered him. 'Okay so you're two months pregnant from a boy you hooked up with and you're telling me this now?' He said and with a raised voice. 'Noah I'm sorry. I didn't know till two weeks ago' I said and grappled his hand. 'Are you gonna keep the baby?' He asked. 'I...I don't know' I answered him and looked at the ground. 'And us?' He asked. 'How is it gonna go between us?' He continued. I looked up and saw a tear in Noah's eyes. 'Noah I had sex with him before I even know you' I said and looked at him. 'Does it matter if I'm pregnant?' I said. 'If it was mine no' he said and a tear fell down on my cheek. 'But we're gonna fight for this, us' he said and he wiped the tear away.
'So what are you gone? Are you gone tell him our...' he asked me after I calmed down a bit. 'No not yet' I answered. 'But you need to...'he tried to say. 'I said not yet' I interrupt him. 'Okay' he said and we both laughed.

'So Noah is not mad?' Asked Anna. 'Nope. Not that I know' I answered. 'Okay' she said and laughed. 'What's up?' I asked her confused. 'I have some news to' begon Anna. 'Are you pregnant to!' Screamed Lisa. 'Yes' said Anna and a she smiled. 'I'm so happy for you. Now only Lisa have to get pregnant' I said and laughed. 'Noway no is not going to happen' she said. Anna and I laughed. 'But now I got the deal with not one, no two people with pregnancy hormones' she said.

When I game home Noah was sitting at the table. 'Hey what's up?' I asked him and sat down next to him. 'My boss want me to fly to America tomorrow for work' he said and looked at me. 'Tomorrow?' I asked and looked at the table. 'Yes otherwise I'm gone lose this job and I just got it.' That's true he just got a new job. 'For how long?' I asked him. 'Two weeks' he said. 'That's long. But you have to go.' I said. 'Sofia are you...'
'Yes you have to go. Now go pack your bags' I said and gave him a kiss. 'Okay. I'll call you tomorrow before I my flight goes' he said and walked out. 'Bye have fun but not to much' I said and gave him one last kiss and closed the door.

We will meet again//mason mountWhere stories live. Discover now