Twenty five

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With shaking hands I open the letter.

Dear Mason
I'll start with I'm sorry, I'm sorry for leaving without telling you why or saying goodbye.
I know it's been a long time since we seen each other or talked but I had to let you know that I'm happy.
I don't know what we had, but I know it was something special.
I've learned a lot from you, how to love again how to get so attached to someone that you can't breathe when you're not with them.
I just wanted to start over, and I did. I started my own family and live in a place where I couldn't dream off.
I hope you'll find joy and love with someone and start a  family and have beautiful live like mine now...
I hope you can let me go and start for your own now.
And remember mason I will always love you.
Xx Sofia

Tears roll out of my eyes. 'Why Sofia why?' I ask myself. But as she said I have to let her go even if I don't want to.

We will meet again//mason mountWhere stories live. Discover now