Chapter 1

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"Bear Bear!"

Raven turned just in time to catch the honey blonde haired hazel eyed woman that launched herself at him. He giggled as she wrapped her legs around his waist and arms around his neck. "Kitten," he murmured inhaling her sweet pea perfume.

"Я скучаю по тебе YA skuchayu po tebe (I miss you)," she whispered in his ear as she relaxed in his hold.

"Я тоже по тебе скучаю YA tozhe po tebe skuchayu (Miss you too)," he whispered as he cupped her ass and lifted her slightly so he could hold her better.

"Ты больше никогда не приходишь ко мне Ty bol'she nikogda ne prikhodish' ko mne (You never come see me anymore)," She pouted as she pulled away to look into his dark eyes. "Вы выбрали своих мужей вместо меня Vy vybrali svoikh muzhey vmesto menya (You chose your husbands over me)."

"Это неправда, и ты это знаешь. Я всегда выберу тебя из всех. У тебя есть мое сердце и душа, Котенок. Eto nepravda, i ty eto znayesh'. YA vsegda vyberu tebya iz vsekh. U tebya yest' moye serdtse i dusha, Kotenok. (That's not true and you know it. I will always choose you over anyone. You have my heart and soul, Kitten.)" he growled and she smiled.

"И никогда не забывайте об этом! Да, и я больше никогда не буду твоим лучшим другом. I nikogda ne zabyvayte ob etom! Da, i ya bol'she nikogda ne budu tvoim luchshim drugom. (And don't you ever forget it! You do and I'll never ever be your best friend again.)" She glared at him making him laugh at how adorable she was being while trying to look serious.

"Никогда, Котенок. Я всегда буду твоим. Nikogda, Kotenok. YA vsegda budu tvoim. (Never, Kitten. I'll always be yours.)"

She smiled down at him and for the first time in a long time his heart was at peace. "Raven." He frowned, she never called him that. "Raven."

"Kitten?" he mumbled in confusion at her all knowing smile.

"Wake up, Raven," She whispered as she ran her finger over his eyebrow. "You need to wake up and find me."

"What?" he asked confused, he was awake and holding his Kitten.

"Wake up, Raven," she kissed his forehead. "Remember I'll always love you."

He placed her at his feet and took a step back. "You nyet Kitten, she no speak English."

"You're dreaming, Raven, wake up."

"Corey?" he asked turning around in a circle.

She hugged him from behind, "Find me, Bear Bear, before it's too late and you've lost me forever."

"Find you how?" He asked turning to look down at her. "Where are you, Kitten?" She reached up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. When she pulled away and took a step back, a tear slipped down her face as she smiled sadly at him. "Kitten? Kitten! Where are you? Tell me, Kitten!" He demanded as he took a step to her but she shook her head.

"Good bye, Bear Bear."

"KITTEN!" Raven shouted as pain coursed through him.


Raven gasped, sitting up in bed, making Corey fall back on his ass in surprise. "Raven?"

"You hit me, Corey," Raven glared as he touched his cheek that had a slight sting to it.

"You were getting really upset," he explained. "You were dreaming of her again, weren't you?"

"What is going on?" Axel asked opening the door.

"Nothing," Raven mumbled as he pulled the covers over his naked body, "bad dream. Fine now."

"You need to tell them, Raven," Corey said softly as he touched the blanket covering Raven's thigh. "It's getting worse and they could help us."

"Are you dreaming of your Kitten again?" Axel asked and Raven looked at him shocked then suspiciously.

"You talk in your sleep, Raven," Axel shook his head. "Maybe if you tell us about her and whatever is going on, we can help you."

"Whoever she is, she's obviously important to you," Brandon shrugged.

"Which makes her important to us," Marc nodded. "We're family, Raven, let us help, please."

Raven took the pants that Corey handed him and slipped them on. Getting out of the bed, he sighed and started pacing around the room while twirling his favorite knife absentmindedly. The men that held his heart just waited.

Raven sighed and threw the knife into the table beside him then ran his fingers through his hair. "She owns heart," he admitted sitting back on the bed and dropped his head into his hands in defeat. "She own before I meet you."

"Oh Raven," Corey sighed softly as he hugged him from behind. "We knew that already."

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