Chapter 27

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Jessie's POV:

We were back at Brooks' garage now. Jules and Riley showed up after a while and we all got to work on each others stuff. Jules and Oliver were helping Riley set up for his guitar lead, and Brook, Chloe, and Colin were helping Fritz with his bass. I told everyone that I needed to text someone, so I was sitting on a chair next to my drum set, texting DJ.

DJ: So what the hell is going on Jessie? The crew is gonna tell everyone about you and Riley and what you did to them.

Jessie: I don't give two shits what they say about me. But no way in hell am I gonna let them push around my bf anymore.

DJ: So he actually is your boyfriend?

Jessie: One of my boyfriends.

DJ: Wait wait wait. One of them???

Jessie: I'm in a polyamorous relationship. It's a relationship with more than one person. You remember Jules and that Fritz guy at the party who kicked that bird guys ass?

DJ: Yea. That Fritz guy seemed cool.

Jessie: They are also our boyfriends. Four person relationship. It's weird I know.

DJ: Sounds weird. But whatever you roll with, I support.

Jessie: Really?

DJ: Jessie, you've helped me through the worst shit of my life when I had no one else. Of course I support you man.

Jessie: Thanks mate.

DJ: Now, tell me what happened.

Jessie: It was just a fucked up situation. I told the others to go find Riley at the bottom of the bleachers because I was late and came to find them with a switchblade to Riley's throat.

DJ: Christ. What did you do?

Jessie: I punched the shit outta Ron. Then Riley ran off. Crying.

DJ: And what happened to him?

Jessie: I ran after him to try to talk with him, but he didn't trust me. Like, at all. Lost all faith in me and everything. I was a complete asshole to him. Then I let my anxiety take over and I slashed him.

DJ: Damn. How'd you apologize?

Jessie: Well, he ran off crying and I ran after him. I told him how sorry I was and how hard I was trying to make him happy and then he just hugged me and forgave me. I took him to my car and patched him up and just stayed with him until he was ok.

DJ: Was that before or after you asked him out?

Jessie: Before. I'm still in sorta shocked he still had feelings for me after I did that to him.

DJ: Just left your mark on him.

Jessie: Shut up.

DJ: Lol.

Jessie: Anyway, that's the story. Rileys ok and I'm not letting anyone touch him or hurt him like that ever again. Not the gators or me. I don't want to hurt him like that ever again.

DJ: Well shit Jessie. That's intense. How'd your other bfs react?

Jessie: They were broken. Shattered. I really fucked up man.

DJ: So how did you fix it?

Jessie: Um... Well...

DJ: I'm not gonna judge you or anything Jessie.

Jessie: Ok, this might sound insane but, I blew around $700 on guitars for Fritz, Jules, and Rileys broken guitars, Rewrote Fritz's destroyed book he was writing, and told them I loved them. It's a long story, you wouldn't get it.

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