Chapter 18

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Rileys POV:

It was dark already. It’s around 8:55 pm. The football stadium is outside of the school building was on a big field just to the right of the parking lot. Well, kinda. And a ton of people started to show up. People I mean students. Today’s Friday. The football game. I didnt talk to my three boys today so I’ve just been alone. I was leaning up against the side of the school building, waiting for Jessie to pull up and walk with me to the stadium. I’m not scared of walking alone or anything. I’m scared about the other gators. I don’t want to be near them without Jessie. I texted him to ask when it started because I forgot and he hasn’t texted back yet. As I continued to wait and watch more people walk past my, my phone suddenly buzzed and I quickly pulled it out. Jessie was calling. My Jessie was calling. I quickly answered. “Hey Riley, Imma be twenty minutes late. Work decided they needed help behind the counter and they wouldn’t let me leave until I helped. Imma start driving over soon as soon as I get this filthy ass outfit off.” He said on the other line. “Oh um. Ok. Cool. Take your time I’m waiting.” I quickly responded. “What? Just go take your seat up on the bleachers. The Gator crew is up there waiting for you and I so just make your way up there and tell em Imma be late.” “N-n-no its fine, I just wait for you. I’m already at the parking lot waiting.” I quickly said. “Dude. What’s wrong? I can clearly hear un your voice that somethings wrong.” He said. “N-n-nothing. Don’t worry. I’ll just be waiting for you.” I said. He hummed in a “Your clearly lieing” response. “Riley.” He said. “Ok... Im just... Anxious.” I said. “About the Gator Crew?” I hummed in response. He sighed. “Listen Riley, I swear to you everything’s gonna be fine. Ight? Just go up there and sit with em and wait. Ok?” “I... I can’t, Jessie...” I said, still feeling stressed. He sighed on the other line. “Ok... How about, you go to the back of the bleachers and just wait for me there, ok? The school won’t allow you to stay by the building so just wait for me behind the big bleachers in the back, ok?” He said. “Yea. Yea ok.” “Ok cool. The game starts in five minutes so I’ll be fifteen minutes late. But as soon as I get you, we’ll walk up to the top to the others. Ok? I want you be conferrable and not uncomfortable.” He sweetly said. “O-Ok. I’ll see you there then.” “See you in fifteen.” He hung up and I hung up too. I pushed myself off the wall I was leaning on and slowly started my way towards the football stadium. He probably thought you were a pussy. Fuck. Why’d I act like that? God I fucking hate myself.

Jessies POV:

Jessie: Hey

Ron: What

Jessie: Rileys coming behind the bleachers to wait for us. Imma be a little late so just go get him and take him up to the spot. Ight? Don’t fuck with him.

Ron: We won’t. Your gonna cry anyways if we even joke with him.

Jessie: Shut up. DJ told you what’s wrong with him.

Ron: I know I know. Christ. Well get him, apologise and then head back up the bleachers with him.

Jessie: Thank you. I’ll be there soon.

Ron: Ight.

Jessie: And don’t mention anything about his dad or mom. Ight? I don’t care if you thought itd be funny to make fun of his dead mom or mention the scar on his neck form his dad. He’s in a really dark place right now and I want him to feel welcomed.

Ron: Alright.

Jessie: Thanks. Ill be there soon

Rileys POV 9 pm:

I made it to the bleachers and started waiting. The game started and ten minutes passed. He still wasn’t here. I know he said twenty minutes but usually that a guess. This sucks. I hate being here alone. No one was down here. It was just me with the dim lights and the large bleachers behind me. I was leaned up against a pole underneath it. The area around me was dark with only small lights shining around. There were small puddles around me too. The voices from above me were loud but not so loud if I were on the other side. I was getting anxious now. Like I felt like someone was watching me. Where are you Jessie? I really need you right now... “Hey!” Someone called my name suddenly. I looked around to see who it was until I finally looked to my right and saw the Gator Crew. Oh shit... I felt my heart start to pound in fear. But then I stopped it. I remembered what Jessie said and I calmed myself down. Trust Jessie. He said everything’s gonna be ok. Just trust him. The Gator crew were making their way over towards me. There was five of them. The tall one was missing. “Lookie lookie! It’s Riley!” One of the gators said as they got closer to me. “Hey.” I greeted them as they got closer. “Man oh man, is this gonna be fun.” One of the other guys said to the others. I didnt like that. “Your boyfriends not here yet, so looks like your gonna have to wait.” Another guy said. I already was annoyed. “He’s not my boyfriend.” I corrected them. “Oh he’s not?” Another gator started, “Well he sure does act like it doesn’t he?” “I dont know what your on about.” I said. One of the gators got up next to me and I quickly pushed myself off the pole I was leaning one. something’s not right. “Jessie, used to be our boy. Our cracked out gator and now your faggot ass is taking him away.” The gator said, getting up in front of me. He was slightly taller than me sit this made me really uncomfortable. “I didn’t do anything. I was just-” “You turned him into some sinning faggot piece of shit.” “I told no I-” before I could finished my sentence, the guy that got up behind me pushed me forward. I stumbled and the guy in front of me tripped me. I fell right into a puddle in front of me and onto the hard concrete. “Ye’know. Faggots like you are the reason why this world is burning. I flung myself around and backed out of the puddle, still on the ground. I knew I shouldn’t have fucking trusted this. “Look, I leave and-” “Leave and what? Cry to your dead mommy?” He said. My heart skipped a beat as I looked up at him with the other gators. M-Jessie didn’t... No he... “You gonna cry to your daddy too? I bet he’ll love to see you bitchin huh?” Another gator said. “I bet he likes it too when his daddy beats him.” Another gator said. My heart shattered. He told them... He fucking... he told them!? Why the fuck did he tell them!?! I should’ve never trusted him. I fucking knew it! “Get this faggot up.” The main gator said. Two gators walked around my sides and grabbed my arms and pulled me up. My body hurt from falling to the ground so I felt defenceless trying to struggle to get out of their grasp. My heart was pounding like crazy. I should’ve never trusted that fucking Gator. I yelled that in my head a million times. “Faggots like you deserve to burn for your sins. But we don’t have anything here to do that.” He said. Then he pulled out a switch blade and flicked it out. “So we’ll just have to improvise.” He said, making it up to me with it. “Wait! I’ll leave you alone. I’ll leave here, just don’t do this please.” I begged. “Your boyfriend isn’t gonna come save you now faggot.” He said bringing the knife closer to me. I’m gonna fucking die.

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