Chapter 12

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Jessies POV 7 am:

I got to school on Monday and I was walking through the halls. My main plan was to find Jules and Riley so I could tell them, face to face, that I was ok after that party incident. I just wanted to see them too. I missed they’re little cute faces. As I continued down the hallway, I spotted a little bunny boy at his locker. My little bunny boy. I made my way his direction. His back was to me. But as I got close to hin, I noticed something, something terrible. A big bruse was on his neck. My heart jumped. It lead from his neck down like someone punched him or hit him with a bat. It seemed like he was also trying to cover it with his hood, if only the bruse was lower down. I approached him with worry on my face. “Riley?” I asked him. His bunny ear perked up and he turned his head to see me. A little soft smile appeared on his face. “Hey, Jessie. It’s nice to see your ok after that party thing.” He said as he completely turned around to face me after closing his locker and grabbing his bag. He looked so fake making his smile. I could tell just looking at him that something was wrong. “Yea um... I’ve been good since that thing. Hopefully I’ll never see that Kaelin chick again.” I told him. “Heh. Yea, hopefully.” He replied. I looked at him closely again. “Riley, are you ok? You don’t look so good.” I asked him as I got a little closer to him. He seemed to notice and lied to me, “Yea I’m fine, just lack of sleep.” I saw past it. “Are you sure? Cause that bruse on your neck doesn’t seem like it.” He sorta jumped when I said that and he quickly tried to cover it once again with his hoodie. “Its nothing. Just some dumb accident.” He quickly said. “You sure? Cause it looks like someone-” “I said it’s nothing.” He quickly interrupted me. I frowned. “What is it really?” I asked, pushing it. “I said nothing.” He replied again. “Mhm. Clearly it’s not if I can still see it. What’s wrong Riley?” I asked. He didn’t like that I was pushing it. Then suddenly the bell rain. He quickly tried to leave. “I’ll see you during lunch.” He said as he walked past me. “Riley.” I groaned, turning around to try to catch up to him. “C’mon man talk to me. I can tell that shit isn’t just some accident.” I said. He didn’t want to respond. “Did those fucking dogs do that shit to you? The birds or something? C’mon man you got me worryin about ya.” I told him he sighed and stopped by a door to his class. “No they didn’t. It’s... Its not important.” He said again. “Riley, talk to me. Your gonna have me worried all day if you don’t. And Imma bother you more about it.” I said. He took a deep breath and sighed. “See you later.” He then walked into the class room and left me stranded in the hallway. Dammit. something’s wrong with him. Hes not gonna tell me of course. So I’ll work with him to tell me. I started my way towards my next class and tried to forget about the situation for now.

Time skip:

Lunch time. The only good time in this prison of a school. And I get to hang with the band today. I’m pretty excited. I get to see my three boys today. All together. I’m really excited. I started walking around the school hallways to get to the court yard when my name was called behind me. I couldn’t tell who it was until I turned around. The Gator crew. I gave em a smile and made my way their direction. “Hey.” I greeted them as I came over. “Yo Jessie. What the hell happened at that party?” Ron asked me. “You not hear dumbass, he got drugged.” Adien bumped him. “I know, I just wanted to know how the hell you’d let that happen. And that kid with you kicked ass with that bird dude. Aint he the quiet kid?” Ron said. “Yea. Fritz. He shouldnt have been put in the middle of that.” I said. “Ok and how the fuck did you let yourself get drugged?” “The fuck you mean ‘let myself get drugged’ you fucking idiot. She slipped some pills in a drink and I didn’t notice.” I explained. “Yea Ron, you dumbass.” Kai said. “Hey, shut it guys. It was a dumb night. Who cares. She’s gone anyways. She dipped after last night and no one’s seen her since.” DJ said. “She better not show up near me ever again or I’m kicking her fucking ass.” I growled. “We will kick her ass.” Adien corrected me. Nice that they’d back me up I guess. “Anyways, today’s my chicks birthday, and she’s partying with a group of hot ass chicks near the back of the school that we should definitely go to.” Kai said. “Oh totally. If Natalie is there then I’m for sure goin.” Ron said. My heart jumped. “Oh um... I can’t. I got plans for lunch.” I told them. “Oh c’mon. With who?” Adien said annoyed. “Someone not important.” I said. “I bet its with that gay kid. Kid’s finally givin him head.” Ron joked. I sarcastically laughed. “Go fuck yourself Ron.” I said. Ron just laughed. “C’mon Jessie. It won’t take too long. Just swing by with us, say hi and happy birthday and then leave. It won’t even take ten minutes.” DJ said. I rolled my eyes, “Fine.” “Hell yea. Let’s getter goin then.” Kai said. They started to walk and ordered me to walk with them. I sighed. This better be less than ten minutes. I don’t wanna have to make up an excuse for being late. 

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