Chapter 25

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Jessie’s POV:

We were all in the car while I was driving all of my love’s home. Fritz started talking about the book that I fixed, telling everyone that I did an amazing job. I just chuckled and said I did it for my baby, and that’s all that matters. Then Jules started talking about stuff. “So, what’s next for us? Like, in our own story?” Jules asked us. Everyone took a second to respond. Riley spoke first, “Well, I know we’re gonna have a lot of bullies on our asses, so... Hopefully we’ll be able to get through that together.” Riley told us. I, of course had to chime in, “Those dumb ass gators need to just know their place the next time I see them. They haven’t bothered you yet, right?” I asked him. “I haven’t seen them, but I won’t bet they’d bother me as soon as they see me.” Riley told me. “They better not. I fuckin whapped the shit outta Ron that night so that better teach em a lesson.” I told Riley. “Really? You hit Ron?” Jules asked me, knowing who Ron was. “I’m not gonna let anyone try to hurt my love. Not a soul. Even if I fucked up immediately after. But Ron started to talk smack about Riley being gay, and I was not gonna let that happen.” I told Jules. “Well, I dont want those guys trying to hurt you two anymore. It’s not fair.” Fritz said. “Me too, Fritzie.” Riley said, hugging Fritz. I saw them in the mirror above my head. Such sweet angels. Then I looked at Fritz. “Have those birds been pokin you around Fritz?’ I asked him. “Today, no. I haven’t seen them around anywhere. Luckly.” Fritz told me. “Just call us if anything gets bad with you and them, ok? I don’t want you getting hurt.” I told him. “Yea, I know. I think we’ll get thought them though. There’s four of us.” “True.” Jules told us, “But I still don’t want you getting hurt.” Jules told him. “And have those dogs kept there traps shut with you?” I asked Jules. “Yea. They haven’t bothered me.” Jules said. “Good. I’m happy everyone’s doing good then.” I said. That’s gonna change though. No one knows how to leave us the fuck alone. Julesy doesn’t do anything, Fritz doesn’t do anything, Riley doesn’t do anything, they don’t do shit to anyone. All Riley’s done was try to find love and asked out the wrong boy, Fritz defended himself in a fight, and Jules’s just Jules. Jules hasn’t hurt, touched, or talked back to anyone in his life. People just need to fuck off and stay away from my loves. I felt furious saying that in my head. “What do you guys think will happen if they find out about us?” Jules asked everyone. We were all silent for a moment. I know that we’d get thrown around but I didn’t wanna say anything. “I’m not sure Julesy.” Riley started, “I think that people will just try to break us down more and more to seperate us for their own amusement.” “But we’re not gonna let them break us. Right guys?” Fritz announced, staying positive about the situation. I huffed, “Not in a million years would anyone tear us apart.” I agreed with Fritz’s positivity, “Neither will I allow it.” “I like your positivity. That means alot you guys.” Jules told us. We drove up to Fritz’s apartments and I stopped the car. “Well, it’s been fun guys.” Fritz told us, kicking opened the door to leave. Riley was holding his hand and released him when he tried to hop out of the car. He grabbed his guitar too and then stood outside. “I love you guys! I’ll see you at school tomorrow!” Fritz told us, getting ready to close the door. “We love you too, Fritz!” We all told him back. A sweet smile brightened on his face and he closed the door and walked away. His tail was wagging with the wind as he went up to his apartment. I started the car and started the drive. Riley giggled about something and then leaned up in between the seats. “Tell me that fox is cute without telling me he’s cute.” Riley said. I smiled and Jules chuckled. “Absolutely adorable. I wouldn’t trade him for anything.” Jules said. “Fritz is the definition of a soft boy though.” I joked. “And that’s what’s cute about him. But that also means he would be the best cuddle pillow ever.” Riley added. Jules and I giggled and then next thing we know, I pulled up to Jules’s house. Riley’s gonna want me to drop him off by the end of the block again so I thought I could just drop Jules off first and then have some time to ask how Riley’s doing. Jules joyfully hopped out of the car and flung around to look at us. “I love you guys!” Jules told us. But before we said anything else, Riley stopped him, “Wait, Jules!” He told him before quickly opening his door and stepping out. He had his guitar with him. “Um, could you keep this for me?” He asked Jules, “I just... I dont want it at my house.” He told Jules. Jules didn’t ask any questions and took it. He understood why. “Yea, of course. I’ll bring it tomorrow during practice.” Jules told him, taking the guitar out of his hands. He smiled at him and Jules smiled back. Then Riley leaned over and kissed his cheek. That made Jules jump from shock but he totally loved it. Riley pulled away and the walked back towards the car. “Love you Jules.” Riley told him. I just smiled at the two and then said, “love you Julesy!” Jules just smiled at us and then walked towards his house. Riley, now hopping into the passanger seat, closed the door and I started the drive again. Riley sat up and hugged his knees and leaned against the door. I wanted to asked him about his scars on his face and about at home but I also didn’t want to ruin his happy mood. But then he spoke, “Do you think that kissing Jules was too soon? Or well, on the cheek I mean. Do you think that was a little too far to fast?” Riley asked me. I chuckled to his question. “Jules kissed my forehead yesterday, so I don’t think it’s too soon.” I told him. He giggled, “I didn’t know Jules knew how to kiss.” “Neither did I. Knowin that he’s never dated someone before. Or well, in this case, three someone’s before.” “Hes pretty cute trying to be flirty though. Just shows that he’s read a lot and watched a lot of romance movies.” “Hm, wouldn’t bet. Jules never really showed a love kind of attraction to anyone really. Or well, and girl. Maybe he was just gay from the start and he never knew. Eh, well now thinking about it, probably not.” “What makes you say that?” “Jules’s of course talked about how pretty a girl was and how he wanted a sweet girlfriend and whatnot. I guess that he just never found that right girl until his heart told him about us and he just found out that hes always liked guy or something. I don’t know though.” Riley giggled. “When did you get so soft about feelings?” I rolled my eyes, “Whenever I finally found out I loved your dumbass.” I said, joking about the name of course. He laughed and holy shit was his laugh cute too. I just joined in with his laugh. After a moment we both calmed down. “Fritz gave me a little kiss on the cheek this morning. It was a quick one but it felt like it lasted forever.” He told me. I giggled, “He kissed me too. It was soft and quick but I swear it felt like he engraved that kiss into my heart. Same with Jules’s.” I told Riley. “Fritz said he’s had a boyfriend before. I think he’s had more than one but he’s told me that they weren’t super open about their relationship with Fritz so, from what I’m guessing, they never really wanted Fritz’s love. So now that we’re dating him and we said we want to be open with him, I think that’s his chance to finally express his love he’s been kept hidden.” Riley told me. I stopped at the end of the block to drop Riley off but I wanted to keep talking with him. Ye’know, cause he’s cute. He sat up to face me now. “That explains why he was so cuddly after the party incident and at school when he needed to vent.” I said. “Yea, that explains it. And that explains why he loves the shit out of some hugs.” Riley said. I then remembered the night Riley and I were in the car and I chuckled to myself. “What about when you and I were in the car all night? All you wanted to do was cuddle with me.” I told Riley. He clearly blushed and giggled. “Well, yeknow that night was crazy and I just really needed a hug.” Riley started, “But then again... I loved you and I just wanted you to hold me.” Riley said. That warmed my heart. “Awe, how sweet.” I said. Riley rolled his eyes. “Shut up, gator boy.” Riley joked, flustered. I laughed and he giggled a little. “Well, loves touch is all of our love language. So I guess that’d explain it.” I said, “also, I um don’t remember exactly if you do, but have you ever dated another guy?” “No, just a girl. As badly as I wanted to date a boy, I never got one.” “Why not?” I asked. “Fear of rejection, I guess? I just was scared of losing a friend if I asked out the wrong person.” Riley explained. “What about this girl? What happened to her?” “Cheated on. Well, technically. After my mom died two years ago, this girl grew close to me and then I, stupidly, asked her out. Trying to feel something again. She said yes but it never really felt real. It was in eighth grade so I was still dumb and thought that love was hard to work with. After two months or so, I found out she was actually dating some other guy and her friend told me that she only dated me because she felt sorry. She got what she deserved though for lieing. Her boyfriend broke up with her immediately when he heard and apologized to me. But I was still so broken about it. So I leaned to guys.” He told me. “Oh... Im so sorry Riley. I um... Had a pretty bad relationship like that too, heh.” I said. “Well, do tell. I wanna hear your ex problems too.” Riley asked me. “Heh, ok I guess.” I started, “The relationship I was in with this girl was pretty secret. She told me she never wanted to express the relationship because she was afraid of people knowing so I just agreed with her and did as she pleased. She was sweet kinda. Crazy and a wreak, but sweet sometimes. I dated her for maybe a month before someone told me about her being in a relationship with some jock. And, ye’know, that pissed me the fuck off so I rushed up to her and argued with her about it. And her ‘boyfriend’ she was hiding from me, had no fucking clue we were dating either. We didn’t fight at all though because we figured out that the chick was actually cheating on her boyfriend with me. It was disgusting and terrible. So we told her to go fuck herself and that dude and I became friends. Pretty odd huh?” I told him the story. “Heh, wow. That’s intense. What happened with you and the guy?” He asked. I huffed. “You won’t believe this shit.” I started, “Ye’know that tall ass gator from that dumbass group of gators that i thought were chill?” I asked him, rolling my eyes just even talking about the gator dickheads. “Yea?” “That guy was DJ. He got played. And we became easy friends pretty quickly. Lucky me he wasn’t a fuckin dick head then or who knows where I’d be now.” I said. “Thats crazy. I didn’t expect that kind of story.” Riley said. “Heh, it was stupid then. That’s when life started to suck more.” Riley looked at the clock and jumped. “Shit, my dad’s gonna be home in ten minutes. I gotta go.” Riley quickly said, sitting up in his seat. “Oh shit. Sorry, I kept talking for too long.” I apologized. “No, you all good sweetheart. Don’t worry.” He told me, now opening his door and unbuckling his seat belt. That’s a cute name. Sweetheart. I really like that name. Right before he was about to get out, he looked over at me. “Thanks for the night Jessie. It was fun.” He said. Before I could even answer him, he leaned over and hugged me. It was a tight little hug but I loved it. Then Before he pulled away, he kissed my cheek and then released me, hopping out of the car immediately after. “I love ya!” He said with a bright smile on his face. “I love you too, Rie!” I said, “Oh and hey!” I said right before he slammed the door shut. “Yea?” He asked, peeking back in. “Call me if something goes bad ok? Stay safe for me.” I begged him. “I will love. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He told me before closing the door and quickly running off. I smiled and giggled to myself, rubbing my cheek that he kissed. I love that little bunny.

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