Chapter 3

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Jessies POV:

It’s around lunchtime now in school. I’ve gotten maybe a ten-minute nap in my two dumbass classes and I feel more awake now but Jules is still on my mind. I can’t really remember much of anything that happened before I passed out other than thinking of Jules. I would continue to ask myself what the hell is happening to me but I’ve been asking myself that for more than eleven hours now. It’s now 11:55 pm. Five more minutes till lunch. I’m just gonna talk with Jules and his crew and maybe I can figure something out by then and be fine. How is he the only thing I can think about? There’s something else going on that I probably can’t understand. The teacher was talking about some sort of bs that I didn’t understand so I continued to try and think about what was going on. The next thing I know, the bell rings. Students start to rush out of the room and I followed slowly behind. The gator gang and I get lunch near the main building near the cafeteria. So we can flirt with all of the hot chicks that walk by. Jules’s group on the other hand sit way down near the music buildings. They sit outside of it by the benches or inside. Of course, though, they’re across the whole ass school from where my class is. So I just head to the cafeteria and hang with the gators. Jules and his crew don’t mind. But something makes me want to go to them today. Someone. Anyways, bell rang. Woodie doo, it’s lunchtime. Time to say fuck classes for an hour and then sit through three more hours of it. As I started to walk outta that class, I started to roam the halls. I wasn’t gonna go anywhere just yet. My mind is still so dead. I just need a breather. As I continued walking, I spotted something out of the corner of my eye. Those fucking dogs that pushed Jules around last night. They were in more of a quiet hallway. An empty one. But I could tell these fuckers were pushing someone around. I could just leave but I didn’t want some kid getting treated like shit like Jules does. I headed my way over there. As I got closer, I could hear the conversation more clearly. “...with you dumb little faggot ass.” Someone said. Faggot? Never hear that one used before. As I got almost all the way up to them. I saw who they were talking to. It was some bunny. He had tan fur with magenta hair. The kid had pinkish red ruby eyes and he was wearing a hoodie with jeans. His eyes almost sparkled. like a ruby. Ironic isn’t it. He seemed so pretty on how they shined that I couldn’t really describe it. The kid seemed cute. Cute? Anyway, I’ve seen him around the school. Not a lot of course. Hes the quiet kid, im pretty sure. He never really walks around with people and sits alone. One of those dogs saw me when I approached. “Oh, Jessie.” One of them greeted me. The others noticed as I stopped near them. “The fuck’s going on here?” I asked with a tired tone, saying that I’m not in the mood for their bullshit. That bunny looked less annoyed by the situation and seemed confused to see me. “Ain’t nothing going on. Just talking to this faggot.” A dog called the bunny. I rolled my eyes and walked around them towards the bunny by the lockers. I need to argue with these guys till they walk away. If I piss em off enough, maybe they’ll leave. Shouldn’t be that difficult. These guys are easy to piss off. But I can’t give them an opportunity to shut me down. So I started off with a joke.“Why do you guys poke around so many boys, huh? You into this kid or something?” I Joked. Point one for me.“Oh, fuck off Jessie.” The dog argued back. I argued with an insult.“Oh, and better yet, you could try flirting with a woman instead of a guy.” I argued with one of the dogs. Point two for me.“Just cause we fucked with that blueberry-looking ass kid last night, doesn’t mean you’re allowed to get in more of our shit.” Another one said. I argued by bringing the Gator crew into the argument.“I’m not. Unless your pussy asses piss me off more, we’re all gonna have problems. And now with just me.” I argued. And I win. Three to zero.“Fine. We’ll leave this fag alone. Just dont push nothing.” He said. He then turned around and took his group with him, leaving me and this bunny kid behind. “Fuckin pricks.” I mumbled to myself. I turned to the kid who was just staring at the fuckers walking away. “Hey, You good dude?” I asked the bunny. He looked at me and shrugged. “I guess so.” He responded in a soft tone. His voice sounded sweet and bitter, like Jules’s kinda.“Those fuckers need to learn their lesson and leave people alone.” I complained. I looked at the kid again and examined him. He was about Jules’s height. Two inches shorter than me. “I’ve seen you around the school. I dont think we’ve ever interacted.” I told him. “I’m just not so social in this school. Cause everyone’s a dick here. For example.” He started and then slightly pointed at those dogs that were walking away. “Well, I just saved you, so clearly I ain’t.” I told him. He examined me. Like he’s never seen a gator before. “You hang out with those popular gators, right? The ones that every chick talks about?” He said. “Yea. I wouldn’t say I’m like them at all, though.” I told him. “Really? How so?” “Well, I’d actually like to focus on the real world, for one.” I said. He chuckled. “Interesting.” He said. I chuckled. “So you’re Jessie, correct?” He asked, hearing my name earlier. “Yep. And you?” I asked back. “Riley.” He told me. Riley... That’s a cute name. Cool! Cool name. “Well, awesome to meet ya, Riley. Hopefully, these fuckers will stop botherin ya.” I said. “Doubt that. Some people just don’t know how to shut up. That’s why I stay quiet around here.” He said. He examined me again and then spotted my hair. “Cool hair, by the way.” He said, continuing our conversation. I kinda enjoyed talking to this guy. “Oh, thanks. I just got it dyed today, actually.” I said. “Really?” “Yea. I uh... I did it for my friend.” I told him. He perked his ear like he was confused. It looks pretty cute actually. “Why did you? If you don’t mind me asking.” He said. At least this guy knows personal boundaries. “It’s fine. Have you seen a bear with bright blue hair? He’s all white like snow?” I asked him. “Kinda, seen him around here and there.” “Well, that’s the friend. Those pricks that just fucked with you are the same guys that fuck with him. Plus some other group. The other guys made fun of his blue hair and how he looked, so I said that I would dye my whole head red just to say ‘fuck you’ to those pricks faces.” I said. He huffed, “Really? So you dyed your whole head for someone just to defend them?” He asked with a slight smile on his face. “Yes, sir.” I replied in a sly tone. “Wow. Well, that’s hella nice of you. I don’t know one person in this world that would be that nice.” He said. I giggled in my head. I guess it is nice of me. “I just want fuckers to leave him alone. He’s too sweet to be treated like shit by people.” Did I just call Jules sweet? Well, I mean he is but I don’t know why I had to call him that.“What’s his name?” Riley asked. “Jules.” He said. “Hm. I didn’t think that someone from the Gator crew would be so nice.” He said. “Well, I’m guess I’m just different then.” I said. He giggled, and I chuckled. His giggle sounded so cute. Like, almost adorable, like Jules’s. It warmed my heart, sorta. Then I realized what I was feeling again and shook it off before I could blush. “Well, I’ll say hi if I see him.” Riley said, walking past me. “It’s been nice talking to you, Jessie.” He finished. “Nice talking to you too, Riley.” I said. He looked back and gave me a sweet smile, and then continued walking. That was... Nice. Talking with that kid. It was sweet. Like how I talk with Jules. Riley sounds like he’s a much more introverted person like Jules, but he sounds more confident and he seems super friendly. Weird how I just bumped into such a cute fellow. Oh fuck, I said it again. I took a deep breath and then started walking down the hall again. Going down my original path before I bumped into Riley. I just need to get lunch and then go see Jules.

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