Chapter 1

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Jessies POV:

"The lines here are so fucking long." Brook said as we were roaming the theme park. "Well, that's the whole point of a public theme park, Brook." I said. "Awe c'mon, the wait isn't that big of a problem." Oliver tried to be positive. "We've almost waited thirty minutes to ride the screaming eagle." Colin argued with his usual soft tone. "But we had fun, didn't we?" Oliver said. "For the wait to ride it, I guess so." Jules replied sarcastically. "We should just go get pizza already. I've been starving since we got here." Chloe whined. "One more ride and I'll get some pizza." Oliver said. "Fine." Chloe agreed. "If it doesn't take another four years, then sure." Brook also agreed. We were at some big theme park around where we lived. It's a very popular theme park, so the place is this packed and insane as usual. Today's October 2nd, our sophomore year in high school, and today we had a day off because of some parent-teacher shit. Oliver decided we should go to the theme park for some fun for a while since we've been practicing so much for the band. Jules, Brook, Chloe, Colin, and I agreed and we've been here from 3:45 pm to 8 pm and we've only ridden half of the rollercoasters here. This place is packed up the ass with people, so we skipped so many good rides. Anyway, it's still been fun. Sitting in lines and just chit-chatting. It's been fun. We're a pretty talkative and friendly group with each other, so I'm comfortable with the whole group. Brook is a german shepherd, she's got a friendly personality but a talkative and loud soul. She's insecure about herself all the time though. Which isn't annoying to me but hard to help her. So Chloe helps her a lot with that. Chloe's an owl. She's a soft-hearted person with a friendly soul. She tends to be hyper but in reality, she just wants everyone happy. She's emotional though. Oliver's literally the sunlight of our group. His positivity is the only thing that keeps us going. He's always the happy, joyful and friendly one. Colin though is the quiet one. But he's friendly and positive like Oliver. It's almost like they're brothers. They're both lions. The sunlight and the moonshine. And then there's Jules. Jules is... Jules is a positive, friendly, loving person. He's hella talkative and friendly towards others and he's very loving and caring. I'd say he's a softie, but he can defend himself. My dumbass, on the other hand, I wouldn't say I hate myself, but I do. I don't have a temper or anything stupid. I'm just lost. You'd think I'm some hot gator at our school because I'm popular and I hang out with a popular group of gators, but I feel lost. Anyway, popular gator and whatnot, when I'm seen hanging out with Jules's crew, I'm asked why I hang with a group of losers. I don't care what people think of them so I don't respond. But due to people thinking that Jules's crew is a "Group of losers," they get bullied. Not all the time, but no one takes them seriously. Especially towards Jules. People view him as weird because he dresses differently, he likes makeup, he has dyed blue hair, and he has earrings and whatnot. I see no problem. People are just stupid. Everyone else gets picked on for just being a person. Fucking bullies. Ain't no good reason to pick on em either. Jules is... Kinda emotional too. Which sucks. He's too sweet to be heartbroken. Shockingly, he comes to me when he needs someone. Not Oliver or Colin or anyone else, but... Me. Which is odd. I think I help him through. He's usually happy a lot. I just listen when he has problems. I don't talk or argue or anything. I just listen and then make it up to him with something fun. Chloe comes to me sometimes too. She's really emotional, so she's cried sometimes. I just let her cry in my shoulder. Let it all out and then I give her twenty bucks and we go shopping and get coffee to make her happy. It's fun. Anyway, back to reality, we were walking toward two separate rides to our left and right while walking on the road towards them. "I am not riding the rolling thunder. That shit hurts my head." Brook said. "Yea, I'm good. Let's ride the ninja instead." Chloe added. "Aw c'mon, don't tell me yall are all gonna skip out on my favorite ride." I said as we stopped between both of the rides. "Id like my head to stay attached to my body." Chloe said. "I'm good." Colin added. "C'mon don't chicken out." I complained. "I'll go with you." Jules said, standing next to me. "Awesome. Then we'll ride our ride and wait for you guys. Alright?" I announced. They all agreed. "Cool. C'mon Jules." I ordered him as I started to walk away. "See ya!" Chloe shouted as Jules caught up to me. We started walking in silence until I spotted that the line to the Rolling thunder wasn't long at all and I poked Jules's arm. "Let's hurry before someone beats us to that line." I said to him as I started to run and then heard Jules quickly catch up. As soon as we made it through the entrance to the actual line, I stopped to take my breath and looked up at the line of people. It didn't seem long at all. Fuck yea. Then I heard Jules catch up behind me. "Jesus, I didn't expect you to sprint off like that." Jules said with a laugh. I laughed back. "You never know if there's a group of people lurking in the shadows to steal your spots." I replied. I looked past him and saw a group of people walk in and towards us to join the line. "See, told ya." I told him. He turned around and saw the people. "Heh. I guess you were right." He said. I turned back around and looked in front of us and at the line and saw it move up. We moved up with it. We moved up to more of an area where we can see the rollercoaster in action now and I turned over towards it to see a cart with people fly past us. Jules walked over and leaned up on the railing. He seemed dead from emotions for some reason. He didn't seem as excited as anyone else here. I could tell something was up. "Hey Jules?" I asked him as I walked up and leaned on the rail next to him. "Hm?" He hummed as I leaned up on the rail. "Are you good? You seem quieter than usual." I said. He didn't respond for a moment. "It's just... It's just those guys again messing with me. It doesn't matter too much." Jules said. "Which ones? The dogs or the birds." I asked, talking about his bullies. "The birds." "Of fucking course." I mumbled, "What'd they do?" I asked him. Jules didn't respond for a moment. "Just dumb stuff. Calling me names, pushing me around, the usual." "But this time they didn't try to hurt you?" I asked. "No." "Fucking pricks. Think that they're all tough and shit. They can go fuck themselves." I said. I looked back over at Jules who was now fidgeting with a strand of his long fluffy hair. Jules is a White bear. He was wearing blue jeans, a dark red shit underneath a dark grey jacket with a small grey hood on the back made of cloth. His fit was cool. I was wearing dark blue ripped jeans with a black jean jacket and a purple shirt. My Jean jacket had a black cloth hoodie in the back and I had a claw ring on my left hand and a biker ring on my right. Jules continued to fidget with his hair and then stopped. "I think I might dye my hair back normal." He said. I huffed, "Did they say your hair was dumb?" I asked him. He shrugged. "Don't let some assholes try to change you dude." I told him. "But everyone says it's bad, Jessie." He said. "Well, fuck them. I love your hair light blue." I said. That made him smile. "Really?" He asked. I looked at him and his blue hair. I mentioned the first thing I saw. His hair was bright blue like his eyes and because of that, it really showed his eyes. It showed his ocean eyes he had... Something clicked in me when I looked at his eyes... Like I found them beautiful and unique like. My heart felt like it skipped a beat. "Hell yea. It shows a lot about your awesome personality and it really shows your eyes." I said. He giggled. I don't really know why I mentioned his eyes... But I tried to move on with that. I thought of something positive and I smirked. "Yeknow what?" I started. He turned his head towards me. "Hm?" "Just to show you how much you shouldn't care about how people view your appearance, tomorrow, I will go get my whole head dyed red." I told him. He chuckled. "You don't have to do that, Jessie." "Oh, I will. Just to show people how dumb they are. And I won't just dye the tips of my hair. No. I'll dye my whole ass head." I said. He laughed again. "But what about your friends? Aren't you afraid they'll say something?" "You mean the Gator crew? Hell no. Plus I kinda think I'd look better with dyed hair. Natural black hair isn't really doing it for me." He giggled. I'm a gator. A all black gator with black hair that I hate. I just feel so plain and boring so maybe this would be a cool perk for me. "I think you'd look cool with dyed hair." Jules said. I smiled at him and before I could say anything else, the line moved again. We both caught attention to it and moved with it. We got closer to the rollercoaster and we waited in line again. I thought of something clever and huffed. "You want me to get piercings too?" I asked. He giggled again, "No, it's ok Jessie." I chuckled. The line started moving again and I thought to myself. Well, thankfully that made him happy. I even got a cute chuckle outta him. Cute? That's an... odd way of saying something. Cute... Eh... The line moved up to the actual carts now and Jules and I got on next.

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