Chapter 23

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Rileys POV:

Last night was... Oh was it amazing. I can’t explain how amazing it was seeing my gorgeous loves all together.  How the hell was that not a dream last night? Like, holy shit! Every bit of that made me want to just kiss all three of them a million times. I am so happy! I was making my way into the school building while saying that in my head, giggling to myself at the same time. I was really excited today to see them. Maybe we can talk more about our plans for the festival or just flirt with eachother and talk. I just wanna talk to them. I never thought this would actually happen and now that it is, I want to take my chances now before something bad happens. I made my way into the school to immediately be greeted by some students giving me an odd look. They would just glance at me and then look away. It was probably because of my face or something. Or those gators told them I was gay or something weird. I don’t know. I just walked away from them and continued down the hallway. I was hoping I’d find one of my new loves down the hallway but I couldn’t spot them anywhere. Until I finally saw my sweet Fritz, sitting on some bench in the hallway while reading that book Jessie fixed. God, what a sweet gator. Put all of his time and effort to make his little fox happy. Anyway, I made my way over towards Fritz and right when I got almost right next to him, he looked up and saw me. A sweet little smile grew on his face as he sat up. “Hi, Riley!” He greeted me sweetly. I returned his smile and his tone, “Morning, Fritz.” I took a seat next to him and looked back at him. “So, um... How have you been doing lately?” I asked him. “Amazing now that your with me.” He said, of course, making me giggle. I looked at the book he was reading and scooted closer to him. “Is the book working by the way? I know Jessie had to write down some new things.” I asked him. “Its great, actually. He did an amazing job with fixing everything.” He told me. He then snuggled up against me and put his legs up on the bench. “Is this ok?” He asked, being aware of my personal space. I just snuggled up against him too. “Of course it is love. “ I told him. He giggled and continued to read. I scanned the book with him. He was reading the chapters Jessie fixed. I think atleast. It was all different reading it so I guessed it was. Maybe after a few minutes or so, Fritz put the book down and just held my hands with his. “Hey, Riley?” He asked me. I hummed in response. “Do you think Jules and Jessie will be... yeknow... Open with our relationship?” He asked. I was sorta confused but got where he was going, so I let him continue. “Like, do you think they’d want to keep our relationship closeted or do you think their ok with it? Cause I know Jessie is pretty popular and I don’t want to embarrass him with being all... yeknow, gay and stiff. I don’t really know where I’m going with this.” He said with a nervous chuckle after. I giggled, “No, I get where your going. I think we should atleast still play it a little cool and stuff. But still feel that connection of not having to stay closeted with each other. Like, you and I are actually, yeknow gay. So you and I can feel conferrable with our relationship because we know how a male on male relationship feels. I just think growing with Jessie and Jules is better to get them more comfortable with it before we try to push anything.” I explained to him. He understood what I was talking about. “Yea, I get ya.” He said, “Do you think we should stay closeted too? Like... Um... shoot. I dont really know how to explain it.” He said with a little chuckle. “Like, do you mean we shouldn’t feel open with our relationship?” I asked him. “N-No. I mean like... I just don’t wanna slip up and make you embarrassed for trying to hold your hand or something. This school is pretty homophobic so I just dont wanna slip up and get more people to make fun of you.” He explained. “I’d love us to be open with it. I don’t care if anyone makes fun of me for holding your hand or anything like that. Your my boyfriend and I love you to pieces.” I told him. He giggled, “Thanks Riley.” He said, “Its just... My ex broke up with me because I was too open about us and he hated that. I just wanted to be aware of how you felt about it before I slip up.” He explained. “Well, for me, you can be as open as you want, Fritz.” I said. He giggled and I giggled too. Then the bell rain and we let go of each others hands. “Welp, looks like that’s our cue.” I said as we both stood up. But before we could split again, I held his hand with mine. It was so soft and warm feeling his paw with mine. God did I love it. He looked down at our hands too and giggled. “I love it when you hold my hand. It just makes me feel so happy.” He said. I also giggled, “I can say the same.” I told him. We both went quiet for a moment before I spoke again. “Hey,” I started, “How about at lunch, we’ll talk to them about it and figure something out, ok?” I told him. “O-Ok.” He replied. I gave him a smile before I released his hand. “I’ll see you at lunch, cutie.” I said. He didn’t respond for a moment. Then he just hugged me, unexpectedly. I just hugged him back. “I love you, Riley.” He said to me. “I love you too, Fritz.” I replied back. He then did something unexpected, he pulled slightly back and then placed a soft quick kiss on my cheek and then completely pulled away. I was blushing madly. I almost didn’t know how to react to that. He just giggled nervously. “I’ll see you at lunch, Rie.” He told me before turning around and walking away. I just felt my heart warm up as I smiled and then went off to my first class.

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