Chapter 20

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Jessies POV:

I got home and slowly walked towards the house. I couldn’t think straight. Jules, Riley, Fritz, they were stuck on my mind like I knew they’d hate me. I went inside and immediately to my room. I closed my door and sat down on my bed and sighed. “They’ll never love me.” I cried to myself as I sat in my empty room. I continued to cry and cry until... my phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket and say Jules calling our group chat. Mine, Riley, Fritz and his. I couldn’t just deny it. He’d bawl his eyes out. So... I answered. It was just him in the call. “H-Hello?” I asked. “Jessie!?” I heard Jules on the other line. His voice sounded so cracked and broken. Has he been crying? “J-Jules, I-” “What happened tonight!? What happened toy you and Riley?! Please tell me...” He begged me. Then Fritz joined the call. “M-Jessie what’s happening? Riley doesn’t sound ok, and he said the gators did something to him... What’s going on?” Fritz asked with a broken voice like Jules’s. “I-I-” “Please just tell me my bunny’s ok... I need to know that your ok and he’s ok...” Fritz begged me. Just listening to their sad voices made me feel terrible. I cried again. They could hear it. “J-J-Jessie!? Are you crying!?” Jules asked in a worry. “I-I hurt him... I didn’t... I didn’t mean too, ok?” I cried on the phone. They were speechless. “Jessie... Hey it’s ok Jessie. Just tell us slowly-” “I fucking hurt him! I didn’t mean to, and I did...” I cut off Fritz who was trying to talk to me. I tried to continue, “I told the gators what was wrong with Riley. I told them Rileys secret and thought that they’d understand that he’s not ok and he needs love and help. But I was so fucking wrong and they hurt him. They called him slurs and names and when I finally showed up in time to see it, they had a knife up against him... I fucking got him hurt and after he ran away, I argued with him and I... I clawed his face in anger...” I explained. Fritz and Jules were shocked on the other line. “I didn’t mean to, I don’t know what overcame me... I never ment to hurt him in my life and I did, and it was so fucking sick... He was crying because of me... Because I fucked up and hurt him... All I do is fuck up and hurt people and now Riley’s hurt because of me...” I said. I wanted to continue, but I was stopped, “Jessie, you didn’t hurt me...” Riley said on the other line. I didn’t know he joined. “You told the gators because you wanted them to stop bullying me. You didn’t mean to hurt me. Even if I have a scar Jessie, you never ment it. You were lost and stuck with a mix of emotions. I was too and I understand that none of that was your fault. You cared about me Jessie. You could’ve just left me alone and let those gators break me down but you didn’t. You tried to help me. Even if it failed, I still have you to care for me. Like when we were in the car, you conferred me and held me and cared for me. Your not a burden, Jessie.” I sniffed and cried on the other line. “I-I...” I sighed, I couldn’t speak. “Jessie.” Riley started again, “Nothing is your fault. Ok? Please dont break yourself down because you feel alone and like your the problem. Ok?” Riley begged me. “But... all I have been doing was fail you guys. I let Fritz get wrapped up in my problem and now he’s broken and shattered because of me and he’s lost everything because I couldn’t just stand with him in the hallway for a couple minutes longer. I know Jules’s been crying because he can’t help Fritz and that I’ve been lieing to him and now you...” I cried. “Jessie, nothing about me is your fault. I would lose my whole arm and leg for you, Jessie. I came to that party knowing that whatever I was gonna put in front of me to save you would destroy me but I’d do it again and again till its just my beating heart left to keep you safe. I knew what would happen at that party if I came to save you. I knew that my whole story would change and I took that chance to make you happy. And I’d never take that back.” Fritz told me. “And I know you’ve hidden stuff from me Jessie. I know you’ve tried not to tell me the bad in the world because you cared about me. You didn’t want me to cry because I’m emotional. You wanted me happy and I understand that. Nothing is your fault.” Jules then joined in. “We’re all friends, Jessie. We’re gonna all have our downfalls, and that’s ok. We’re all still here for each other and we all still love each other. Maybe you did fuck up. Maybe you didn’t. But even if you did, we are all still together and happy together. And that’s all that matters.” Riley finished. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. They all... they all forgave me. Like it wasn’t my fault. And as much as my mind wanted to deny it, my heart trusted them. I just cried again. I didnt care if it was embarrassing. I couldn’t help myself anymore. God did I wish I could hug them right now. “Thank you guys...” I thanked them. “Of course, Jessie.” Fritz said. “We’re all wrecks. Sure. But if we work together, we can get through these things. We just need to be with eachother to get through these problems.” Jules said. “Yea. Your right.” Riley said. “We all have the same problem now. And that’s just people. But if we work together, we’ll get through it.” Fritz added. I couldn’t think of anything to say. I felt so weak and broken. “Just don’t beat yourself up, Jessie. Things happen and it was unexpected. But that’s ok. We’ll get through it.” Fritz then told me. “Ok... ok...” I replied. “Look, how about on Sunday we all go to the theme park and just have some fun. Lighten everyone’s mood. We’ll just party until it gets late and then go home. Ok?” Jules planned. “I’d love that. Just us four doing something fun.” Fritz agreed. “Riley?” Jules asked Riley. “Yea. We can just hang and then talk about things and... I dont know... I guess just be open with eachother.” Riley added. “Jessie?” Jules then asked me. I took a second to respond but then finally I said, “Sure.” “Awesome. You’ll pick everyone up and we’ll go straight there and just party all night. Ok?” Jules told me. “Hmh.” I hummed in response. “Ok. Good.” Jules said, “Anyway, it’s getting late. And I know you guys are probably exhausted.” “Yea...” Riley agreed. “Ok, well, goodnight everyone.” Jules said. “Night Jules.” Riley and Fritz said. “Night Jules.” I added to before he ended his call. “Goodnight you two.” Fritz said. We both told him goodnight and then it was just me and Riley in the call. “Hey,” He started, “I... I um...” He tried to mutter something, “I believe in you, Jessie. Just remember that. Goodnight gator boy.” He said before hanging up. I put my phone down and took a deep breath. Don’t blame yourself. Don’t blame yourself. Don’t blame yourself. They said it’s ok. Just keep your head clear. Everythings ok. I told myself. I laid down on my bed and hugged myself. I just stared at the ceiling. How is it possible for me to fuck so much up for so many people and then them just forgive me like that? I feel like I atleast deserve to be slapped by all of them. I sighed and then sat back up. I might as well do some of my homework while I’m here and doing nothing. I reached over my bed side and grabbed my bad that was leaning up against it and threw my bag on my bed. I opened it up and was about to grab my laptop out before I saw Fritz’s book. My heart skipped a beat. I slipped it out and looked at it. Still ruined. I opened it up and looked at the destroyed pages and sighed. This is my fault. This book is my fault. It wouldn’t be ruined I just stayed with my love. It’s my fault. I kept flipping through the pages, looking at the words I could barely read. I just wish there was like a cloud for physical books. How dumb would that be? Like a copy and paste for- I then cut myself off. I froze completely. Something sparked in my mind when I said that. Then I grabbed the book and quickly flipped through every page. Most of everything is readable. Almost everything is readable. I could- No, I can fix this. I grabbed my laptop and opened it. I pulled up notes and then flipped to the first page of the book and started typing down everything. Copy and paste. I’m a fucking genius. One word at a time I started typing. Some words that were not really readable, I just fixed the sentence or guessed the word. But then after maybe a couple of minutes of typing down the page, I stopped. Fritz made this book. So I should ask him what Chapter 9 and 10 are exactly about. He literally wrote it. So if he tells me exactly what it is, then maybe I can rewrite it and fix that too. Holy shit this is huge! I whipped out my phone and called Fritz. “Please still be awake.” I said to myself. My voice still sounded cracked and broken but if he talked to me about this stuff, then I can fix everything for him. I waited for him to pick up. “Jessie?” He said as soon as he picked up. As excited as I sound, I was still pretty broken. “H-Hey Fritz. I um... Can I ask you something?” I asked him. “Oh, um sure.” He replied. “Um... so... its um... it’s about your book.” I started. “That wasn’t your fault, Jessie. Please don’t apologize. it’s ok.” He started. “N-No. I don’t mean that. I um... I want you to tell me about it.” I said. He didn’t speak. “I just... I never got to read it and I wanted you to tell me about it. Yeknow?” I asked him. He took a second, “You really want me to tell you?” He asked me. “Yea. I just... I wanna know what it’s like.” I said. “Oh... Um, sure. I guess I could. I’m not sleeping anytime soon anyway.” He joked. I just nervously chuckled While he did the same. I pulled up notes on my laptop and got ready to speed type. “Ok. Um... Shoot whenever your ready.” I told him. He giggled, “Um, ok. I guess I’ll start from the beginning.” He started it off. Chapter 1 all the way to chapter 8. He told me about the four main characters the same way I described them as before and the same way I described most of the chapters. Chapter 1 was the introduction of the main two sweet boys, Sam and Alyx. It describes them and their relationship as friends towards eachother and their strong bond they have. But then they get into some argument with some bullies. Sam defends Alyx, the sweet shy guy defending the big though guy, and he takes a step forward to defend him. Something sparks in Alyx causing him to have confusing feelings for Sam. They spend the rest of their day together and then split off for the night to leave Alyx with his thoughts. Chapter 2 is him contemplating on how he feels and then he tries to spend the day with Sam to try to understand what he’s feeling. Chapter 3 is his realisation of his feelings and he finds out he’s in love with Sam. Chapter 4 and 5 are the introductions of Felix and Tommy. All mixed personalities. Though, chapter 5 they got into the heat of things. After finding out that Felix is bullied because of his Homosexuality by the community, they all step in to protect him, resulting in a fight with some bullies. Tommy after this chapter grows feelings for the three boys and tries to hide them to keep everyone safe. Felix, on the other hand, had already fallen for them just by listening to their sweet and pretty voices and beautiful personalities. Then chapter 6, Sam realises that he too had fallen in love with them. But sadly, in this chapter, it’s all about the world’s problems. Tommy faces the death of his parents and loses his family, Felix gets beat down by some bullies and is saved last second by Alyx, and Alyx is barely holding himself together. So Sam puts them first instead of his own life. During most of this chapter and chapter 7, he does whatever he can possible to keep his loves happy and loved. He swears to protect all of them by any meaning possible. Chapter 8 is where they fixed everything together and fought against the world and then finally, chapter 9 hit. I stopped him to ask him something, “Wait Fritz.” I said. “Oh uh, yea? Am I speaking too fast?” He apologised with a nervous giggle in between. “N-No, your ok. I just... Jules said he really liked these two chapters and I wanna here you best description of em.” I told him. “Oh. I might understand why he liked them so much. Heh. Chapter 9 is when they ask eachother out. Or well, Sam really does.” He explained. “Ok. Start whenever your ready.” I said, pulling up new notes for the chapter. “Ok. So... um... Heh. Im gonna feel real embarrassed trying to explain this one to you.” He said, sorta nervous. “Dont feel nervous. Just pretend I’m...” I tried to think of something, anything to make him feel comfortable. Then, I sparked something. “Just pretend that I’m sitting next to you while you tell me the story. Like we’re sitting on a rooftop looking at the stars with a nice, dim, orange light behind us as we just sit there and look at the stars together.” I tried to set a mood. I wanted him to feel comfortable. He giggled. “Nice way to set the mood. Ok, I guess I’ll start.” He started to explain it. I’m pretty sure him explaining this chapter took atleast forty-five minutes. Just like how him explaining the other chapters took almost two hours. Anyway, I’ll sum up what the cutie was telling me. Chapter 9 starts off with a festival they were all supposed to go to. It’s the community’s festival. During this, Sam is trying to think if he should tell his loves his feelings or if he should stay closeted. He ever so wants to, but he feels that maybe he wasn’t good enough for them. But he brushes that past him and desperately tries to think positively. He was gonna tell them how he feels tonight. The festival starts and everyone in town is there. Friends, family, enemies, towns fulk, everyone was there. Drinks were being served, food was being served, dances and music were being played, it was everything you could dream of. Sam desperately travelled around the festival to find his loves and luckily found them somewhat near eachother and he took them with him. With some love and confidence of course. Felix, still feeling down after his interaction with the bullies feels still hesitant about being at the festival with those guys there, while Tommy still feels somewhat broken about his parents. Though Sam cheers them up with the help of Alyx. They all ride rollercoasters, eat dinner, play games, they do everything there together until they are all happy and full of delight and joy. Then Sam takes this chance. He brings them towards some nearby woods so they could be away from the rest of the town and then he turns back to them. He looks into their eyes while they stand there, waiting for his response on why he brought them back there. Then Sam takes his deep breath and confesses. He tells them how’s he’s felt for so long about them three and how he ever so wishes he could just run away from the world with them to be happy and love them. He explains Why he’s felt this way about them, Why he views them differently than anyone else and finally why he loves them. After his long confession, he turns around and looks away in fear of rejection. But then, Alyx confesses that he feels the same. Then Felix, and then Tommy. They all talk about their feelings and how everything they’ve done together have built up to this moment. Sam can’t believe It and just bursts into tears of joy. So they all just hug. Tell eachother they love eachother and then together, finally, they travel back to the party because of an interruption of their female friend. They spend the rest of the night at the party together. Then, after hours pass, they all head home together and as soon as they are about to split off, they all tell eachother goodnight and they love eachother and then finally split off after some sweet little moment of kisses and hugs. The chapter ends. How Fritz described that felt amazing. I almost felt like I was there. Playing as one of those characters. More likely as Alyx. Probably because he’s more of a bulk. Heh. But I felt like I was there almost. Like Fritz was Sam, Jules was Felix, and Riley was Tommy. It was a wonderful chapter. Then he continued on. Chapter 10 was a flirty kind of chapter. They all hung out together all day and talked more on about their feelings and then they just cuddled up together and stayed together. It was adorable on how he explained it to me. God, I just dreamt of that actually happening but with us. He continued on with every other chapter and I just continued typing. Asking questions in between and listening to his beautiful and sweet voice tell me about his story. I loved it. Then finally, chapter 20s end. He paused there. “And that’s it. I haven’t gone past that since.” He said. “Oh. Um... Did you plan anything for the end?” I asked him. He paused for a moment again. “Not really, no. I want them to all run away together and be in love together but.... I dont know how to end it, or if I want to end it.” E explained to me. “Well, maybe we can figure something out together. Yeknow, you, me, Riley, Jules. We all know it now so maybe we could help you, yeknow?” I told him. “Yea... If only it wasn’t destroyed.” He said with a nervous chuckle. My heart skipped a beat. “Oh shit, I completely forgot about that. Fuck I’m sorry.” “N-no it’s ok. I was just joking.” He said. I just nervously laughed. Then I looked at my computer. I wrote every single word down that he told me in the past five hours. Jesus christ. “Maybe we can figure something out. Who knows?” I said, trying to cheer him up. He just giggled. Then he gasped. “Oh shit, it’s almost 6 am. Heh, I guess I’ve been talking for a while huh?” He said with another nervous giggle. “What. No, I loved talking with you. I loved the story and everything. I don’t mind that you talked for so long. It was lovely.” I said. He laughed. “Really? You like talking with me?” He asked me. I smiled to myself. “Of course. It was fun. And I loved getting to know the story.” I said, still looking over everything I typed in my computer. “Heh. Well, I’m happy you did. It took all of my energy.” He joked. “Well, you get yourself some sleep then, Fritz.” I told him. “Oh, alright. I’ll see you on Sunday- or well, tomorrow I guess.” He corrected himself. “I’ll see you then too. Thanks for the talk Fritz.” I thanked him before he hung up. I sat my phone down and looked at the computer. I’ve got everything. Now to write everything down in a book. I looked around my room until I found a big empty boom that was like Fritz’s book and I grabbed a pin. It was my old journal book. I never wrote in it though. Jokes on me saying I’d never use it. It had a blue leather cover so I quickly and sweetly wrote on the front, “The Lovers Jinx, By: Fritz.” I[ forgot his last name, so he’d have to do that on his own. Then is sat down on my bed, grabbed my laptop and opened his book. “Copy Fritz’s book into this one, add new details to the things that were melted away and use the computer for help. Then write the whole new story for chapter 9 and 10. Easy.” I told myself. I was about to write when I took a deep breath and looked at the time. Fuck sleep. “Time to fix things.”

The Lovers Connection: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now