Chapter 5

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Jessies POV:

Next day at school. I could only think about what happened in that car yesterday. What I thought. What I read. What I said. I can’t believe It still. I like three guys. Three adorable guys. Heh. It’s funny now thinking back to that. It was like a stress dream all day yesterday and now, I know how I really feel. God do I feel so lost still. I highly doubt they will ever feel the same. It’s just gonna be stuck in my feelings for a while. And I still don’t know what I am either. It’s all so confusing. Anyways, moving on from my hopes and dreams, it’s lunchtime. Time to see Jules and the band. Hell yea. Fuck the gators for today. I don’t care what they say. I pulled out my phone and texted Fritz. I wanted him to meet everyone.

Jessie: Hey Fritz. This is Jessie.

Fritz: Hi

Jessie: I’ll be sitting outside of the music building with Jules and the band if you want to come say hi

Fritz: Um sure. Sounds fun.

Jessie: Cool. It’s gonna be Jules, our friends Brook, Chloe, Oliver, Colin, and Maybe Riley and I. If Riley shows up, you two can introduce yourselves to each other.

Fritz: Ok. I’ll be there in a bit then

I felt my face blushing when I read that. I stood up from leaning against the lockers I was by and started my way to Jules and the band. I was excited to see them. I wonder what Brook and the others are gonna think about my dyed hair. As I made my way outside in the courtyard I immediately spotted Jules and the band. And Jules... God, he looked so adorable. I feel like such a little girl saying that but my god is he adorable. They were laughing at something together. I smiled and made my way over to them. As I got close enough, Brook spotted me and gasped. “Holy shit! Is that Jessie with red ass hair?” She said, grabbing everyone else’s attention as I made it up to them. “You know it.” I answered her question. “When the hell did you dye it?” Chloe asked as shocked as Brook. “Just yesterday. You just weren’t around to see it.” I told them as I took a seat down on one of the benches around them. I was next to Jules. The others were technically across from us but to our right side. If that makes sense. “It looks great on you Jessie.” Oliver said. I gave him a little smile. “Oh Jessie.” Jules said, “I invited Riley to come sit with us during lunch if that’s ok.” He asked me. That made me smile. “Hell yea. I told Fritz he could come sit with us too if he wanted.” I added. Jules smiled back. “Awesome!” He said excitedly. “Who’s Riley and Fritz?” Colin asked. “Some friends Jessie met yesterday. I talked with Riley and Invited him to come over.” Jules explained. “And I met Fritz. He’s new to the school so he doesn’t have any friends so I thought it would be cool if he chilled with us.” I also explained. “Jessie’s being friendly. How sweet.” Brook said. “Shut up.” I said. She laughed and I chuckled. Then, outta the corner of my eye, I spotted a  bunny walking over towards us. Jules caught notice too and waved him over. He smiled and walked up to us. “Hey, Riley!” Jules Delightfully greeted him. I gave him a little wave and he returned it with a smile added with it. Holy shit, he’s cute. “A bunny boy? That’s cute.” Chloe said. “Your Riley?” Brook asked. “Yep.” He answered her, sitting down next to Jules. “And where’s this Fritz guy?” Chloe asked. I looked around the courtyard to see if I could spot him and luckily, I did. He stopped near the doorway out of the main building and he stood there on his phone. I bet he was texting me cause he was lost. “Hey, Fritz!” I called out. His ear flickered and he looked around until he spotted me. He started his way over and gave a little cute wave. I returned it. “That’s Fritz?” Oliver asked. I hummed in response. “He looks pretty cute.” Chloe said. “Ha. Hell yea he is.” I said in my head. He got up closer and waved to everyone else. “Hey.” He greeted everyone as he walked up next to me. They greeted him back and he sat down. “Anyways, Fritz and Riley, this is Oliver, Colin, Brook, and Chloe.” Jules pointed out. “And that’s Jules, I told Fritz, pointing at Jules. “Hi everyone.” Fritz said. Riley gave a cute little wave to everyone. “Heyo.” Oliver greeted them. “Oh, and Fritz, Riley, and Riley, Fritz” I added to, pointing back and forth at them. They both gave each other a little wave. “So you both new to the school?” Chloe asked. Like I literally just explained it. “I’m not. I’m just the quiet one here so no one really knows me.” Riley said. “I’m new. I just moved in from Missouri.” Fritz said. “Really? That’s cool.” Chloe said. “And your just the quiet one?” Brook asked Riley. “Yea. I try my best to avoid certain people.” He answered, “I just try and keep my head low and just practice writing melodies and whatnot in the corner of the school.” That for sure peeked everyone’s interest. “You play an instrument?” Jules asked. “Kinda. I play the guitar. Mainly I practice on lead and bass and whatnot.” Riley said. Hm. A bass player. That’s cool. That would make a cool addition to the band. “That’s sick!” Chloe said. “Eh, I guess so.” Riley said. “You play anything, Fritz?” Oliver asked Fritz. “Um... yea. I play a couple of things. My aunt I live with used to play with a high school band in the 90s, so I mess around with some instruments that she has stored.” He answered. “What kind of instruments?” Brook asked. “Guitar, keytar, some electro music stuff. Lots of things. She kept a lot of stuff for memories of her band.” He told us. Jules jumped in excitement. “You two should definitely come to our practice on Friday!” He said in joy. “Practice?” Fritz asked with a little head tilt. “Oh, shit yea. We practice every Friday for fun and shit. Recently we’ve been practicing a lot though for this festival coming up.” Chloe told them. “You mean the one down in the central loop?” Riley asked. It’s like the central loop of where we live. It’s called something stupid but everyone just calls it the central loop. “Yea, it’s in two weeks from Friday so we thought we should sign up for it. Cause we all wanna be in a rock band so why the hell not.” Brook said. “And it’s a fun little hobby.” Colin added. “What do yall play?” Riley asked, leaning forward in interest. “I play the lead guitar, Brook plays the keytar, Chloe plays the bass.-” “And I’m the drummer. Obviously.” I finished Jules’s sentence. “What about Oliver and Colin?” Riley asked them. “We’re the stagehands. I help set up some stuff.-” “And I’m the designer. Like costumes and whatnot.” Oliver finished Colin’s sentence too. “Well, you guys really got something cool going.” Riley said. “What’s your guy’s name?” Fritz asked. “Absolutely nothing.” I joked. “We haven’t really figured anything out yet. The festival hosts told us to come up with a name before we play. And we still haven’t come up with anything yet.” Jules explained. “Shits not that easy. We gotta stick with that name for the rest of our life’s, so we gotta pick something good.” I added. “I tried coming up with ideas but none of them sounded good.” Oliver said. “Well, hopefully, you guys will find out something soon. Maybe some small little idea will kick in eventually.” Riley said. “Like maybe you can think of something at practice.” Fritz added too. “Oh my god, yall have to come to our practice now.” Chloe said. “Yea, you totally should. It’ll be fun! And you two can show us your skills too.” Jules added with joy. That would actually be awesome. See these two kids play together. That would be adorable. Heh. Yea... It’d be adorable... I wanted to sound excited but I just said, “Yea, that’ll be cool.” Fucking dumb ass. “Maybe we could try and practice a little together. See how you two do. Yall down?” Chloe asked them. Fritz seemed a little shy to answer. Riley didn’t. “Um... It’s worth a shot. Sounds fun.” Riley said. Fuck yea Riley! “Um...” Fritz started. “Awe c’mon Fritz. Cmon...” I begged in my head. “I guess it won’t hurt to try.” He said. “Fuck yea!” Chloe shouted. “I’ll text you the address on Friday and Jessie can text Fritz too.” Jules told Riley and then told me. “Sure.” I said. “It’s a date then.” Chloe joked. Then, the bell suddenly rang and students started to exit buildings to get to their next classes. “Well, it’s been grand my fellow cuties.” Chloe said, specifically towards Riley and Fritz. “Yep! It’s been fun!” Oliver added too. We all stood up off the benches and I paid attention to the three boys that were next to me. Fuck they are so cute. They all got amazing eyes and holy shit are they so adorable. I didnt really notice before but they were all sorta the same height. I was of course two inches taller than them. So I’m still the alpha. Heh. “It’s been nice talking to you guys.” Riley said. “Yea. It’s been nice.” Fritz agreed. “We’ll see yall on Friday!” Brook said as they started to walk away. Now, it was just Jules, Riley, Fritz and I left. “Well, it’s been great talking to you two. Hopefully, we’ll get to know each other more tomorrow.” Jules said, bumping my arm. “Yea. And we’ll text you two the plans on Friday and whatever.” “Alright.” Riley said. Fritz just smiled. “Ok, see you guys later!” Jules said. He turned around and started walking after giving the fox and bunny a little wave and I joined him after giving them a wave too. “See ya!” I heard Fritz’s soft voice call out. “They seem nice. Don’t they?” Jules told me when we got a distance away from them while walking through the courtyard. “Yea. They’re really nice.” I said, almost blushing at the thought of them. “I think we should be friends with them.” Jules said. I huffed, “I thought we already were.” I said. “Oh. Well I mean like. Of course, we’re friends with them, I think, but I mean like, add them to the gang. And if they want, they could join our band.” My heart jumped. I’d fucking love that! And to see them three all playing together in practice. God that’ll warm my little heart. Fuck they’d look so cute too. “I-If that’s ok. I mean. Maybe one of them can be a lead guitar. It’s difficult for me to sing and play at the same time and-” “That’s a great idea!” I kinda shouted in joy. That caught him off guard. And I noticed how weird that sounded, coming from me. “I mean. It’d be awesome. Fritz could play the bass with Chloe and Riley can play lead.” I told him, also correcting myself. We hit our split of the line to leave and I turned to Jules and he turned to me when we stopped. “Yea! That’ll be great! I’m happy your on board with it.” He joyfully said. “Well, this is our split. I’ll see you later, Jessie.” He said, before turning around and heading towards the main building. I was still blushing. “S-See ya Jules!” I called to him with a stutter. I then quickly turned around and left to find my class. I was really hoping he couldn’t see my blush that whole fucking time. Fuck, I felt like a tomato. But damn did it feel nice. Those boys are so cute.

Rileys POV:

Jessie and Jules left to their class and I was with Fritz. I glanced at him. I looked at him and examined him a couple of times while we were talking with Jessie’s band. Fritz seems... Cute. Almost too cute. He doesn’t seem like he’s the talkative type, but he seems very friendly. He has a sweet voice too. Kinda like Jules. I actually wanted to get to know this guy. “So your Fritz?” I said. Obviously his name is Fritz, you dumb idiot. “Yea.” He said. “Well it’s nice to meet you, Fritz.” I said, sticking my hand out to him for a handshake. Dumbass move. Why the hell would he wanna shake your hand? He took it and shook it. “Nice to meet you too.” He replied. His voice was so sweet and calming. And his hand, oh his soft hand, it felt amazing in mine. But I let go of course. “So who invited you to the group?” I asked him as we slowly started to walk together. “That gator, Jessie. I honestly didn’t think a gator would be that nice to me as he was.” He told me, “What about you?” “Jessie did. He defended me after some bullies were pushing me around and he stepped in, saved me, and then just invited me to hang out with his crew.” I explained. “That’s very nice of him.” Fritz said. “For a gator, yea. And I know that sounds really bad but, Jessies a part of that big popular gator gang.” I told him as we walked into one of the buildings together. “He is?” Fritz asked me. “Yea. A big group. And they aren’t really the nicest.” “Oh... Well... Maybe Jessies just got a soft spot that the gators don’t know.” Fritz said. I chuckled at the thought of that. “Maybe.” I said, slightly blushing at my dumb little thoughts. He chuckled too. And gosh did it sound cute. “Hopefully none of them try and mess with you. Or those bullies you mentioned.” He wished me. “I doubt that. People in this school have... reasons to hate me.” I told him. “Why’s that? You seem very nice. I wouldn’t understand why no one would like you.” He said. That made me blush. I chuckled nervously. “People have weird reasons. Plus I’m a weirdo too so.” I said. “Well, then I guess that’s something we have in common then.” Fritz said. I laughed and he did too. Then we stopped at a split and we were ready to split up for the day. “Well, it’s been lovely talking with you, Fritz.” I said, accidentally saying “lovely.” “Yea. It’s been lovely talking with you too, Riley.” Fritz replied. Oh, thank god. “I’ll see you later, Riley.” He said, giving me a little wave as he got ready to walk away. “See ya, Fritz,” I replied, walking away too in the opposite direction. He’s cute. And sweet. God. Three cute guys. How the hell would I be able to deal with that wrapped in my head. I smiled to myself as I continued my walk.

Fritz’s POV:

That guy was cute. Same with that bear, Jules. They were both really cute. Three little cute boys. How adorable. Hm. Riley seemed very sweet, almost super sweet. And he loved talking with me. That’s very nice of him. I’m actually excited for Friday now. I took a moment to think about it but, I’d love to hang out with these guys. I’d love to get to know that Jules guy more too. He seems lovely. I’ll try talking with him tomorrow during lunch. If I’m not a shy little introverted loser.

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